Two months ago I got a flu shot figuring I would be "flu free' for the season.
I had been fighting a cold on and off for about two weeks. Last Wednesday, I felt like a gorilla was sitting on my chest.I started to feel achy and really chilled to the bone. As I was about to take Mattie out for her walk she stopped and gave me the blank stare. (*the Exact stare as portrayed in the photo above)
She was reading me.
And she bit me.
She knew I was getting sick and took advantage of the situation.
My cousin's dogs are different than Mattie. When Ruby (her border collie) senses I am "off" she slows down for me. I think she could have had the potential for a job as a "service dog"
I cancelled the rest of the week with Mattie since it was nonessential. I had no choice, I was bed ridden with a full blown flu and of course, the shingles moved in again.
Nice. Oh nice, just in time for Christmas.
It is interesting how some animals react to when you are sick. just like people, some are nice and some aren't.
Unfortunately, when people are away for the holiday and you are on call to take care of their pets there are no sick days. Thankfully my husband is a true partner and helps me out in this time of need.
As I was laying on the couch bundled up in a blanket three of my birds came to roost and snuggle with me. Scizzorpoop whimpered and curled up under my chin. Fresh Baby sat in my hair.
Meanwhile, I felt someone was staring at me.
I slowly opened my swollen eyes. I heard this sneeze with a blob of snot landing on my forehead to see the pigeon looking straight at me anchored firmly on my chest with boogers dripping from one side of his beak..
It was bad enough that I am coughing and sneezing but the pigeon was doing the same thing. I wiped his boogery face and he snuggled back down snoring away.
I am at least upright right now (to at least check my email and type on the computer)but I am still dizzy, congested and achy.
I am thankful at least for a nice warm clean bed, a hot bath, my faithful birds and my loving husband.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
the annual bad gift awards
OK I admit I am bitchy but it's kind of fun being a snot.
And yes, drum roll please, it IS that time of the year for "bad gifts".
There was a internet topic on worst gifts for both men and women so I felt I had to put my "two cents in".
I thought it was pretty funny.
Most of them I had to agree with that were pretty awful. However, the worst part was from readers comments who had read the article..You had your usual cast of PIGS who basically wanted sex stuff or thought it was a 'great idea" to give their partner something sexual.
Oh boy...
Anyways, to me, this years bad choices are (at least, for women)
1. Any hair removal product. Really.
2."the trendy top" (it is for hiding that "unsightly 'muffin top' over your jeans"
3. the ahhh bra or genie bra. Seriously, they are the ugliest bras I've ever seen. I can only see wearing these bras if you had surgery because they look like bandages.
4. Appliances that you don't ask for.
I heard the funniest ad on TV lately. There was a lady yelling at her mate saying something like this, "A vacuum?!?! you got me a F**&^ing vacuum ?!?!" The guy responds by saying, "but I thought you liked to clean".
OMG! I burst out laughing.
5. Any weight loss product. Another, oh really.
6. Anything sexual. Gross.This should be a no brainer.
7. Ugly shoes (Hippy sandals, rubber shoes or "novelty slippers" such as giant pillowy Homer Simpson slippers(?)
8. Any of those "as seen on TV" products.
9. A fart machine. Seriously, have we graduated from seventh grade yet?
10. Puzzles. (?)
So there you have it. Please feel to comment ;-)
And yes, drum roll please, it IS that time of the year for "bad gifts".
There was a internet topic on worst gifts for both men and women so I felt I had to put my "two cents in".
I thought it was pretty funny.
Most of them I had to agree with that were pretty awful. However, the worst part was from readers comments who had read the article..You had your usual cast of PIGS who basically wanted sex stuff or thought it was a 'great idea" to give their partner something sexual.
Oh boy...
Anyways, to me, this years bad choices are (at least, for women)
1. Any hair removal product. Really.
2."the trendy top" (it is for hiding that "unsightly 'muffin top' over your jeans"
3. the ahhh bra or genie bra. Seriously, they are the ugliest bras I've ever seen. I can only see wearing these bras if you had surgery because they look like bandages.
4. Appliances that you don't ask for.
I heard the funniest ad on TV lately. There was a lady yelling at her mate saying something like this, "A vacuum?!?! you got me a F**&^ing vacuum ?!?!" The guy responds by saying, "but I thought you liked to clean".
OMG! I burst out laughing.
5. Any weight loss product. Another, oh really.
6. Anything sexual. Gross.This should be a no brainer.
7. Ugly shoes (Hippy sandals, rubber shoes or "novelty slippers" such as giant pillowy Homer Simpson slippers(?)
8. Any of those "as seen on TV" products.
9. A fart machine. Seriously, have we graduated from seventh grade yet?
10. Puzzles. (?)
So there you have it. Please feel to comment ;-)
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Hot tub time machine -year 1972
My cousins came over for our annual Christmas dinner and movie celebration.
They seem to like my cooking and do not mind my birds finding their way on to their shoulders for attention and a place to poop.
I made a pea-nutty Asian noodle soup, stir fried broccolini with raisins along with veggie egg-rolls. Dinner was topped off with a holiday favorite-the "Friendly" jubilee ice cream roll.
We exchanged gifts, watched a movie and as a bonus for our entertainment pleasure my cousin dug out her diary she kept from 1972 to share.
We were then transported in a hilarious time machine back to 1972.
The journal was remarkably honest, detailed (she meticulously wrote down even the price of things) and what was important to her at the time.
I was included in some of her writings as a partner in crime, literally.
We would climb up on the roof of the barn by the wooden slats she nailed up on the side. We would sneak her parents sangria and also shared our imbibements with her pet poodle as well. We delighted in scaring the crap out of the neighborhood kids. We walked everywhere embarking on some adventure.
Certainly, kids today don't do that. Everything today is an organized activity shuttled and closely monitored by helicopter parents.
There seems to be no sense of freedom or exploration or imagination for today's kids.
Probably the funniest parts of the journals were her interactions with her brothers. I won't get into details but ...oh my God...Seriously, I laughed so hard listening to these stories that I ended up looking like Tammy Faye Baker with my mascara running down my face.
What was interesting those as she is reading on I felt like something was reaching in the back of my head like digging around a forgotten dusty closet and finding an old wooden treasure box.
All those memories revived: TV shows, toys, stomping grounds, pets and friends.
And all those adventures.
I asked her if she remembered the day we decided to 'run away".
I think my uncle even dropped us off by the highway so we could 'run away".
I remember the weather as being as hot as hell (We spent the summers together). I remember lugging around (I think) a sleeping bag with a back-pack full of cans of beans (Mind you, I forgot to pack a can opener) It weighed a friggin' ton. We got tired and grouchy probably within 10 minutes of walking in the blazing sun and decided we had enough of this running away business.
I'm not sure what year this was but I am guessing around 1972.
Ahhhhh 1972!
They seem to like my cooking and do not mind my birds finding their way on to their shoulders for attention and a place to poop.
I made a pea-nutty Asian noodle soup, stir fried broccolini with raisins along with veggie egg-rolls. Dinner was topped off with a holiday favorite-the "Friendly" jubilee ice cream roll.
We exchanged gifts, watched a movie and as a bonus for our entertainment pleasure my cousin dug out her diary she kept from 1972 to share.
We were then transported in a hilarious time machine back to 1972.
The journal was remarkably honest, detailed (she meticulously wrote down even the price of things) and what was important to her at the time.
I was included in some of her writings as a partner in crime, literally.
We would climb up on the roof of the barn by the wooden slats she nailed up on the side. We would sneak her parents sangria and also shared our imbibements with her pet poodle as well. We delighted in scaring the crap out of the neighborhood kids. We walked everywhere embarking on some adventure.
Certainly, kids today don't do that. Everything today is an organized activity shuttled and closely monitored by helicopter parents.
There seems to be no sense of freedom or exploration or imagination for today's kids.
Probably the funniest parts of the journals were her interactions with her brothers. I won't get into details but ...oh my God...Seriously, I laughed so hard listening to these stories that I ended up looking like Tammy Faye Baker with my mascara running down my face.
What was interesting those as she is reading on I felt like something was reaching in the back of my head like digging around a forgotten dusty closet and finding an old wooden treasure box.
All those memories revived: TV shows, toys, stomping grounds, pets and friends.
And all those adventures.
I asked her if she remembered the day we decided to 'run away".
I think my uncle even dropped us off by the highway so we could 'run away".
I remember the weather as being as hot as hell (We spent the summers together). I remember lugging around (I think) a sleeping bag with a back-pack full of cans of beans (Mind you, I forgot to pack a can opener) It weighed a friggin' ton. We got tired and grouchy probably within 10 minutes of walking in the blazing sun and decided we had enough of this running away business.
I'm not sure what year this was but I am guessing around 1972.
Ahhhhh 1972!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
say a prayer
It is hard to think right now, never mind express words of what has been happening lately.
Yesterday, as we watched in horror the details of some 20 year old shit walking into a elementary school killing 27 people which included 20 little kids.
Twenty of the victims were six year old babies, for God's sake!
Even the President of the United States could barely hold it together in a press conference speaking about this unthinkable tragedy. He was obviously shaken by this shocking news.
It is just awful
People are searching for answers to why this has happened.
Less than a week ago, another dirt-bag opened fire on random Christmas shoppers in a Oregon Mall.
And still, only a few months ago, another maggot shot up movie goers in a crowded theater.
Sadly,the list goes on and on including about some whack-job student at Virginia tech as well as the creep that shot at a crowd of people (which included kids) aiming his aggressions on a Congress-lady.
And how about those two assholes in the DC area that were target shooting people while they were just out pumping gas?
You constantly read about random brutal senseless horrific home invasions in quiet unassuming towns.
Why is this happening?
What can be done about it?
Society seems to have imploded on itself.
I hear talk about tightening up gun control. People suggest perhaps if there was a mental health intervention these things might not have happened. I've heard talk about how people have become more disconnected from society due to over use of computers and obsessing over violent video games.
Who knows.
I don't think the answer is all that simple.
I feel very sorry for those families that have been victimized.
My prayers and thoughts go out to the victims, their families and their communities.
Yesterday, as we watched in horror the details of some 20 year old shit walking into a elementary school killing 27 people which included 20 little kids.
Twenty of the victims were six year old babies, for God's sake!
Even the President of the United States could barely hold it together in a press conference speaking about this unthinkable tragedy. He was obviously shaken by this shocking news.
It is just awful
People are searching for answers to why this has happened.
Less than a week ago, another dirt-bag opened fire on random Christmas shoppers in a Oregon Mall.
And still, only a few months ago, another maggot shot up movie goers in a crowded theater.
Sadly,the list goes on and on including about some whack-job student at Virginia tech as well as the creep that shot at a crowd of people (which included kids) aiming his aggressions on a Congress-lady.
And how about those two assholes in the DC area that were target shooting people while they were just out pumping gas?
You constantly read about random brutal senseless horrific home invasions in quiet unassuming towns.
Why is this happening?
What can be done about it?
Society seems to have imploded on itself.
I hear talk about tightening up gun control. People suggest perhaps if there was a mental health intervention these things might not have happened. I've heard talk about how people have become more disconnected from society due to over use of computers and obsessing over violent video games.
Who knows.
I don't think the answer is all that simple.
I feel very sorry for those families that have been victimized.
My prayers and thoughts go out to the victims, their families and their communities.
Friday, December 14, 2012
"Whook" Dec 13 2012
Sadly, right after I walked Mattie yesterday I found Whook at the bottom of the cage with his eyes closed.
Whook had some health issues but he basically died of old age. He was Twelve years old.
Although I was prepared that at any time he could 'go' I still feel sad.
He was our adventurous naughty talking budgie.
He would decide chat up at the most appropriate AND (inappropriate) times like the time we had the roto rooter guys clean up a backed up sewer pipe. Whook started grumbling then went on a tear saying, "Jeeeeesus Chriiiiiist! YouS TINK! Oh my God..YOU STINK! You stink you you stink
yooooou STinkkkk!"
He also seem to delight in doing "teenage boy" things to his perch especially when the few times we had company over for dinner singing gleefully while grinding on his perch.
He would fly into the living room, sit on our shoulder and say various things that suited him such as, "'re a biscuit! biscuity baskety..I loooove you!" Jesus Chaaaariiiiiiiist..
you're a F*&^ing nerd"
He would whistle to the "jailhouse" song sitting on my shoulder especially if I was dancing around.
He loved that.
He had cheated death on a few occasions. One time he flew out the door on a snowy day in April. He was retrieved four days later landing on a guy's head two miles down the street saying, "you stink!".
He loved to tease the iguanas until one time Stimpy the iguana had enough and chomped on him like Godzilla breaking blood feather. He was rushed to an emergency vet clinic at 9:00pm at night up in Nashua New Hampshire.He was a bloody mess but he survived.
Whook had seen many companion budgies come and go through his life span.He seemed especially at a loss when his first companion cute little "Dexter' died of a tumor (as with all the subsequent budgies had succumbed to as well)
I made him a coffin for his burial fit for a king. A lacquered box with a brass latch with Whook's portrait and a jeweled cross. I made him a silk pouch with a silk ribbon ornate with small crystal crosses.
Whook's send off was in style.
We will miss Whook and all of his antics.:-(
Thursday, December 13, 2012
still sticking to "the program"
* I found this photo on the internet of an obese budgie
Occasionally I fall off "the weight watchers wagon" but after sticking to the main premise of their "life style' change after two and a half years I've pretty much stayed on course.
I think for the most part, I've gotten over the insane sugar/junk food cravings. I eat the same amount of food but it is usually a bucket full of veggies instead of cookies or something junky.
I was at a very la de da party at the top of the hub recently. By 7:30pm I was pretty hungry. They had buffet stations that offered different food items.
For the most part, there was nothing I could eat. They had pork dumplings, lobster ravolis, a beef carving station and other things that were loaded with cream sauces.
I tend to stay away from salad bars in these open settings as well. I've seen people pick the veggies up, sniff them and put them back in the bowl as well as sneeze close to the open bowl.
It's nasty.
The only thing I found remotely edible was grilled root vegetables.
I placed five carrots on my plate plus a dinner roll.
I was horrified when one guy next to me in line said to me, "hey save some carrots for the rest of us!"
I was mortified.
I ignored him and walked away. Seriously, give me a F*&^ing break!
On Thanksgiving morning my 12 year old budgie Whook looked really bad. I really thought this was it for him.I thought by the time I came home from my parent's house Whook would've passed on to budgie heaven.
To my delight,he was still hanging in there. He hadn't touched his seed but when I sat down to eat a warm plate of broccoli for my bed-time snack he scooted over to the side of cage looking at me.
I cooked up some instant rice and mixed some broccoli in it. He gobbled it down. I was kind of shocked to see him eat like that because like I said he looked like he was on death's doorstep. He hadn't eaten anything for two days.
He survived the next day.
That morning, I cooked him up more rice with cooked carrots. He ate that as well. He just refused to eat the parakeet seeds.
At this point, I was cooking rice and veggies for the other birds as well in addition to their regular seed/pellets.Oddly, if I just place the rice and veggies in their cage they will not touch it unless I sit down and eat with them.For the most part, rice and veggies is my main staple.
So it looks like the birds want to be on "the program" as well. It's healthy for all of us.
As of today, December 13th Whook is still with us.
He is still weak but he still has a good appetite -for veggies and rice.
Occasionally I fall off "the weight watchers wagon" but after sticking to the main premise of their "life style' change after two and a half years I've pretty much stayed on course.
I think for the most part, I've gotten over the insane sugar/junk food cravings. I eat the same amount of food but it is usually a bucket full of veggies instead of cookies or something junky.
I was at a very la de da party at the top of the hub recently. By 7:30pm I was pretty hungry. They had buffet stations that offered different food items.
For the most part, there was nothing I could eat. They had pork dumplings, lobster ravolis, a beef carving station and other things that were loaded with cream sauces.
I tend to stay away from salad bars in these open settings as well. I've seen people pick the veggies up, sniff them and put them back in the bowl as well as sneeze close to the open bowl.
It's nasty.
The only thing I found remotely edible was grilled root vegetables.
I placed five carrots on my plate plus a dinner roll.
I was horrified when one guy next to me in line said to me, "hey save some carrots for the rest of us!"
I was mortified.
I ignored him and walked away. Seriously, give me a F*&^ing break!
On Thanksgiving morning my 12 year old budgie Whook looked really bad. I really thought this was it for him.I thought by the time I came home from my parent's house Whook would've passed on to budgie heaven.
To my delight,he was still hanging in there. He hadn't touched his seed but when I sat down to eat a warm plate of broccoli for my bed-time snack he scooted over to the side of cage looking at me.
I cooked up some instant rice and mixed some broccoli in it. He gobbled it down. I was kind of shocked to see him eat like that because like I said he looked like he was on death's doorstep. He hadn't eaten anything for two days.
He survived the next day.
That morning, I cooked him up more rice with cooked carrots. He ate that as well. He just refused to eat the parakeet seeds.
At this point, I was cooking rice and veggies for the other birds as well in addition to their regular seed/pellets.Oddly, if I just place the rice and veggies in their cage they will not touch it unless I sit down and eat with them.For the most part, rice and veggies is my main staple.
So it looks like the birds want to be on "the program" as well. It's healthy for all of us.
As of today, December 13th Whook is still with us.
He is still weak but he still has a good appetite -for veggies and rice.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
bad holiday photo moments
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Seriously, who would actually let themselves be photographed like this for a public viewing. What a minute, who would even THINK to dress up like this in the first place? |
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OK. I know I am juvenile but I found this hilarious. This looks like a stunt one of my nephews would do with the balloon. |
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I saved the best one for last. And yes, these kids are playing with what you think they are. Pads and tampons. |
The sad part is that I know if I went digging through some of my old family albums I would stumble upon a few "hall of shame" pictures as well.
That is a part of Christmas-all the funny stuff too!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
scary catfish
I just read a headline about a species of catfish that hunts pigeons by the river Tarn in France.
Those poor pigeons!
Catfish for the most part are predators.
I have a bristle nose catfish in my aquarium that eats snails. The population of snails in my tank had grown so out of control I had to add a bristle nose catfish and a clown loach to control the population.
The Amazon river boosts some of the most diverse and unusual fish species.
As pictured above is the "pralba". It is the world's largest catfish at 3M long. They have been known to tip over canoes and swallow small children on board.
The amazon also "hosts" the world smallest catfish- the candiru. This little sucker is only 2cm long (the size of the splinter)and is notorious for swimming up urethra's (yup, not just cattle but humans too) causing some serious and painful damage.
But back to the topic of this catfish hunting pigeons. You have got to wonder if this catfish has been doing this all along and a cameraman just noticed it or if it had (recently) taught itself that this was a 'food source".
Regardless, those poor pigeons!
Those poor pigeons!
Catfish for the most part are predators.
I have a bristle nose catfish in my aquarium that eats snails. The population of snails in my tank had grown so out of control I had to add a bristle nose catfish and a clown loach to control the population.
The Amazon river boosts some of the most diverse and unusual fish species.
As pictured above is the "pralba". It is the world's largest catfish at 3M long. They have been known to tip over canoes and swallow small children on board.
The amazon also "hosts" the world smallest catfish- the candiru. This little sucker is only 2cm long (the size of the splinter)and is notorious for swimming up urethra's (yup, not just cattle but humans too) causing some serious and painful damage.
But back to the topic of this catfish hunting pigeons. You have got to wonder if this catfish has been doing this all along and a cameraman just noticed it or if it had (recently) taught itself that this was a 'food source".
Regardless, those poor pigeons!
Friday, December 7, 2012
turkeys lurkin'
It must be slow day in the news room having to even comment on what "new' complaint the neurotic "babies" in the ridiculous town of Brookline have to say
The busy bodies are now complaining about wild turkeys in their yards..
I mean seriously? This is a bad thing?
These are the same type of stupid people that complain and then ban a Nativity scene in a public place because they find "it offensive".
Get a F*&^ing life, will ya?
And of course, they voted for that goof-ball Elizabeth Warren and re-elected that doofus, Deval Patrick.
( Oops..did I say that out loud?)
OK back to the subject of turkeys.
Every year we have a family of turkeys that rummage around in my back-yard. Along with my neighbor we provide a safe haven for them. I can hear them just about everyday in the morning, "OOOgh OOGH", as they forage for left over sunflower seeds under my bird feeders.
I do not know if you've ever seen turkeys in flight but it is a quite a scene.
One day my birds all went nuts when they watched a flock of turkeys flew over the street and into my yard.
Turkeys are big birds so my little cockatiels were a bit unhinged seeing these massive birds through the window landing in the driveway.
They are quite beautiful and majestic.
I cringe when I see jokes made of turkeys around Thanksgiving with cartoon motifs displaying their demise on a chopping block.
In the spring -time, it is really something special when they have babies. All baby animals are cute -even the little fluff ball turkeys with their cute little 'peep" noises.
At least I know they have a safe haven in my back-yard.
And for those nit wits in Brookline......whatever...
The busy bodies are now complaining about wild turkeys in their yards..
I mean seriously? This is a bad thing?
These are the same type of stupid people that complain and then ban a Nativity scene in a public place because they find "it offensive".
Get a F*&^ing life, will ya?
And of course, they voted for that goof-ball Elizabeth Warren and re-elected that doofus, Deval Patrick.
( Oops..did I say that out loud?)
OK back to the subject of turkeys.
Every year we have a family of turkeys that rummage around in my back-yard. Along with my neighbor we provide a safe haven for them. I can hear them just about everyday in the morning, "OOOgh OOGH", as they forage for left over sunflower seeds under my bird feeders.
I do not know if you've ever seen turkeys in flight but it is a quite a scene.
One day my birds all went nuts when they watched a flock of turkeys flew over the street and into my yard.
Turkeys are big birds so my little cockatiels were a bit unhinged seeing these massive birds through the window landing in the driveway.
They are quite beautiful and majestic.
I cringe when I see jokes made of turkeys around Thanksgiving with cartoon motifs displaying their demise on a chopping block.
In the spring -time, it is really something special when they have babies. All baby animals are cute -even the little fluff ball turkeys with their cute little 'peep" noises.
At least I know they have a safe haven in my back-yard.
And for those nit wits in Brookline......whatever...
Thursday, December 6, 2012
a shoppers critique
Hey Fox , where have you been?!
Your last blog was (still) on products that work.
I just thought I would add my (additional) two cents worth as far as product evaluation since this is a "shoppers time of year".
OK, first of all, everyone is built differently and jeans that fit one person don't work for others.
Calvin Klein jeans give me a "wedgie". They are over priced and fit terribly.
Another thing is most jeans are made in China.
Levis don't fit right on me. They make me look like a guy.
Most of the 'trendy jeans" make your fanny hang out. I hate having a draft in the back.Either that they squish you around the hips giving you a "muffin top" or "panda belly".
Seriously the best jeans on the market for the "over-30-fashionistas" is the brand "not-your-daughters-jeans" (or NYD)
They fit great and make you look skinny.
They are expensive retailing at $120.00 but I scored a pair at a consignment store last summer for $20.00 and just recently at TJMax on clearance for $29.00.
The best part is that they are made in the USA!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
"Rabenmutter' is translated in German meaning 'raven mother". However it is a term used for a "bad mother" for someone who is mean and cruel.
"Tabenmutter" is translated in German meaning "pigeon mother". This is a term used for someone who feeds and cares for pigeons. Stereotypically, this describes a elderly pensioner who sits at park benches and feeds the pigeons despite other people's disdain for them.
Hmmmmm...ah oh...
Yesterday morning I came across two sad sights on the beach.
It was dusk and I saw feathers flapping.
I stopped the car and ran to the beach front where two pigeons were run over by a car.. Their little bodies were still warm but limp.
I felt sick to my stomach.
I scooped them up and placed them on the sand to avoid further disrespect.
Was this an accident or a deliberate act of cruelty?
I didn't see the car that did this.
Could it be my fault that they got run over?
Could have somebody did it as against me or was it an accident? Perhaps the birds wait for me at dusk when their eye sight isn't as good to avoid those stupid drivers.
Regardless, I felt terrible.
"Tabenmutter" is translated in German meaning "pigeon mother". This is a term used for someone who feeds and cares for pigeons. Stereotypically, this describes a elderly pensioner who sits at park benches and feeds the pigeons despite other people's disdain for them.
Hmmmmm...ah oh...
Yesterday morning I came across two sad sights on the beach.
It was dusk and I saw feathers flapping.
I stopped the car and ran to the beach front where two pigeons were run over by a car.. Their little bodies were still warm but limp.
I felt sick to my stomach.
I scooped them up and placed them on the sand to avoid further disrespect.
Was this an accident or a deliberate act of cruelty?
I didn't see the car that did this.
Could it be my fault that they got run over?
Could have somebody did it as against me or was it an accident? Perhaps the birds wait for me at dusk when their eye sight isn't as good to avoid those stupid drivers.
Regardless, I felt terrible.
Friday, November 30, 2012
the wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 84
Yup, we still go out early morning and feed the pigeons. After I feed them it can be kind of funny because they will run after me looking for more. I look like the Pied Piper of pigeons with this herd of fifty or more pigeons running after me.
Yesterday, I had a craving for some beach pizza. After I walked Mattie I stopped by the beach for a slice of pizza. As I sat in my car (it was freezing out!) enjoying my pizza watching the waves crash on the shore I noticed a guy feeding the pigeons.The pigeons seemed to recognize this guy who worked at one of the local beach front bars..They were on his head and sitting on his hand.
I know sometimes in the morning the pigeons will jump on my arm to get the first dibs at the food.I found it refreshing that someone else cared about the pigeons too. Usually I am harassed by the "40-something-guy-who-still-lives-with-his-mother". I usually smile brightly at him and say,"hi" to diffuse the situation but he just scowls and tries to sic his dog at the birds.
He is kind of an Assh@le, really.
Just recently, I've noticed a lady taking photos of the pigeons early morning just after I feed them.I approached her and said,"I'm glad you appreciate the beauty of these pigeons!" She told me she had been observing my interaction with the birds and found it fascinating. She has been photographing me with birds and would like to share some of those photos.
Hopefully we will meet up and I will post some of those photos. :-)
Yesterday, I had a craving for some beach pizza. After I walked Mattie I stopped by the beach for a slice of pizza. As I sat in my car (it was freezing out!) enjoying my pizza watching the waves crash on the shore I noticed a guy feeding the pigeons.The pigeons seemed to recognize this guy who worked at one of the local beach front bars..They were on his head and sitting on his hand.
I know sometimes in the morning the pigeons will jump on my arm to get the first dibs at the food.I found it refreshing that someone else cared about the pigeons too. Usually I am harassed by the "40-something-guy-who-still-lives-with-his-mother". I usually smile brightly at him and say,"hi" to diffuse the situation but he just scowls and tries to sic his dog at the birds.
He is kind of an Assh@le, really.
Just recently, I've noticed a lady taking photos of the pigeons early morning just after I feed them.I approached her and said,"I'm glad you appreciate the beauty of these pigeons!" She told me she had been observing my interaction with the birds and found it fascinating. She has been photographing me with birds and would like to share some of those photos.
Hopefully we will meet up and I will post some of those photos. :-)
Thursday, November 29, 2012
I can't wait for christmas
* this is first time in a long time I've listened to a decent Christmas song. Well done Mindi Ahair!
OK is it my imagination or does the time fly by in a blur?!
It seems as though when Labor Day hits there is this shroud that starts to come down.
I start to get panicky for some reason, and depressed. I notice that my tan starts to fade. I wonder if the trees feel this way when their leaves start to turn?
And of course, when Halloween hits I resign myself that the cold weather is coming as the mornings become darker and darker.I am now feeling like compost instead of colorful leaves.
And then we are catapulted into Thanksgiving and Christmas.
The good thing about Christmas is that you are busy doing stuff.
I like picking out and sending cards. I like the glittery dress up parties. Black Friday (and shopping in general) is a sport for me. Some things aren't as fun for me anymore but that is OK I 've adapted.
I just put up a small live tree with just few ornaments. Things are different and times change but again, I'm Ok with that.
And yet,I still feel sick after the holidays are over. I don't do well in the winter. I try to brace myself for the dark, cold, biting slide into January and February-although I dread it.
Right now, I am just going to focus on fun Christmas activities enjoying those moments with friends and family.
* this is first time in a long time I've listened to a decent Christmas song. Well done Mindi Ahair!
OK is it my imagination or does the time fly by in a blur?!
It seems as though when Labor Day hits there is this shroud that starts to come down.
I start to get panicky for some reason, and depressed. I notice that my tan starts to fade. I wonder if the trees feel this way when their leaves start to turn?
And of course, when Halloween hits I resign myself that the cold weather is coming as the mornings become darker and darker.I am now feeling like compost instead of colorful leaves.
And then we are catapulted into Thanksgiving and Christmas.
The good thing about Christmas is that you are busy doing stuff.
I like picking out and sending cards. I like the glittery dress up parties. Black Friday (and shopping in general) is a sport for me. Some things aren't as fun for me anymore but that is OK I 've adapted.
I just put up a small live tree with just few ornaments. Things are different and times change but again, I'm Ok with that.
And yet,I still feel sick after the holidays are over. I don't do well in the winter. I try to brace myself for the dark, cold, biting slide into January and February-although I dread it.
Right now, I am just going to focus on fun Christmas activities enjoying those moments with friends and family.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Frankenpigeon part 7
I got a call from my vet informing the results of the cytology report that was done on the inside of the sinus cavity when the cyst fell off.
It is indeed a bacterial infection that is deep in the bone-just as we seen on a previous cytology report. The offending bacteria was klebsiella.
At least it wasn't a mycobacterium (TB)
Regardless, the medicine used should have been effective against this bacteria. I've used so many different and strong antibiotics./antifungals/antiprotozoa.
Clindamycin is the med of choice for bone infections. Craow Dum had been on this med for six weeks twice daily.. I know as far as dental abscesses in the bone this would be the drug of choice but so would surgery and debridement of the area.
The hole on his head is closing up.I clean the area with chlorahexidine and suction with a syringe to get debris and snot out.
What is troubling is that his/her eyes are bulging more, snotty stuff is still inside that gap and the bone were the nose is protruding more.
This morning, when I was cleaning around the bone bit I noticed that the bone was loose.
It will soon break off even more.
What does that mean? How far does this infection go?
I discussed the case with my vet. She thought about doing surgery to debride the offending bone but the question is how far and how deep is the bone affected? Is the entire skull involved? Surgery is really risky on so many different accounts. Other meds were suggested by folks on my pigeon chat group. Some of these meds are potentially chemically hazardous..
I've felt I've exhausted all avenues.
I am starting to think there a fine line between "doing all you can medically" and just plain torture.
*I took these photos of Craow Dum this morning.
It is indeed a bacterial infection that is deep in the bone-just as we seen on a previous cytology report. The offending bacteria was klebsiella.
At least it wasn't a mycobacterium (TB)
Regardless, the medicine used should have been effective against this bacteria. I've used so many different and strong antibiotics./antifungals/antiprotozoa.
Clindamycin is the med of choice for bone infections. Craow Dum had been on this med for six weeks twice daily.. I know as far as dental abscesses in the bone this would be the drug of choice but so would surgery and debridement of the area.
The hole on his head is closing up.I clean the area with chlorahexidine and suction with a syringe to get debris and snot out.
What is troubling is that his/her eyes are bulging more, snotty stuff is still inside that gap and the bone were the nose is protruding more.
This morning, when I was cleaning around the bone bit I noticed that the bone was loose.
It will soon break off even more.
What does that mean? How far does this infection go?
I discussed the case with my vet. She thought about doing surgery to debride the offending bone but the question is how far and how deep is the bone affected? Is the entire skull involved? Surgery is really risky on so many different accounts. Other meds were suggested by folks on my pigeon chat group. Some of these meds are potentially chemically hazardous..
I've felt I've exhausted all avenues.
I am starting to think there a fine line between "doing all you can medically" and just plain torture.
*I took these photos of Craow Dum this morning.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Gentle giants
One of my regular customer called me to inform me she just recently acquired a "new' dog.
I take care of her lovebird and turtle on a regular basis, and on occasion her elderly border collie.
She is young woman who, like Micheal J Fox, has physical challenges as a result of early onset Parkingson disease.
The "new dog" is a service dog who helps her with balance issues.
This dog, "Tommy", is a GIANT black and white Great Dane!
* the photo above is a photo I found on the internet. The dog looks exactly like the one depicted!
Let me tell you this is one BIG dog!
As with all service dogs you need to ask first if it is OK that you can pet them (or interact with them). They are service dogs and can not be distracted from what they are trained to do.
"Tommy" greeted me at the door when I came over to retrieve "Billy Bob" the lovebird for a week long stay at my" birdy-camp"
.He is a sweet friendly dog despite his gigantic size.His head is the size of a large horse's head.His paws were the size of a large man's hands.I think if you put a saddle on him you could ride him like a pony.
I think, just by his sheer size, he is a good dog to walk with. Even just for the safety factor, no one would mess with you.
The sad thing about big dogs like this is that they do not have a long lifespan. They only live for about eight years compared to small dogs which can live up to 16-18 years.
It will be interesting to see how things work out with this unusual service dog. :-)
I take care of her lovebird and turtle on a regular basis, and on occasion her elderly border collie.
She is young woman who, like Micheal J Fox, has physical challenges as a result of early onset Parkingson disease.
The "new dog" is a service dog who helps her with balance issues.
This dog, "Tommy", is a GIANT black and white Great Dane!
* the photo above is a photo I found on the internet. The dog looks exactly like the one depicted!
Let me tell you this is one BIG dog!
As with all service dogs you need to ask first if it is OK that you can pet them (or interact with them). They are service dogs and can not be distracted from what they are trained to do.
"Tommy" greeted me at the door when I came over to retrieve "Billy Bob" the lovebird for a week long stay at my" birdy-camp"
.He is a sweet friendly dog despite his gigantic size.His head is the size of a large horse's head.His paws were the size of a large man's hands.I think if you put a saddle on him you could ride him like a pony.
I think, just by his sheer size, he is a good dog to walk with. Even just for the safety factor, no one would mess with you.
The sad thing about big dogs like this is that they do not have a long lifespan. They only live for about eight years compared to small dogs which can live up to 16-18 years.
It will be interesting to see how things work out with this unusual service dog. :-)
Monday, November 26, 2012
ghost pigeon
I came across an interesting article about a guy who found a pigeon skeleton in his chimney with a note attached to his leg.Apparently this poor bird was a WWII carrier pigeon off to deliver a message to a Sergeant W Scott but never made it.I find it amazing on what I have read about how many pigeons were used and how many (human) lives depended on these brave dependable birds.
Despite of all my poor pigeon has been through with his ailments he/she still follows me around and seeks out my company. I know people roll their eyes at me thinking ,"oh for God's is just a damn pigeon',when I complain how worried I am about Craow Dum's health issues.
Seriously, I've never met a creature so loyal and so grateful.
My husband has been scanning the internet for my Christmas gift. He's not good at 'surprises" and tells me how he looks for pigeon related items for me. In his search, he told me about this Japanese DVD about a ghost pigeon. It is about a woman found a baby pigeon in a gutter after many people walked right by ignoring his cries.the pigeon was her loyal companion in this life and the next.
My husband looks at everything with "logic" and :"practicality" since he is an engineer. He also believes some things can not be explained
He believes like this person in the movie I am also the pigeon saint.
Ah yes, remember I am the patron saint of birds, fish and reptiles.
He would not have stopped and picked up the pigeon in the sewer gutter. He also found it spooky how I found a set of rosary beads UW in Bonaire.
Whook our elderly parakeet wasn't doing too well this week. I thought for sure he was a goner on wednesday. I set up a bird angel by the window. I cleaned his cage nicely, gave him special rice and broccoli and covered him for some peace. Oddly he seemed to have perked up. He is still not 100% well but he is still eating and squawking at us.
And I don't care if anyone thinks I'm nutty.....
Despite of all my poor pigeon has been through with his ailments he/she still follows me around and seeks out my company. I know people roll their eyes at me thinking ,"oh for God's is just a damn pigeon',when I complain how worried I am about Craow Dum's health issues.
Seriously, I've never met a creature so loyal and so grateful.
My husband has been scanning the internet for my Christmas gift. He's not good at 'surprises" and tells me how he looks for pigeon related items for me. In his search, he told me about this Japanese DVD about a ghost pigeon. It is about a woman found a baby pigeon in a gutter after many people walked right by ignoring his cries.the pigeon was her loyal companion in this life and the next.
My husband looks at everything with "logic" and :"practicality" since he is an engineer. He also believes some things can not be explained
He believes like this person in the movie I am also the pigeon saint.
Ah yes, remember I am the patron saint of birds, fish and reptiles.
He would not have stopped and picked up the pigeon in the sewer gutter. He also found it spooky how I found a set of rosary beads UW in Bonaire.
Whook our elderly parakeet wasn't doing too well this week. I thought for sure he was a goner on wednesday. I set up a bird angel by the window. I cleaned his cage nicely, gave him special rice and broccoli and covered him for some peace. Oddly he seemed to have perked up. He is still not 100% well but he is still eating and squawking at us.
And I don't care if anyone thinks I'm nutty.....
Sunday, November 25, 2012
A hunting we will go
Thanksgiving day was quiet and mostly uneventful.
My brother and his family spent the day at his in-laws this year.
It would just be my husband and I with my parents this year.
My mother wasn't sure if my father would even be able to get out of bed since he is falling each day.
She has been worn out and depressed caring for him .
He can not longer walk and needs a wheelchair. She is mostly worn down having to deal with his erratic, uncooperative and predictably unpredictable belligerent behavior.It is really rough to see my dad slide down this down-ward spiral and my mother bearing the brunt of living with him.
She refuses to place him in a nursing home-which I do not blame her.
That is the last thing we want to do. We want him in the comfort of his own home.However, with that being said, I worry about my mother and her health.He dismisses home health care which makes life extremely hard for my mother.
My mother,being herself, insisted on having Thanksgiving dinner at her house. She said she finds cooking "therapeutic" plus it was questionable whether or not be could get my father up out of bed. With the Grace of God, we did get my father up and at the dinner table. I talked to him about a couple of his favorite subjects : football and black friday shopping.
Even though I know shit about football I know at least some of the key players and names of some of the teams enough to carry on a simple conversation.
My expertise is, however, shopping black friday.
There is something primal about going for out for the hunt.
It's not much different from getting on a horse armed with a bow and arrow.
(Now its getting in a car armed with coupons)
And I did at one time go bow hunting.
(Don't get alarmed we ran through the woods shooting bales of hay)
I would try to jog my father's memory with black friday "hunting" stories.
"Hey Dad remember the bread maker I bought you about 20 years ago? I arrived at Ames at 5:55 am, before work, to get you that sunbeam bread-maker. Do you remember that?"
"Remember that cat blanket Ma bought me when I was sixteen? I still have it and use it!"
He would smile and shake his head.
"Yeah, last year, I was selfish and just bought myself stuff. See my JLo bag? I used a coupon PLUS it was on sale!"
He would laugh.
"Let's see the sale papers to see what is worth going out for".
I would scan the papers and show him stuff.
"Aw..this is a rip-off! They will only have two of these in stock" "This is cheap and it is a crap brand.." "Oooh this is a good deal. I'll go check it out"
Right after dinner he didn't look good and wanted to go back to bed right away.
It's just one day at a time.
My brother and his family spent the day at his in-laws this year.
It would just be my husband and I with my parents this year.
My mother wasn't sure if my father would even be able to get out of bed since he is falling each day.
She has been worn out and depressed caring for him .
He can not longer walk and needs a wheelchair. She is mostly worn down having to deal with his erratic, uncooperative and predictably unpredictable belligerent behavior.It is really rough to see my dad slide down this down-ward spiral and my mother bearing the brunt of living with him.
She refuses to place him in a nursing home-which I do not blame her.
That is the last thing we want to do. We want him in the comfort of his own home.However, with that being said, I worry about my mother and her health.He dismisses home health care which makes life extremely hard for my mother.
My mother,being herself, insisted on having Thanksgiving dinner at her house. She said she finds cooking "therapeutic" plus it was questionable whether or not be could get my father up out of bed. With the Grace of God, we did get my father up and at the dinner table. I talked to him about a couple of his favorite subjects : football and black friday shopping.
Even though I know shit about football I know at least some of the key players and names of some of the teams enough to carry on a simple conversation.
My expertise is, however, shopping black friday.
There is something primal about going for out for the hunt.
It's not much different from getting on a horse armed with a bow and arrow.
(Now its getting in a car armed with coupons)
And I did at one time go bow hunting.
(Don't get alarmed we ran through the woods shooting bales of hay)
I would try to jog my father's memory with black friday "hunting" stories.
"Hey Dad remember the bread maker I bought you about 20 years ago? I arrived at Ames at 5:55 am, before work, to get you that sunbeam bread-maker. Do you remember that?"
"Remember that cat blanket Ma bought me when I was sixteen? I still have it and use it!"
He would smile and shake his head.
"Yeah, last year, I was selfish and just bought myself stuff. See my JLo bag? I used a coupon PLUS it was on sale!"
He would laugh.
"Let's see the sale papers to see what is worth going out for".
I would scan the papers and show him stuff.
"Aw..this is a rip-off! They will only have two of these in stock" "This is cheap and it is a crap brand.." "Oooh this is a good deal. I'll go check it out"
Right after dinner he didn't look good and wanted to go back to bed right away.
It's just one day at a time.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
frankenpigeon part 6
Can you stand (at least) one more frankenpigeon story?
My vet emailed me after I sent her the graphic photos of Craow Dum's head and nodule.
I had an appointment with her this morning.
Since the hole is still open on top of Craow Dum's head the vet would have access to getting accurate mucus/ debris samples as well as tissue samples from the plaque still on the inside walls of the sinus.
I was really hoping we would see trichomonas on the samples since there was white patches all over in the sinus. This is commonly known as "canker" -which is a fairly common disease in pigeons. This way, we could set our sights on bombarding the "bugs" with pathogen specific meds rather than doing this crap shoot experimental mix of anti-fungal/bacterial/protozoa in hopes of hitting it right.
Unfortunately, no trich squiggles were present on the slides.
The vet was concerned of what she found, and prepped samples to be sent off to the lab for evaluation.
She thought it could be crytococcus-which is NOT a good thing.
In the meantime, she said to continue on with the rest of the meds (a two weeks supply) until we get the test results and to use a chlorahexadine flush to clean out the hole/sinus area.
Ah...this poor bird.
He/she is eating and carrying on normally.
Craow Dum is as happy as a clam to just cuddle up to me.(Seriously, not many people would want to do that!)
I just can't give up hope.
Not yet.
My vet emailed me after I sent her the graphic photos of Craow Dum's head and nodule.
I had an appointment with her this morning.
Since the hole is still open on top of Craow Dum's head the vet would have access to getting accurate mucus/ debris samples as well as tissue samples from the plaque still on the inside walls of the sinus.
I was really hoping we would see trichomonas on the samples since there was white patches all over in the sinus. This is commonly known as "canker" -which is a fairly common disease in pigeons. This way, we could set our sights on bombarding the "bugs" with pathogen specific meds rather than doing this crap shoot experimental mix of anti-fungal/bacterial/protozoa in hopes of hitting it right.
Unfortunately, no trich squiggles were present on the slides.
The vet was concerned of what she found, and prepped samples to be sent off to the lab for evaluation.
She thought it could be crytococcus-which is NOT a good thing.
In the meantime, she said to continue on with the rest of the meds (a two weeks supply) until we get the test results and to use a chlorahexadine flush to clean out the hole/sinus area.
Ah...this poor bird.
He/she is eating and carrying on normally.
Craow Dum is as happy as a clam to just cuddle up to me.(Seriously, not many people would want to do that!)
I just can't give up hope.
Not yet.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
frankenpigeon part 5
I thought everything would be solved at this point with Craow Dum after that nodule came off .
I've been cleaning the area where the nodule came off as well continuing on with the medicine. However, I noticed his/her eyes is still bulging and he/she still has a snotty nose.The feathers fluffed up now hide the hole. I pulled the feathers away and noticed fluid was coming out. I cleaned it up and looked inside the hole with a flashlight to see more debris, goop and ingrown feathers.I felt like I was playing the game "operation" carefully removing debris trying not to touch the rim.(Remember that game where you take tweezers to remove "the funny bone" careful not to ring the buzzer?) I was concerned about doing anything invasive since my implements aren't exactly 'sterile".
As I held the flashlight in mouth inspecting the gap on his/her head for more debris as I painstakenly removed bits. I saw inside where the wall near the bulging eye was a white plaque similar to a canker sore humans get in their mouth. I thought I could scrape it off but instead it bled. I dabbed it with a Q-tip to stop the bleeding.I felt sick thinking I could cause more harm than good.
I've been corresponding with folks all over the world on the pigeon chat line I link onto. Craow Dum has a fan club .I've even had a few people offering to help with his medical bills! (I thanked them all and respectfully declined their generous offers) It's been really amazing with all the imput I've been getting.
I sent an email to my vet to keep her updated on the ongoing saga for her own interests since this is a rather a'special case".
As I type all of this, that silly little pigeon followed me upstairs and is sitting next to me completely unfazed by his/her hole in the head and everything else.
I've been cleaning the area where the nodule came off as well continuing on with the medicine. However, I noticed his/her eyes is still bulging and he/she still has a snotty nose.The feathers fluffed up now hide the hole. I pulled the feathers away and noticed fluid was coming out. I cleaned it up and looked inside the hole with a flashlight to see more debris, goop and ingrown feathers.I felt like I was playing the game "operation" carefully removing debris trying not to touch the rim.(Remember that game where you take tweezers to remove "the funny bone" careful not to ring the buzzer?) I was concerned about doing anything invasive since my implements aren't exactly 'sterile".
As I held the flashlight in mouth inspecting the gap on his/her head for more debris as I painstakenly removed bits. I saw inside where the wall near the bulging eye was a white plaque similar to a canker sore humans get in their mouth. I thought I could scrape it off but instead it bled. I dabbed it with a Q-tip to stop the bleeding.I felt sick thinking I could cause more harm than good.
I've been corresponding with folks all over the world on the pigeon chat line I link onto. Craow Dum has a fan club .I've even had a few people offering to help with his medical bills! (I thanked them all and respectfully declined their generous offers) It's been really amazing with all the imput I've been getting.
I sent an email to my vet to keep her updated on the ongoing saga for her own interests since this is a rather a'special case".
As I type all of this, that silly little pigeon followed me upstairs and is sitting next to me completely unfazed by his/her hole in the head and everything else.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Frankenpigeon part 4
*WARNING! This is really gross!
It's been now 34 days since I started Craow Dum on this experimental four punch regiment of twice daily medication that I had to pick up at Beverly's compounding clinic.
As you can see, a nodule has grown to the point that the skin was pulling away.(first photo)
This morning, the nodule was loose. I applied warm compresses to the area and the marble sized nodule lifted off.
I almost puked.
I debrided most of the gunk off of which remained, a gaping hole.
Oddly, Craow Dum seemed unfazed with the whole ordeal. I, however, was gagging. (second photo)
As you can see the nodule.(third photo) GAG!
I have about 3 weeks remaining on the prescription so I will just carry on. I just contacted my vet so she can see what has transpired.I am hoping this will do the trick and he/she can at least be comfortable now that this "cyst' is now gone.
The question remains: what the hell is it?
It's been now 34 days since I started Craow Dum on this experimental four punch regiment of twice daily medication that I had to pick up at Beverly's compounding clinic.
As you can see, a nodule has grown to the point that the skin was pulling away.(first photo)
This morning, the nodule was loose. I applied warm compresses to the area and the marble sized nodule lifted off.
I almost puked.
I debrided most of the gunk off of which remained, a gaping hole.
Oddly, Craow Dum seemed unfazed with the whole ordeal. I, however, was gagging. (second photo)
As you can see the nodule.(third photo) GAG!
I have about 3 weeks remaining on the prescription so I will just carry on. I just contacted my vet so she can see what has transpired.I am hoping this will do the trick and he/she can at least be comfortable now that this "cyst' is now gone.
The question remains: what the hell is it?
Saturday, November 10, 2012
In an instant..your life could change forever..
When I read about all these natural (and unnatural disasters) that happen in an instant. They can change a person's life in a heart-beat. Earthquakes, tornadoes, fires, floods, hurricanes, pyschopaths, drunk drivers, collapsing bridges, and diseases, etc.. etc....All by chance.
How do you prevent things from happening ? How do you prepare yourself?
People in New York and New Jersey are still without electricity. And it's cold.
Last night, my husband and I went out to dinner down the street to celebrate our 12 year wedding anniversary When we left the restaurant, it was dark.
As we were driving down the street, I noticed a slight reflection bouncing off the darken street that looked like a shadow of a person crossing the street. I realized my husband was not slowing down and yet, he was traveling under the speed limit. Apparently he did NOT see the slow moving figure wearing dark clothing languidly crossing the street like a lumbering raccoon while looking down at his cell phone texting or whatever, completely oblivious to traffic.
I screamed, "WATCH IT! WATCH IT!"
I gasped, waiting for the thud of that idiot off the hood of the car.
At the last split second, my husband swerved missing that guy by less than an inch almost colliding into oncoming traffic on the other side.As I yanked my head to the side to see where that guy was .I noticed that he kept on walking still looking down on his cell phone completely oblivious of what was going on around him.
What the hell?!?!?
OMG what a freakin' shithead.
In a fraction of a second, that guy could have been killed.
Lives would have been changed forever.
We were both shaking after that incident.
I am still sick over what could have happened.
How do you prevent things from happening ? How do you prepare yourself?
People in New York and New Jersey are still without electricity. And it's cold.
Last night, my husband and I went out to dinner down the street to celebrate our 12 year wedding anniversary When we left the restaurant, it was dark.
As we were driving down the street, I noticed a slight reflection bouncing off the darken street that looked like a shadow of a person crossing the street. I realized my husband was not slowing down and yet, he was traveling under the speed limit. Apparently he did NOT see the slow moving figure wearing dark clothing languidly crossing the street like a lumbering raccoon while looking down at his cell phone texting or whatever, completely oblivious to traffic.
I screamed, "WATCH IT! WATCH IT!"
I gasped, waiting for the thud of that idiot off the hood of the car.
At the last split second, my husband swerved missing that guy by less than an inch almost colliding into oncoming traffic on the other side.As I yanked my head to the side to see where that guy was .I noticed that he kept on walking still looking down on his cell phone completely oblivious of what was going on around him.
What the hell?!?!?
OMG what a freakin' shithead.
In a fraction of a second, that guy could have been killed.
Lives would have been changed forever.
We were both shaking after that incident.
I am still sick over what could have happened.
Friday, November 9, 2012
post election 2012 nausea
When I was in Bonaire, I saw these images of what hurricane Sandy did to the New Jersey/New York coast. I had good reason to be scared shitless as it barreled up north.
It's been 12 days since the hurricane hit and many people in this area are still without power as well as battling gas/fuel shortages. And those were the "lucky" ones.
As you can see from the above photos many homes were devastated.
And yet, during this time, the presidential election danced on by.
Quite frankly I was disgusted with both the candidates. If they wanted to prove "leadership" they should have both united and got to work helping these folks rather than to verbally spit venom at each other. If they couldn't stop and put away their differences on a united front to get power restored, gas trucks in to deliver fuel and to give help to these folks then I fear that neither one of them would be able to deal with the nasty dictators from foreign countries.
At least former presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton pulled it together to help the Katrina victims!
Unfortunately, we are stuck with the same boob "Mr Hollywood"and his scary clown, Joe Biden.
In addition, I found the election results in Massachusetts one big stinking joke (a major disappointment)
I was especially shocked and sick, that Elizabeth Warren beat Scott Brown for senate seat. I can not believe people are that stupid.
Senator Brown was a shining star. I call myself a "Scott Brown republican" because I view and analyze both sides of an issue rather what the party tells you how to vote.
Seriously, what the hell were people thinking?
I got the same sick feeling when Deval Patrick won the governor's seat and then got re-elected.
Two freaking clown puppets.
OK I'm done ranting and raving.
God helps us.
It's been 12 days since the hurricane hit and many people in this area are still without power as well as battling gas/fuel shortages. And those were the "lucky" ones.
As you can see from the above photos many homes were devastated.
And yet, during this time, the presidential election danced on by.
Quite frankly I was disgusted with both the candidates. If they wanted to prove "leadership" they should have both united and got to work helping these folks rather than to verbally spit venom at each other. If they couldn't stop and put away their differences on a united front to get power restored, gas trucks in to deliver fuel and to give help to these folks then I fear that neither one of them would be able to deal with the nasty dictators from foreign countries.
At least former presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton pulled it together to help the Katrina victims!
Unfortunately, we are stuck with the same boob "Mr Hollywood"and his scary clown, Joe Biden.
In addition, I found the election results in Massachusetts one big stinking joke (a major disappointment)
I was especially shocked and sick, that Elizabeth Warren beat Scott Brown for senate seat. I can not believe people are that stupid.
Senator Brown was a shining star. I call myself a "Scott Brown republican" because I view and analyze both sides of an issue rather what the party tells you how to vote.
Seriously, what the hell were people thinking?
I got the same sick feeling when Deval Patrick won the governor's seat and then got re-elected.
Two freaking clown puppets.
OK I'm done ranting and raving.
God helps us.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Frankenpigeon part 3
It's been three weeks now on the massive four punch doses of medicine for Craow Dum. I have to drive all the way to Beverly to pick up his meds and it is very expensive.
My pet sitter was a life saver when I was away in Bonaire. I showed her how to administer the meds and she did it! What a releif that was to have her do this!
Craow Dum still does not seem affected one way or another by the meds. I am, however, not sure if it is having any affect.I still do not know. I keep in touch with my 'pigeon chat' folks and with a woman from Romania who has had a similar issue with her pigeon.
Craow Dum's "cyst" is, in fact, getting larger by the day. It is bursting through the top of his head (as you can see from the above photo) Fluid is leaking around it. I'm not sure if that is plasma or mucus emerging.
It is all pretty gross.
What I am hoping will happen is that the "cyst' just burst and falls off like a scab. That is what I am waiting for. As usual, I keep him/her clean and well fed.
I have enough meds prescribed to me for another three weeks.
What ever it is it is a tenacious infection mixed with a low immunity to fight infection due to the circovirus.
I am still hoping and praying for a miracle. :-)
My pet sitter was a life saver when I was away in Bonaire. I showed her how to administer the meds and she did it! What a releif that was to have her do this!
Craow Dum still does not seem affected one way or another by the meds. I am, however, not sure if it is having any affect.I still do not know. I keep in touch with my 'pigeon chat' folks and with a woman from Romania who has had a similar issue with her pigeon.
Craow Dum's "cyst" is, in fact, getting larger by the day. It is bursting through the top of his head (as you can see from the above photo) Fluid is leaking around it. I'm not sure if that is plasma or mucus emerging.
It is all pretty gross.
What I am hoping will happen is that the "cyst' just burst and falls off like a scab. That is what I am waiting for. As usual, I keep him/her clean and well fed.
I have enough meds prescribed to me for another three weeks.
What ever it is it is a tenacious infection mixed with a low immunity to fight infection due to the circovirus.
I am still hoping and praying for a miracle. :-)
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
bird watching in Bonaire
* Here is the view from the balcony at Caribbean court condos were we stayed. Off the balcony, I took this zoom photo of an oriole perched on a tree.
We managed 15 dives this year at our eleventh visit to Bonaire. Other than diving we bird watch.
We got up at the "crack" in search of amazon parrots and brown throated parakeets (Prikichi) over by the Black Durgon inn. Last year, we spotted heaps of them. Sadly, this year I could hear the sound of the brown throated parakeets but no Amazons. Not even a single one-not even up on the hills.
I spotted only a few flamingoes this year as well.
I did see plenty of cattle egrets, frigate-birds, ruddy turn stones, eared doves, ground doves, a few white-faced doves, a grey king bird, a king fisher, a bare-eye pigeon, barn swallow, tropical mockingbirds bananaquit, saffron finch, rufous- collared sparrows and at least three osprey. I also noted a trio of feral rock doves (pigeons) mulling around down-town which I had never noticed before.
I was disappointed that I didn't see (or even hear) parrots this year. I found this a bit odd.
We managed 15 dives this year at our eleventh visit to Bonaire. Other than diving we bird watch.
We got up at the "crack" in search of amazon parrots and brown throated parakeets (Prikichi) over by the Black Durgon inn. Last year, we spotted heaps of them. Sadly, this year I could hear the sound of the brown throated parakeets but no Amazons. Not even a single one-not even up on the hills.
I spotted only a few flamingoes this year as well.
I did see plenty of cattle egrets, frigate-birds, ruddy turn stones, eared doves, ground doves, a few white-faced doves, a grey king bird, a king fisher, a bare-eye pigeon, barn swallow, tropical mockingbirds bananaquit, saffron finch, rufous- collared sparrows and at least three osprey. I also noted a trio of feral rock doves (pigeons) mulling around down-town which I had never noticed before.
I was disappointed that I didn't see (or even hear) parrots this year. I found this a bit odd.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Yup, back to Bonaire
Traveling sucks, big time.
Traveling by plane is kind of like to the GYN doctor.
It's dreadful, painful and degrading, and yet I do it.
Every single time I get off the dirty plane clutching my overflowing air-sickness bag I mutter to myself, "I'm NEVER putting myself through this again!".
So why do I do it, you ask?
Because once I splash down into the waters of Bonaire I am in another world.
Nobody is bugging me now.
It's so easy to dive in Bonaire and very inexpensive.
I do the unlimited shore dive package. It cost me a mere $127.50 to dive six days to dive as much as I want and when I want.
It's great.
No dewlapping dive masters herding me around nor annoying scubas you have to wait for or to watch out for.
Over the years, I dived as all the shore dive access areas. Some are a pain-in-the-ass as far as entry. I found just a few sites at this stage in the game that I am happy to dive over and over again.And every time, I see the same familiar cast of characters as well as new stuff to keep things interesting.
One of my favorite sites is "windsock". It has an easy entrance. Not many people dive this spot for some reason. I think it is because it has an easy entrance that people dismiss it. (I think people think the harder the entry the better the dive site.Go have your rocky "Andrea II" climb) As usual , by the loading dock, I was greeted by a trio of squid. This year, I also found lionfish.
Another favorite spot is "front porch" were the tug-boat lays in about 100 feet deep.I'm sure people don't like diving here because there is a lot of debris from the old sunset hotel underwater. However, this "debris" is home to lots of critters.
I found two large octopus free swimming around. There a tons of those funny looking sea cucumbers. I find lots of morays. Even "Charlie" the tarpon made his appearance along with some "friends".Under the tug-boat at 95 feet I found at least five large lionfish. Two of them were HUGE! They were at least two feet long. I also saw two giant spiny lobsters there as well.
What I found interesting, is that despite the increase in the number of lionfish the rest of the fish population seemed healthy and unaffected by their presence
.I found this interesting because they were " the source to blame" in the serious decline of fish life in the Bahamas. Two years ago, when I went to the Bahamas the only fish I saw there were lionfish. In 1992, the Bahamian waters were teeming with fish along with giant groupers. This gives me cause to believe the problem is overfishing, not the lionfish. Did I see lionfish eating small fish?Yes. That is because that was the only fish left over. I did not see a single grouper, never mind those big beautiful giant groupers I did years ago.
This year in Bonaire "the salt pier" was open to dive again. For a few years it was closed due to "security reasons'. This site has an easy access entry. It's a nice shallow dive that you can follow the pilings so you don't get lost. I found a large group of tarpon cruising the area, plus lots of barracudas, squids and an octopus. Someone claimed they found a seahorse here as well but I couldn't find it.
Yeah, diving here is really great. We did three (close to an hour long) dives a day. We were in bed by 7:30pm dead to the world.
Will I endure another plane ride to go back down there?
Right now, I say, "no" but I've said that the last eight times I've been there. :-)
Traveling by plane is kind of like to the GYN doctor.
It's dreadful, painful and degrading, and yet I do it.
Every single time I get off the dirty plane clutching my overflowing air-sickness bag I mutter to myself, "I'm NEVER putting myself through this again!".
So why do I do it, you ask?
Because once I splash down into the waters of Bonaire I am in another world.
Nobody is bugging me now.
It's so easy to dive in Bonaire and very inexpensive.
I do the unlimited shore dive package. It cost me a mere $127.50 to dive six days to dive as much as I want and when I want.
It's great.
No dewlapping dive masters herding me around nor annoying scubas you have to wait for or to watch out for.
Over the years, I dived as all the shore dive access areas. Some are a pain-in-the-ass as far as entry. I found just a few sites at this stage in the game that I am happy to dive over and over again.And every time, I see the same familiar cast of characters as well as new stuff to keep things interesting.
One of my favorite sites is "windsock". It has an easy entrance. Not many people dive this spot for some reason. I think it is because it has an easy entrance that people dismiss it. (I think people think the harder the entry the better the dive site.Go have your rocky "Andrea II" climb) As usual , by the loading dock, I was greeted by a trio of squid. This year, I also found lionfish.
Another favorite spot is "front porch" were the tug-boat lays in about 100 feet deep.I'm sure people don't like diving here because there is a lot of debris from the old sunset hotel underwater. However, this "debris" is home to lots of critters.
I found two large octopus free swimming around. There a tons of those funny looking sea cucumbers. I find lots of morays. Even "Charlie" the tarpon made his appearance along with some "friends".Under the tug-boat at 95 feet I found at least five large lionfish. Two of them were HUGE! They were at least two feet long. I also saw two giant spiny lobsters there as well.
What I found interesting, is that despite the increase in the number of lionfish the rest of the fish population seemed healthy and unaffected by their presence
.I found this interesting because they were " the source to blame" in the serious decline of fish life in the Bahamas. Two years ago, when I went to the Bahamas the only fish I saw there were lionfish. In 1992, the Bahamian waters were teeming with fish along with giant groupers. This gives me cause to believe the problem is overfishing, not the lionfish. Did I see lionfish eating small fish?Yes. That is because that was the only fish left over. I did not see a single grouper, never mind those big beautiful giant groupers I did years ago.
This year in Bonaire "the salt pier" was open to dive again. For a few years it was closed due to "security reasons'. This site has an easy access entry. It's a nice shallow dive that you can follow the pilings so you don't get lost. I found a large group of tarpon cruising the area, plus lots of barracudas, squids and an octopus. Someone claimed they found a seahorse here as well but I couldn't find it.
Yeah, diving here is really great. We did three (close to an hour long) dives a day. We were in bed by 7:30pm dead to the world.
Will I endure another plane ride to go back down there?
Right now, I say, "no" but I've said that the last eight times I've been there. :-)
Sunday, November 4, 2012
the saints go marching by....
* this photo makes me sad. This is photo of Twillinger when she was just a baby.
I had booked a diving trip to Bonaire.
I was in a major panic about traveling there for a number of reasons:
1) The pigeon was in the middle of her medicine regiment. I wasn't sure if the pet sitter or anyone else could administer the meds while I was away.I didn't want to stop the process.
2) I hate leaving my birds. Period!
Twillinger wasn't looking too good despite her 10 day stint of meds. She had a "mass" in her lower abdomen. An x-ray showed a broken egg in her ovary area.
3) A nasty hurricane named "Frankenstorm" was expected to rip through the New England coast-line around Halloween.God knows what kind of damage it could bring.
I had seriously considered just chucking the trip-even that morning_but friends and family urged me to go..
My pet sitter came over to see what needed to be done for the pigeon and administered the meds like a pro.I told her I would stay in contact with her,( if I decided to still go on the trip), to check the pigeon and weather situation.
We ended up going.
However, as I soon as I arrived, I panicked and wanted to go back home.
I checked my emails to check on the situation back home and to see if I could get a flight back home ASAP.
My pet sitter informed me that she found Twillinger dead at the bottom of the cage.
I freaked out.
Apparently the "mass" had grown.
I knew she was a bit "off" but I was still disgusted with myself that I had opted to go on vacation instead of just staying home
There was nothing I could do but to "try" to relax and just make the best of my trip.
I watched the weather closely and contacted friends and family of the situation.
I was horrified to see what was happening to New York and the New Jersey shoreline. I had imagined the worst back home.
No roof, high floods, evacuations, no power, the pet sitter unable to get to my birds, criminal looting and possible snow.
I was making myself crazy.
I was thinking of all these things while diving choking back tears.
As I was diving I spotted something stuck between two rocks.
It was a purple rosary!
I kid you not!
A pair of purple rosary beads just laying there on the coral.
I picked them up and placed them around my neck.
They gave me an instant calm.
Everything turned out to be A-OK.
The pigeon was fine. No damage to the house just a power outage for just a few hours. Everything was under control.
I was able to at least enjoy the remainder of my trip.
The saints were watching me.
I had booked a diving trip to Bonaire.
I was in a major panic about traveling there for a number of reasons:
1) The pigeon was in the middle of her medicine regiment. I wasn't sure if the pet sitter or anyone else could administer the meds while I was away.I didn't want to stop the process.
2) I hate leaving my birds. Period!
Twillinger wasn't looking too good despite her 10 day stint of meds. She had a "mass" in her lower abdomen. An x-ray showed a broken egg in her ovary area.
3) A nasty hurricane named "Frankenstorm" was expected to rip through the New England coast-line around Halloween.God knows what kind of damage it could bring.
I had seriously considered just chucking the trip-even that morning_but friends and family urged me to go..
My pet sitter came over to see what needed to be done for the pigeon and administered the meds like a pro.I told her I would stay in contact with her,( if I decided to still go on the trip), to check the pigeon and weather situation.
We ended up going.
However, as I soon as I arrived, I panicked and wanted to go back home.
I checked my emails to check on the situation back home and to see if I could get a flight back home ASAP.
My pet sitter informed me that she found Twillinger dead at the bottom of the cage.
I freaked out.
Apparently the "mass" had grown.
I knew she was a bit "off" but I was still disgusted with myself that I had opted to go on vacation instead of just staying home
There was nothing I could do but to "try" to relax and just make the best of my trip.
I watched the weather closely and contacted friends and family of the situation.
I was horrified to see what was happening to New York and the New Jersey shoreline. I had imagined the worst back home.
No roof, high floods, evacuations, no power, the pet sitter unable to get to my birds, criminal looting and possible snow.
I was making myself crazy.
I was thinking of all these things while diving choking back tears.
As I was diving I spotted something stuck between two rocks.
It was a purple rosary!
I kid you not!
A pair of purple rosary beads just laying there on the coral.
I picked them up and placed them around my neck.
They gave me an instant calm.
Everything turned out to be A-OK.
The pigeon was fine. No damage to the house just a power outage for just a few hours. Everything was under control.
I was able to at least enjoy the remainder of my trip.
The saints were watching me.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Eric & Twillinger
* Here is photo I took of "Eric". He looks cute but he is a major trouble-maker.
Five months ago when I went to the dentist, I came back with not only a tooth-brush but a budgie (parakeet)
The hygienist had this budgie as a pet but since she had a new baby she no longer had the time to give to the bird so he ended up with me.
I figured since Smitty had recently passed away Twillinger would be happy to have a"new friend".
Eric" had been caged up his whole life so this new found freedom of having out-of-cage time was new and exciting for him.
He grew stronger and unfortunately, more aggressive.
He started to beat up his chubby cage-mate Twillinger.
Eric also delighted in buzzing and challenging the male cockatiels as well. He would relentlessly get in both Linus and Patches faces aggravating the crap out of them. I would hear squabbling and screaming. They would chase him away but he would come right back at them.
I ended up having to take Twillinger to the vet. (oh yes, another expense) She had something going on. The vet suspected she had broken egg in her abdomen due to possibly Eric's aggressive advances. She is on medicine and rest by herself, but he seeks her out to bully her around. He even managed to squeeze through the bars of a cage to get at her. I heard her scream and promptly kicked him out.
Honestly you would never believe such a tiny little bird could be so much trouble!
Five months ago when I went to the dentist, I came back with not only a tooth-brush but a budgie (parakeet)
The hygienist had this budgie as a pet but since she had a new baby she no longer had the time to give to the bird so he ended up with me.
I figured since Smitty had recently passed away Twillinger would be happy to have a"new friend".
Eric" had been caged up his whole life so this new found freedom of having out-of-cage time was new and exciting for him.
He grew stronger and unfortunately, more aggressive.
He started to beat up his chubby cage-mate Twillinger.
Eric also delighted in buzzing and challenging the male cockatiels as well. He would relentlessly get in both Linus and Patches faces aggravating the crap out of them. I would hear squabbling and screaming. They would chase him away but he would come right back at them.
I ended up having to take Twillinger to the vet. (oh yes, another expense) She had something going on. The vet suspected she had broken egg in her abdomen due to possibly Eric's aggressive advances. She is on medicine and rest by herself, but he seeks her out to bully her around. He even managed to squeeze through the bars of a cage to get at her. I heard her scream and promptly kicked him out.
Honestly you would never believe such a tiny little bird could be so much trouble!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
frankenpigeon part 3
Well I just picked up all the meds we will try on Craow Dum in a last ditch effort. I had to go to three different places to get the meds since some of them were special ordered and compounded.
1) Metacam 100ml
.01ml given twice a day for three days and once a day for 14 days .
This is a standard anti-inflammatory liquid "aspirin' like med that I picked up at the vet office.
2) flucanozole 10mg/ml
.3ml twice a day for 30 days
This is an anti-fungal med that I had to get at CVS. This stuff was wicked expensive.
3) tinidazole 100mg/ml 3 ml
.08ml twice a day for 30 days
This is an specialized anti-protozoa med similar to metronnidazole that is commonly used but stronger.
I had to special order this one as well as the other meds following this at a specialty compounding drug store.
4)clindamycin 100mg/ml 5 ml
.15ml twice a day for 30 days
Potent anti-bacterial geared for bone infection
5) levofloxacin 50mg/ml 2.5ml
.06ml twice a day for 30 days
Another strong anti-biotic. This was hard to find. this one is also unstable which means it degrades quickly so you can't store it for more than a week.
I just gave Craow Dum her first round of meds. She did OK so long as I went very slowly using the syringe from the compounding company. This caused a flood of snot to come out of her nose. I am guessing this is a good thing.
We shall see if this works as suggested from a lady who appeared to have the same issue with her pigeon.(as I wrote about on the past Frankenpigeon posts) I have been back and forth with corresponding to her about details. She suspected that her pigeon when she found him had circovirus although she never had him tested because all the treatment she had used on him did not work until she tried this 5 bang combination.
We shall see
1) Metacam 100ml
.01ml given twice a day for three days and once a day for 14 days .
This is a standard anti-inflammatory liquid "aspirin' like med that I picked up at the vet office.
2) flucanozole 10mg/ml
.3ml twice a day for 30 days
This is an anti-fungal med that I had to get at CVS. This stuff was wicked expensive.
3) tinidazole 100mg/ml 3 ml
.08ml twice a day for 30 days
This is an specialized anti-protozoa med similar to metronnidazole that is commonly used but stronger.
I had to special order this one as well as the other meds following this at a specialty compounding drug store.
4)clindamycin 100mg/ml 5 ml
.15ml twice a day for 30 days
Potent anti-bacterial geared for bone infection
5) levofloxacin 50mg/ml 2.5ml
.06ml twice a day for 30 days
Another strong anti-biotic. This was hard to find. this one is also unstable which means it degrades quickly so you can't store it for more than a week.
I just gave Craow Dum her first round of meds. She did OK so long as I went very slowly using the syringe from the compounding company. This caused a flood of snot to come out of her nose. I am guessing this is a good thing.
We shall see if this works as suggested from a lady who appeared to have the same issue with her pigeon.(as I wrote about on the past Frankenpigeon posts) I have been back and forth with corresponding to her about details. She suspected that her pigeon when she found him had circovirus although she never had him tested because all the treatment she had used on him did not work until she tried this 5 bang combination.
We shall see
Monday, October 15, 2012
crap TV
God, this season's TV shows really SUCK.
I saw an ad for a new show called "Animal Practice". I thought this would be a hit since it centered on a vet office rather than your usual cop or hospital dramas.Well, it turned out it's suppose to be a "comedy' with a resident monkey as the main character.
The show is a major disappointment.
It's not funny nor imaginative. When a monkey is the main star of the show then you know it's going to be stupid as hell.
I couldn't even sit through one of the shows because it was so lame.
It seems like most of the other shows are singing and dancing contests.
It makes me cringe to think that so many people feel their" big dream" is to be 'a performer". It's a sad state of American values.
A few other shows center around so called 'cute' or precocious babies. BOOOOOOORRRRRRING!
I couldn't even stand to look at the commercial of the show "Ben & Kate".
Dude, go to a dentist and get your teeth fixed and buy some decent clothes other than those ugly ass plaid shirts while you are at it.
The so called comedies are stupid with 90% of their jokes involving sex stuff. No imagination with cheap shot jokes.
Last season, there was a really cool show on called "Terranova". It was a sci-fi drama involving dinosaurs and a new world. Hey, at least the guys were good looking and the girls were tough. That show ended unfortunately.It was fun, cool and imaginative.
So far, the only decent shows on your standard channels is "Shark tank" and "Grimm"".
"Grimm" is weird but imaginative.
"Shark Tank" is at least educational in what can make or break a business venture.
I'll watch some cable shows at my parent's house that is on the Discovery channel or on Animal Planet.
Those shows are worth watching.
I saw an ad for a new show called "Animal Practice". I thought this would be a hit since it centered on a vet office rather than your usual cop or hospital dramas.Well, it turned out it's suppose to be a "comedy' with a resident monkey as the main character.
The show is a major disappointment.
It's not funny nor imaginative. When a monkey is the main star of the show then you know it's going to be stupid as hell.
I couldn't even sit through one of the shows because it was so lame.
It seems like most of the other shows are singing and dancing contests.
It makes me cringe to think that so many people feel their" big dream" is to be 'a performer". It's a sad state of American values.
A few other shows center around so called 'cute' or precocious babies. BOOOOOOORRRRRRING!
I couldn't even stand to look at the commercial of the show "Ben & Kate".
Dude, go to a dentist and get your teeth fixed and buy some decent clothes other than those ugly ass plaid shirts while you are at it.
The so called comedies are stupid with 90% of their jokes involving sex stuff. No imagination with cheap shot jokes.
Last season, there was a really cool show on called "Terranova". It was a sci-fi drama involving dinosaurs and a new world. Hey, at least the guys were good looking and the girls were tough. That show ended unfortunately.It was fun, cool and imaginative.
So far, the only decent shows on your standard channels is "Shark tank" and "Grimm"".
"Grimm" is weird but imaginative.
"Shark Tank" is at least educational in what can make or break a business venture.
I'll watch some cable shows at my parent's house that is on the Discovery channel or on Animal Planet.
Those shows are worth watching.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
All of politics is a bloodsport
I can't help while watching political ads and debates envisioning a scene from the movie "Bloodsport' or from "the Hunger Games" where two strangers are thrown into a arena to fight each other to the death-mostly for public entertainment .
It's nasty.
And it's not mud slinging anymore it has stepped up to major shit slinging.
"Good Morning America" personality George Stephanopolis coined this phase 'all of politics is a blood sport".
And he ought to know.
He used to work for former governor (and former presidential contender) Micheal Dukakis. I can remember George as young guy following Governor Dukakis around like a Jack Russell when I interned at the State Houseas an aide in the 80's.
A few days ago, I turned on the vice presidential debate to watch.
I didn't know much about Paul Ryan or too much about Joe Biden either , except for a few of his verbal gaffes . Regardless, I wanted to keep an open mind to see what each of them had to say.
Oh my God.
I was cringing as I watched Joe Biden.
He reminded me of a creepy uncle or"family friend".
You know the kind when you are 13 years old that rubs your back and thinks it is "all in good fun" to snap your bra strap? Ick
He is a f*cking creep.
With that obnoxious condescending smirk and those snotty dismissive remarks.
And this jerk is a heart-beat from the presidency!?!?
I tried listening to what he said but all that came out of his mouth was bullsh*t and and excuses.
I watch the Brown and Warren senate debates as well. Warren is definitely fighting against the wrong guy.
Scott Brown, in my opinion, is what a politician should be.
I label myself as a "Scott Brown Republican" because he is open minded and weighs issues out.
If Warren is so keen, as she pretends to be, for "the little guy" then she should go up against Kerry instead.
OK folks, put on your rain-coats because it is only October and we have one more month of shit flinging.
It's nasty.
And it's not mud slinging anymore it has stepped up to major shit slinging.
"Good Morning America" personality George Stephanopolis coined this phase 'all of politics is a blood sport".
And he ought to know.
He used to work for former governor (and former presidential contender) Micheal Dukakis. I can remember George as young guy following Governor Dukakis around like a Jack Russell when I interned at the State Houseas an aide in the 80's.
A few days ago, I turned on the vice presidential debate to watch.
I didn't know much about Paul Ryan or too much about Joe Biden either , except for a few of his verbal gaffes . Regardless, I wanted to keep an open mind to see what each of them had to say.
Oh my God.
I was cringing as I watched Joe Biden.
He reminded me of a creepy uncle or"family friend".
You know the kind when you are 13 years old that rubs your back and thinks it is "all in good fun" to snap your bra strap? Ick
He is a f*cking creep.
With that obnoxious condescending smirk and those snotty dismissive remarks.
And this jerk is a heart-beat from the presidency!?!?
I tried listening to what he said but all that came out of his mouth was bullsh*t and and excuses.
I watch the Brown and Warren senate debates as well. Warren is definitely fighting against the wrong guy.
Scott Brown, in my opinion, is what a politician should be.
I label myself as a "Scott Brown Republican" because he is open minded and weighs issues out.
If Warren is so keen, as she pretends to be, for "the little guy" then she should go up against Kerry instead.
OK folks, put on your rain-coats because it is only October and we have one more month of shit flinging.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Oh No! Another Mattie adventure!
*I found this photo on the internet. It looks just like that naughty little Jack Russell I walk!
The rain had stopped so I was looking forward to a nice long leisurely walk with Mattie.
I waited til she did her first poop before I called my cousin on my cell phone so I could pick the poop up and deposit it in the proper receptacle without a problem.
Famous last words.
No soon as I called my cousin, Mattie squatted down to drop another one. As I struggled to cradle the phone to my ear to avoid dropping it and, at the same time, pick up the fresh turd with a bagged hand the little brat started to pull on her leash. This caused me to drop my phone and for the turd to swing out the bag.
Honestly, I think she does this on purpose.
Once I regained control in order to get the poop bagged up and to finish my conversation with my cousin Mattie started to yank again.
As I was chatting, I looked around to try to figure out what was making her tug so fiercely.
I saw nothing out of the ordinary.
And then, YAAAAANK! She got free of her collar and took off up the street.
I ended my conversation with my cousin with hurried, "oh shit! I gotta go.Mattie got out of her collar!"
Since my cousin has dogs I knew she would understand my urgency to get off the phone.
As I bolted after her, I slipped in something mushy.
I just about landed on my fanny.
Looking down at what could be the slippery mess I realized I had stepped on a dead mouse.
It's guts exploded all over my pant leg on impact."Oh Shiiiiiiiiit! gaaag! Grooosssssss!"
Mattie turned around and ran back over to me delighting in the "new' smells on my leg now.
She looked up me smiling pleased with the day's adventure wagging her tail as if to say, "sooo where's my treat?"
Oh that Mattie!
The rain had stopped so I was looking forward to a nice long leisurely walk with Mattie.
I waited til she did her first poop before I called my cousin on my cell phone so I could pick the poop up and deposit it in the proper receptacle without a problem.
Famous last words.
No soon as I called my cousin, Mattie squatted down to drop another one. As I struggled to cradle the phone to my ear to avoid dropping it and, at the same time, pick up the fresh turd with a bagged hand the little brat started to pull on her leash. This caused me to drop my phone and for the turd to swing out the bag.
Honestly, I think she does this on purpose.
Once I regained control in order to get the poop bagged up and to finish my conversation with my cousin Mattie started to yank again.
As I was chatting, I looked around to try to figure out what was making her tug so fiercely.
I saw nothing out of the ordinary.
And then, YAAAAANK! She got free of her collar and took off up the street.
I ended my conversation with my cousin with hurried, "oh shit! I gotta go.Mattie got out of her collar!"
Since my cousin has dogs I knew she would understand my urgency to get off the phone.
As I bolted after her, I slipped in something mushy.
I just about landed on my fanny.
Looking down at what could be the slippery mess I realized I had stepped on a dead mouse.
It's guts exploded all over my pant leg on impact."Oh Shiiiiiiiiit! gaaag! Grooosssssss!"
Mattie turned around and ran back over to me delighting in the "new' smells on my leg now.
She looked up me smiling pleased with the day's adventure wagging her tail as if to say, "sooo where's my treat?"
Oh that Mattie!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Frankenpigeon Part 2
* These photos above are from a person in Romania that shared with me of her pigeon.
Her pigeon had a chronic sinus infection similar to Craow Dum with a deformed beak.
She told me the meds used used and in what combination. She used it for over a months time.The bird is recovering now.
"Hope" always makes me desperate.
And I am desperate right now.
If there is any fragment of hope to save my pigeon I will pursue it.
I looked over my vet records to see what was given. The meds are similar but still not the same. These ones are stronger. The antibiotic meds she used are levofloxacin (similar to baytril) with clindamycin as well as an antiprotozoa tinidazole (similar to metronidazole) plus antifungal fluconazole. From experience, similar meds react differently to each subject.( I personally react to Zomig rather than to Amerge which is similar.)
I emailed my vet with this new information as well as another vet for a second opinion.
Monday, October 8, 2012
After diving yesterday, I did my usual evening chores of cleaning up the bird's cages/perches/dishes, feeding them as well as washing the pigeon's face/nose of debris.
Sadly, each day I can visibly see the lump on his head over her eye expanding. She can barely close his eye. She looks just awful.
As the bit of bone left from his corroded beak is getting more and more mushy. As I was cleaning her face of booger I noticed a spot on her head pulled away from the feathers. It was a white crater similar to a canker sore you would get in your mouth. I cleaned it off with saline solution.I would assume it must be painful.
You are probably wondering why I just don't take this poor wretched creature to the vet for 'the final visit".
It is because she doesn't seemed to be bothered by it.
She has a great appetite. Her poop is a picture perfect nugget. She follows me around like a dog and seeks me out for a cuddle.
My husband and I discussed the matter of what to do.
It is heart-breaking to see this kind little sweetie looking so hideous, ravaged by this incurable disease. I've contacted my vet as well as a pigeon vet in Australia, and other pigeon fanciers on their thoughts and ideas.
It seems to come down to the same conclusion.
Keep her clean and comfortable. When the time comes when she isn't eating and seems to be in pain then I will have to make a decision on what to do to ease her suffering.
This really sucks.
Sadly, each day I can visibly see the lump on his head over her eye expanding. She can barely close his eye. She looks just awful.
As the bit of bone left from his corroded beak is getting more and more mushy. As I was cleaning her face of booger I noticed a spot on her head pulled away from the feathers. It was a white crater similar to a canker sore you would get in your mouth. I cleaned it off with saline solution.I would assume it must be painful.
You are probably wondering why I just don't take this poor wretched creature to the vet for 'the final visit".
It is because she doesn't seemed to be bothered by it.
She has a great appetite. Her poop is a picture perfect nugget. She follows me around like a dog and seeks me out for a cuddle.
My husband and I discussed the matter of what to do.
It is heart-breaking to see this kind little sweetie looking so hideous, ravaged by this incurable disease. I've contacted my vet as well as a pigeon vet in Australia, and other pigeon fanciers on their thoughts and ideas.
It seems to come down to the same conclusion.
Keep her clean and comfortable. When the time comes when she isn't eating and seems to be in pain then I will have to make a decision on what to do to ease her suffering.
This really sucks.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
dive #878 October 7 2012
Dive #878 October 7 2012
It is remarkable how the weather, wind, light and temperature changes right after Labor day.
A few weekend dives had been cancelled due to lousy weather conditions. Although today was predicted to be cold ( in the upper 40s) at least it would be dry.
We had Fred, Chris and Pete running the show. Alan H, and two new guys, Dennis and Bob, getting their end of season dives in.
Since the wind was blowing out from the north we headed south. We ended up tucked in behind Kettle Island.
I jumped in for my "end of season" dive. As Pete would say, the water was "a bit brisk".
I got a temp reading of 47F at 40 feet. Pete got a reading of about 45F at 50 feet.
The viz was a decent 25-30 feet with a bit of comb jellies and "whale snot" to make it interesting. I found it to be a bit dark due to overcast skies.
I tried staying under the boat but a current pushed me out a bit. I saw a few large lobsters and schools of small cunners.
The cold water felt good on my head but my hands were completely numb so I bowed out of the second dive at Egg rock.
I was shivering.
I traded a "John Wayne" sandwich for a nice juicy red apple with Alan. The green apples I brought with me were inedible. They are really really sour so I was pleased with my trade. I thought I would be hungry enough being on the boat all day that I would eat it regardless. (My sister, however, prefers these green apples over any other kind)
. Nope, I took a few bites of one and they were just too sour and tough. I'll just stick to cooking those sour green apples instead.(My husband brings them home from work so I have a huge pile of them.)
We made it back to dock without any incident..
I have to say, it was a decent day .
I hate to see the season end.
It is remarkable how the weather, wind, light and temperature changes right after Labor day.
A few weekend dives had been cancelled due to lousy weather conditions. Although today was predicted to be cold ( in the upper 40s) at least it would be dry.
We had Fred, Chris and Pete running the show. Alan H, and two new guys, Dennis and Bob, getting their end of season dives in.
Since the wind was blowing out from the north we headed south. We ended up tucked in behind Kettle Island.
I jumped in for my "end of season" dive. As Pete would say, the water was "a bit brisk".
I got a temp reading of 47F at 40 feet. Pete got a reading of about 45F at 50 feet.
The viz was a decent 25-30 feet with a bit of comb jellies and "whale snot" to make it interesting. I found it to be a bit dark due to overcast skies.
I tried staying under the boat but a current pushed me out a bit. I saw a few large lobsters and schools of small cunners.
The cold water felt good on my head but my hands were completely numb so I bowed out of the second dive at Egg rock.
I was shivering.
I traded a "John Wayne" sandwich for a nice juicy red apple with Alan. The green apples I brought with me were inedible. They are really really sour so I was pleased with my trade. I thought I would be hungry enough being on the boat all day that I would eat it regardless. (My sister, however, prefers these green apples over any other kind)
. Nope, I took a few bites of one and they were just too sour and tough. I'll just stick to cooking those sour green apples instead.(My husband brings them home from work so I have a huge pile of them.)
We made it back to dock without any incident..
I have to say, it was a decent day .
I hate to see the season end.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
the wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 83
My Husband cracks me up.
For my birthday he bought me a 3 disk set of DVDs on pigeons. It shows the history of pigeons in religion, how they were used in war-time, racing pigeon stories, a pigeon museum in Germany and all kinds of quirky oddities relating to pigeons.He also bought me a book on pigeons as well.
We are both pigeon crazy.
Last week I took Craow Dum to the vet for any and all last ditch efforts to possibly do something in regards to the bump on her head that is growing. My vet consulted with pigeon vets in Georgia for advice on this case-especially what to do about the rotting beak and bulging sinus's.
We did a mucus swab and blood test for the circovirus.
Circovirus in pigeons is basically "pigeon AIDS". It attacks the immune system and rots the beak. Baby and juvenile pigeons contract this from God knows where.Secondary infections move in and they can't fight it. They generally die within a month. There is no cure.
The vet called me this morning with the results.
She tested positive for the virus.
In some way, I am relieve with hearing the results. At least now, I know I've done everything possible and nothing is over looked.
The vet was amazed Craow Dum had lived this long and we now knows why all the antibiotics used couldn't knock out the bacterial infection.
This virus is exclusive to pigeons so my other birds are safe.
Oddly, the pigeon doesn't seem all that bothered.She is happy eating, pooping and sleeping on my lap.
She even watched the senate debate on TV last night with me..
She sneezed a big blob of snot on the TV screen when Elizabeth Warren ranted on.
I am guessing Craow Dum has more of a Republican leaning. :-O
For my birthday he bought me a 3 disk set of DVDs on pigeons. It shows the history of pigeons in religion, how they were used in war-time, racing pigeon stories, a pigeon museum in Germany and all kinds of quirky oddities relating to pigeons.He also bought me a book on pigeons as well.
We are both pigeon crazy.
Last week I took Craow Dum to the vet for any and all last ditch efforts to possibly do something in regards to the bump on her head that is growing. My vet consulted with pigeon vets in Georgia for advice on this case-especially what to do about the rotting beak and bulging sinus's.
We did a mucus swab and blood test for the circovirus.
Circovirus in pigeons is basically "pigeon AIDS". It attacks the immune system and rots the beak. Baby and juvenile pigeons contract this from God knows where.Secondary infections move in and they can't fight it. They generally die within a month. There is no cure.
The vet called me this morning with the results.
She tested positive for the virus.
In some way, I am relieve with hearing the results. At least now, I know I've done everything possible and nothing is over looked.
The vet was amazed Craow Dum had lived this long and we now knows why all the antibiotics used couldn't knock out the bacterial infection.
This virus is exclusive to pigeons so my other birds are safe.
Oddly, the pigeon doesn't seem all that bothered.She is happy eating, pooping and sleeping on my lap.
She even watched the senate debate on TV last night with me..
She sneezed a big blob of snot on the TV screen when Elizabeth Warren ranted on.
I am guessing Craow Dum has more of a Republican leaning. :-O
Sunday, September 30, 2012
the pigeon went to church
Oct 3rd is St. Francis's day.
Most of the churches in my area of all denominations hold a'blessing of the Animals" service.
Last week the Orthodox Greek church held a service as well as two Episcopal churches.
This morning the Unitarian Universalist church held service.
I had been sick for that last few days so I had no energy to do much of anything. However, my dear husband volunteered to take me to the service with the pigeon.
Yes, you read that right.
I went to church with the pigeon.
I called my cousin to see if she was interested in attending the service with her dogs as well.
It was kind of funny seeing all kinds of people attending service with their animals.
Most people there took their dogs. One kid brought his guinea pig. I have to say, the dogs and their people were well behaved and attentive.
A few people brought pictures of their departed pets for a blessing as well.
Craow Dum enjoyed the service. I think she really liked the hymns. After an hour or so being stuck in her carrier, she was getting a bit restless and was bustin'-a-move cooing and twirling.
The same was said for my cousin's dogs, "Jackie" (her elderly pom) and "Cuddles" (her deaf cocker spaniel). Cuddles took it one step further and starting rummaging through an unsuspecting seated church-goers purse for potential treats (or even tissue paper to chew).
The benediction is as followed,"Gracious Creator,
Hear and bless
Thy beasts and singing birds
And guard with tenderness
Small things that have no words"
And so, yes, the pigeon went to church and was blessed by the minister.
Most of the churches in my area of all denominations hold a'blessing of the Animals" service.
Last week the Orthodox Greek church held a service as well as two Episcopal churches.
This morning the Unitarian Universalist church held service.
I had been sick for that last few days so I had no energy to do much of anything. However, my dear husband volunteered to take me to the service with the pigeon.
Yes, you read that right.
I went to church with the pigeon.
I called my cousin to see if she was interested in attending the service with her dogs as well.
It was kind of funny seeing all kinds of people attending service with their animals.
Most people there took their dogs. One kid brought his guinea pig. I have to say, the dogs and their people were well behaved and attentive.
A few people brought pictures of their departed pets for a blessing as well.
Craow Dum enjoyed the service. I think she really liked the hymns. After an hour or so being stuck in her carrier, she was getting a bit restless and was bustin'-a-move cooing and twirling.
The same was said for my cousin's dogs, "Jackie" (her elderly pom) and "Cuddles" (her deaf cocker spaniel). Cuddles took it one step further and starting rummaging through an unsuspecting seated church-goers purse for potential treats (or even tissue paper to chew).
The benediction is as followed,"Gracious Creator,
Hear and bless
Thy beasts and singing birds
And guard with tenderness
Small things that have no words"
And so, yes, the pigeon went to church and was blessed by the minister.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Tim Burton has nailed it on the head in the movie "Beetlejuice"
The RMV is purgatory.
Purgatory is the RMV.
Hurry up and f*&^ing wait.
And come back, again, you need.......this and this, and THIS!
The worse part about getting a new car is having to go to the RMV to register it.
Every single time.
I mean every single friggin' time I never have all the "proper" information" needed" to complete the process.
I always have to come back at least one more time.
It is one big pain-in-the-ass-waste-of-time thing you have to do.
That is, if you do 'the right thing" and play by the rules.
But "they" do not make it easy for you.
It is no wonder I see so many people on the police blotter blog that are pulled over for being unregistered and uninsured. The system makes it horrible for those of us suckers who go by the rules and regulations.
When I registered my father's truck, I was sent back close to four times for nonsense! One "lady" says you need this and when you go back again and see a different lady they tell you, "oh you don't need that".
It's pure torture.
Have you ever noticed that All the ladies at the registry either look like "Mimi' (from the Drew Carey show) or like Rosanne Barr (with the "personality" to match) screaming "NEEEEEEXT!".
Oh My God.
It is awful.
I picture purgatory as the waiting area in the RMV. You wait and wait, and WAIT. AND then when you are finally called, you have to go out and get something else to complete the process. It's never a one shot deal. Maybe in my case, I would be issued a 'special purgatory ticket" that would require me to make amends with people I've dissed or maybe I would have to bring a nickle to the drug-store where I stole the bubble-gum when I was six years old.
Who knows.
You don't know until you reach that counter window.
The RMV is purgatory.
Purgatory is the RMV.
Hurry up and f*&^ing wait.
And come back, again, you need.......this and this, and THIS!
The worse part about getting a new car is having to go to the RMV to register it.
Every single time.
I mean every single friggin' time I never have all the "proper" information" needed" to complete the process.
I always have to come back at least one more time.
It is one big pain-in-the-ass-waste-of-time thing you have to do.
That is, if you do 'the right thing" and play by the rules.
But "they" do not make it easy for you.
It is no wonder I see so many people on the police blotter blog that are pulled over for being unregistered and uninsured. The system makes it horrible for those of us suckers who go by the rules and regulations.
When I registered my father's truck, I was sent back close to four times for nonsense! One "lady" says you need this and when you go back again and see a different lady they tell you, "oh you don't need that".
It's pure torture.
Have you ever noticed that All the ladies at the registry either look like "Mimi' (from the Drew Carey show) or like Rosanne Barr (with the "personality" to match) screaming "NEEEEEEXT!".
Oh My God.
It is awful.
I picture purgatory as the waiting area in the RMV. You wait and wait, and WAIT. AND then when you are finally called, you have to go out and get something else to complete the process. It's never a one shot deal. Maybe in my case, I would be issued a 'special purgatory ticket" that would require me to make amends with people I've dissed or maybe I would have to bring a nickle to the drug-store where I stole the bubble-gum when I was six years old.
Who knows.
You don't know until you reach that counter window.
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