Monday, October 15, 2012

crap TV

God, this season's TV shows really SUCK.
I saw an ad for a new show called "Animal Practice". I thought this would be a hit since it centered on a vet office rather than your usual cop or hospital dramas.Well, it turned out it's suppose to be a "comedy' with a resident monkey as the main character.
The show is a major disappointment.
It's not funny nor imaginative. When a monkey is the main star of the show then you know it's going to be stupid as hell.
I couldn't even sit through one of the shows because it was so lame.
It seems like most of the other shows are singing and dancing contests.
 It makes me cringe to think that so many people feel their" big dream" is to be 'a performer". It's a sad state of American values.
A few other shows center around so called  'cute' or precocious babies. BOOOOOOORRRRRRING!
I couldn't even stand to look at the commercial of the show "Ben & Kate".
Dude, go to a dentist and get your teeth fixed and buy some decent clothes other than those ugly ass plaid shirts while you are at it.
The so called comedies are stupid with 90% of their jokes involving sex stuff. No imagination with cheap shot jokes.
Last season, there was a really cool show on called "Terranova". It was a sci-fi drama involving dinosaurs and a new world. Hey, at least the guys were good looking and the girls were tough. That show ended unfortunately.It was fun, cool and imaginative.
So far, the only decent shows on your standard channels is "Shark tank" and "Grimm"".
"Grimm" is weird but imaginative.
"Shark Tank" is at least educational in what can make or break a business venture.
I'll watch some cable shows at my parent's house that is on the Discovery channel or on Animal Planet.
Those shows are worth watching.

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