Tuesday, February 28, 2012

the wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 57

I just got a call from the vet regarding Craow Dum's histology report. It appears that the bone is infected with some sort of osteopathic bacteria. No sign of pox or virus but a nasty bone eating bacteria.
It is suggested, again, that the beak has had an injury and then a bacteria set up shop, so to speak.
I will be picking up a prescription for Craow Dum which consists of a) clindamycin
(an antibiotic specifically for bone infections) and b) enrofloxacin (a broad spectrum antibiotic).
It is a two punch regiment.
He will be on it THREE times a day (every 8 hours) for a MONTH!
Boy, he is reeeeallly going to hate me now!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

the wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 56

I dared to venture out to visit and say "hello' to my scuba dive buddies this weekend.
I kind of feel like the groundhog poking my head out to see sunshine for the first time all year. I haven't felt well for at least a month. This is typical for me this time of year. I always feel shitty for the months of December to March.
At least I was out and about thinking of friendly summery thoughts. It is really nice to see my pals and talk about fun scuba stuff.
My birds were patiently awaiting my arrival home.
Craow Dum (the pigeon)was basking in the sun snoring loudly.
Linus (male cockatiel) was doing his darnest to sneak into Lucille's cage for a some "afternoon delight". (He refuses to stay in his cage) Eddie was doing her best to prevent this sort of antics by screaming at him.
Whook was chatting up a storm reciting new words he heard repeating. "Don't just stand there! Bust-a-move!" Louie was twirling his head and growling, demanding that his sunflower seeds be replenished ASAP. Both lutino cockatiels were dancing around awaiting their turn to come out of their cages for "shoulder perching time". Patches was whistling to the tune of "Winchester Cathedral". I let everyone out, changed their food/water and cleaned up their messes.
After I got everyone back in order, I went upstairs to wash my face.
I then heard this grunting noise, I turned around, looked down and there was the pigeon staring up at me!
He climbed up the stairs and was looking for me.
He followed me into the bedroom, jumped up on the bed and cooed loudly as if to say,"can I snuggle up with you?" I picked him up and took him downstairs to his place on the couch.
Three cockatiels were already milling around on the couch wanting me to sit with them and (with hopeful anticipation) make them air popped popcorn.
Now you know why it is hard to leave the house for the entire day! :-P

* the above photo is Craow Dum on the top of the stairs!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

the wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 55

* The above photos show Craow Dum at one month old and now, at 6 months old.

I took Craow Dum to the avian surgeon yesterday.
He was "the talk of the town".
All the vets in the office came in the operatory to take a look at Craow Dum with his horrific missing beak. "Can he eat?" "Did he crash into a wall?" "How long has he been like this?" "He is lucky to have you".
I explained to the vet how and what he eats (50/50 dove seed and Harrison's pellets) filled to the top of the bowl. He tilts his head to the side to eat. Also his daily hygiene regiment of twice weekly baths, daily foot washes and daily face washes (booger and debris removal)
He appeared overall to be in good health. The beak, however, was fractured off to expose bare bone. Also his tongue was exposed but there was no sign of apparent infection. The tip of his beak had been crumbling off since day one. It broke off completely while he was just grooming his feathers.
The big question is, and has been, "why and how did this happen?".
I suggested and queried that I thought it was pigeon pox contracted when he was born but he did not show any other signs of the pox on any other part of his body.
Although it was a rather expensive test the vet suggested sending the fractured beak tip off for a complete histology evaluation. This would determine if the bone was eaten by pox, cancer, fungus or bacteria. And of course, nothing may show up which means it was necrotic from an accident.
The main reason for submitting to the test is to make sure nothing is pathological that is spreading to the bone further in his skull. Nothing so far, appears to be inflammatory or infectious. I am doing everything "right" so far by keeping him clean, groomed, well fed and healthy.
I will find out the in-depth results from the culture in about 3 weeks.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

the wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 54

Craow Dum doesn't seem to be bothered by his (now) completely missing upper beak. He is still eating and carrying on. I have a vet appointment for him today so I will fill you in later of his results.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

the wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 53

I just took this photo this afternoon, as you can see Craow Dum's maxilla beak is gone.

This a photo of Craow Dum taken about two months ago. He still has some of his top beak although it was fracturing off bit by bit.

Here is a photo of Craow Dum at about 2-3 months old. His beak was rotten but he still had 3/4th of it.

Poor Craow Dum.

He endured his morning routine of having his feet washed and his nares (nose) cleaned of seeds and debris. I put him in his cage so I could go do an errand.
When I came back his entire upper beak (what was left of it) fell off on top of his sleepy blanket. Not that the remaining beak that was there helped him eat or groom but the bald face broken nothingness that causes his tongue to hang out and his nares to drip mucus, stares at you.
He looks just awful.
I filled his food dish and water dish up to the top to see if he could still eat and drink on his own.
Slowly, even with difficulty, he still could feed and drink by himself.
Oddly, he doesn't seem act any differently. He wanted his spot on the couch and had a 'bust-a-move' tantrum when the other birds were milling around on "his" spot tearing up the sunday paper.
The portion of the beak that splintered off looked and felt like wood rather than bone. There was a bit of sponginess to it. I think at this point it might be time to bring him to the vet for a check up and evaluation. Hopefully, so long as he still can eat on his own he'll be OK.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

New years resolutions..sticking with it..

I've been pretty good about using the trampoline.
I use it about five times a week for 30-45 minutes at a time. This was one of those 'investments" that was so worth it AND I use it religiously. It is low impact and makes no noise. I think it helps with this fibromyglia business (or shingles virus) because it helps stretch (and firm) the muscles and relax the nerves. I generally feel better afterwards . I jog and stretch my arms while on it.
I am hoping it will firm up my butt (see photo above)
I only take the ovega (vegan omega-3) pill once a week. Mostly because I either forget to take it or some days I feel kind of nauseous so I avoid taking it. Hey, once a week , I think, is better than nothing at all.
I (kind of) vowed not to buy any more shoes this year although I did buy one tiny little pair of ankle boots on a SUPER CLEARANCE to save for a 'just in case I need them for a snowy crappy day".
I think I am doing pretty good other than that.
As far as trying not to be a shit-head I think I've been pretty good about holding my tongue. It's a real effort but I think I'm doing OK.
One thing that really annoys the crap out of me is when you go out with people and someone will comment on what you eat. Seriously, do you really need a "food sheriff"(?) to make comments like, "wow..you eat alot!" "you know , that has a lot of calories" "I'm surprised you don't have a big fat ass by how much (fill in the blank) you eat !"
I just smile, grit my teeth and carry on.
I think I am (still) doing alright. I still haven't had a cookie or a donut or a muffin for almost two years.
Well that is it for now, I gotta go walk Mattie.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

black clouds

Argh...I've been plagued big time by a non-stop barrage of migraines and fibromyglia.
"Tis the season.
It's f *&^ing exhausting.
I'm asked by people to participate in some activity or asked to travel somewhere just the thought of just having to get up some days is a daunting task never mind having to have to go anywhere. I don't even drive anymore than I absolutely have to anymore either. Driving is exhausting. Thank God my husband is willing to drive me places that are at any distances.
Because of the predictable unpredictabilities of these afflictions I find myself avoiding any and all commitments. Sure, I look healthy and fit but the reality is that I am not all that well.It is so annoying to hear people tell me that they do this, this and this as if I am magically able to do the same or that I should be . Or even worse, when I am told that I must be just lazy.
I have learned and made peace with myself with the things I can do and things that, well, just aren't as important to me anymore. I take things one step at a time. I am happy to be home with my birds.
A few days ago, I decided to paint and clean up the bathroom downstairs. Of course, I pushed myself to finish it and ended up being sick for two days. For a "normal' person this would not have been a big deal. Taking care of my birds on a routine schedule is more of a priority for me above anything else so if nothing else, I make sure they are taken care of.
Yesterday"Eddie" must have known I felt shitty. She cuddled up to me and did not want to let go.The same with "Button". "Patches", however, was attention seeking. He is like an over tired brat not getting his way because he screamed continuously at night. He needs his routine attention AND to be covered up ready for bed by 7:00pm or earlier, or else he is a holy terror. And of course, "Craow Dum" has to have his "TV time" on the couch too.
Well that is all for today. I am dragging my ass and I am grouchy.
I have a date with the birds and the couch.

Monday, February 13, 2012

the wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 52

The weather this year has been unseasonably mild.
Believe me, I'm not complaining.
Last year was the worst winter I can ever remember. The nonstop combination of snow, ice, and freezing temps. It was unrelenting. By this time last year we had close to 80 inches of snow compared to this year of a little over 7 inches. I was also physically sick for the most of 2011.
I did, however, my best to get to the beach and feed the pigeons. The winter and the spring must have done a number of the pigeons. This year is an entire new flock of pigeons.
Not only do I not recognize any of them but they are not used to the morning feeding routines like the former ones did.
For Valentine's day, my husband bought me a rather rare out of print book, "The Public Life of the Street Pigeon" by British ornithologist Eric Simms.The book describes his day to day observations of the street pigeons of London.
The pigeons you see are not wild birds but are "feral" domesticated rock doves. They were at one time raised and used by people years ago and then released. Just think of feral cats. Cats were not originally from here. At some time ago they (or more likely their parents or grandparents or great grandparents) were somebody's pet. This goes the same for pigeons. They were used (and abused) and later discarded. I guess I should not be too surprised at how tame and "people-friendly" my pigeon is.
He had recently discovered how to climb the stairs up to the upstairs bedrooms. You walk out of the room and there he is staring up at you as if to say, "hi! Did ya miss me?"
I took my father out to celebrate Valentine's day on sunday. I got home late in the afternoon. The pigeon was not happy. He was twirling around "busting-a-move" with a loud trilling gurgle expressing his displeasure. Once I opened his pen, he ran over to the couch and hopped up onto his spot on the fleece blanket. He'll also 'bark' at me when his food dish isn't filled all the way up to the top. He will also purr with contentment when he sits on my lap.
Yes, I am talking about my pigeon not a cat!

Friday, February 10, 2012

valentine's day!

Some people get so friggin' weird and touchy when it comes to Valentine's Day.
I don't really understand why.
Maybe they equate this day solely as a" romantic passionate day" that you have to have an intimate partner. Or maybe just the opposite, you have somebody in your life but they continually disappoint you with their self absorbed attitude that Valentine's day is just a Hallmark holiday. Seriously? (I say "dump the chump" or "ditch the bitch")
Oh come on!
To me, it is a "friendship" holiday.
It's an excuse to let your friends know that you "like' them.
I send valentine's to my girlfriends. I buy gifts for my parents.
When I was single I was happy to get a valentine from my parents. I know some people would be dismissive of this because they would feel it doesn't count because it wasn't from a lover.
It's no wonder they sulk on February 14th.
My friendships have lasted waaaaaaay longer than any hot and heavy romantic encounter.
I am still close to my childhood friends.
I am talking friendships that I have lasted almost a half a century.
I will admit I kind of cringe when I see ads for so called "romantic gifts" such as fuzzy hand-cuffs, thongs and K-Y jelly products. EeeeeeeeW!
(I don't think shit like that is romantic. I think it is just GROSS!)
My husband is not a big flower-buying-type-of-guy or an expensive jewelry type either.
He will surprise me with little thoughtful gifts that I find as super special. One year he bought me sneakers with cockatiel pictures on them. Christmas time he bought me a little toy stuffed pigeon. I know he had to do some research in order to find these things.We've been with each other long enough to know what will put a little smile on our faces. I sometimes call him "Dagwood"(from the comic strip "Blondie") because he is a happy little clam when I make his favorite food dish. We have a lasting friendship because we "get" each other.
To all my pals out there, have a happy valentine's day! :-)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

pride and prejudice part 3

Can you stand any more pig stories?
One of the funniest stories I heard was from a my long time pal of 45 years.
She was working as an appraiser.
Mortgage companies hire appraisers to revaluate their homes for either equity loans or refinancing.
She had commented on some of the homes she has appraised describing beautiful architectural designs, wood work detailing and homes with gorgeous historical restorations.
She had also been in homes that are in dire need of repairs.
She walked into one home that needed some serious updating but that wasn't what shocked her.
As soon as she opened the door to the house she was blasted with an ungodly stench. It was so overpowering that her eyes watered. The floor was littered with feces. Cats were running all over the place. But what was staring at her was an enormous pig in the kitchen. This 'house' was not in the country side but situated right smack in the middle of a busy city.
She was horrified.
She tried to hold her breath in order not to breath in the putrid stench but it was impossible.
She finished up the job and went straight home to wash the smell off. She was in such a hurry she hastily threw everything in the washing machine-including her wallet.
When she told me the story, she described the huge pig with such horror- and digust.
Of course, I laughed my ass off when she told me about her 'adventure".

A former co-worker of mine was a country farm girl from upper state New York. Her family raised farm animals and had apple orchards. She would fondly tell me about her life on the farm. Although it was a live stock farm where the pigs were raised and sent off to slaughter she had a soft spot for one of the piglets she affectionately named "miss piggy". She would sneak this piglet to her bedroom at night and sleep with it. Of course, I grimaced and joked that 'this may not be the last pig you sleep with". She was a very devout Christian girl and kind of looked at me confused.

Many years ago, I spent time at a martial arts boot camp on Bear Island. People with high ranking had the better cabins. This meant that they had heat and inside toilets in their cabins. Some of us with low rank had the unheated cabins with out-houses (AND dangling spiders). Ranking also influenced the location of your cabin. Since I was of low rank my cabin was near the pig pen. There were two pigs named "George" and "Micheal" (after the presidential candidates in 1988). The job of the pigs was to eat any left over garbage from the mess hall. Needless to say, down-wind, the stench and the flies were awful.
After camp was complete we were all invited back to the island.
For a pig roast.
I didn't go.

So there you have it. Hopefully, the last of the pig encounters.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

pride and prejudice part 2

As author Andrew D. Belchman describes them as..."most revered and reviled bird".
People find them either as invisible or as " rats with wings".
The funny part is whenever I tell people I have a pigeon as a pet their eyes widen with fascination and curiosity.
Again, there is this certain prejudice that lies with pigeons.
I had a easy day yesterday so I spent my time with my birds.
I am happiest when I'm with my birds.
Everyone was out of their cages flying around. Oh sure, they were making a mess. Either they were pooping somewhere, ripping up the newspaper or splashing around in the water filled brownie pan on the table.
"Craow Dum" loves to take a bath. After he takes a bath all the other birds get interested in splashing around as well. Since he is missing most of his beak he can not groom his feather's properly so I have to towel him off and clean his face. He is like a booger-nose kid. Oddly, he does'nt mind me wiping his nares (nose). He is very meticulous when it comes to grooming. This completely refutes the fact that they are 'dirty animals".
After he is dried and cleaned he finds his spot on the couch (or my lap) for an afternoon snooze.
I sometimes forget he is "just a pigeon". I am reminded of that fact whenever anyone comes over my house and sees him. People all seem to have the same reaction. They are amazed that anyone would have pigeon for a pet. It is, indeed, a curiosity.
My husband finds the beauty in these birds( like me) and will often remark, "oh see those two (pigeons) up there? They are beautiful ones!" Even on cold and stormy days we will do our best to make sure the beach pigeons get fed.
When I've "chatted" online with other bird enthusiasts. I find folks from Australia view free flying native cockatoos as pests. I can not imagine seeing those beautiful birds as pests but then again I am a "pigeon hugger" too! I think ALL birds are perfect and beautiful!

* above photo is Craow Dum taking a bath with Fresh Baby overseeing the task.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

pride and prejudice

Ok I'll admit it.
I'm prejudice.
I don't like monkeys and pigs.
I think monkeys are ill mannered, x-rated and scary aggressive. I've seen them bend over and shoot shit out with precise accuracy at people at zoos. They have no problem exposing themselves either.
Being called a pig , I feel, is the worst insult.
I'd rather be called the "C" word than being called a pig. The"C" word is just one thing: a dirty private part whereas being called a pig is a plethora of insults.
Being called a pig is saying that you are: fat, smelly, dirty, sloppy, greedy, slutty, rude, gluttonous, and nasty.
I've driven by restaurants with signs depicting pigs with chef hats on it as if this is to somewhat entice you into into the restaurant. To me, you are either a pig to eat in this restaurant because of the abundance of food and calories, or the chef serving you is a dirty sloppy pig, or the main dish is pork and for some twisted reasoning a picture of a pig is portrayed to stimulate your appetite.
About 15 years or so, I went to to Amish country on a motorcycle tour. One of the stops was at a Amish family's working farm. It was a hot humid day and the smells were overwhelming. In one barn there was this absolutely enormous sow with a bunch of little piglets nursing. It was like an obscene train wreck. I couldn't stop staring. This pig needed to wear at least five (or six) size DD bras. There was pig poop everywhere and the pigs were laying in it. The stench of urine burnt your eyes.
I'll never forget it.
According the the Chinese horoscope, my in-laws told me cheerfully that I was born the year of the pig. They said this was" a good year to be born" and that "pigs" are gentle and nice.
I cringed.
I felt completely put off and insulted.
My husband tried to explain (or convince me) that this was something "good". I calmly looked him in the eye and said otherwise. Oddly, he was born the year of the monkey, the other dirty animal.
My friend who lives up in Maine gives me animal story books for Christmas and my birthday. We both love books about animals. This is one common bond we have with our love for nature and reading.
Last Christmas she gave me one of Sy Montgomery's books. I've already read "Birdology" and "The great Kakapoo rescue" from this author. This year, she gave me the book "the good good Pig". I was hoping by reading this book I would lose my prejudice against pigs.
I did enjoy reading this book. Sy Montgomery is a wonderful writer. "Chris" (the name of the pig in the book ) was very cute as a runt piglet in the photos. However, I was still grossed out by the sheer size of this creature as it grew to maturity (He weighed over 700 LBS.) And how much and what he ate.
With this all said and done, I am completely horrified at how these creatures are used as food and how horribly mistreated they are in factory farms.
No creature, what so ever, should be mistreated EVER!

Monday, February 6, 2012

supaaaah bowl!

Last night was the super bowl football game.
It was the NE Patriots against the NY Giants.
I am not a football fan what- so- ever. Matter of fact, I am glad the super bowl was finally here because that means I don't have to hear about football for the rest of the season.
With that being said, I am captivated by how many people support and anxiously await the super bowl game. For the past two weeks, I've seen more people than not: men, women and kids wearing football sweaters, hats and jackets. I've seen signs and various displays on people's lawns and vehicles proudly showing their support for their home team. The super bowl is Christmas for these football fans.
People not only watch the game for THE game but the entire entertainment venue. This includes the sports talk discussions, the funny commercials and the half time show.
And of course, my husband watched the game. The birds joined him as well. "Princess" was uninterested and promptly fell asleep. "Fresh Baby", however, squawked and raised her wings up high whenever there was an exciting play (on either team).'"Craow Dum" was busy 'busting a move". He finally hunkered down and watched the game. He likes football. "Linus" was singing so loudly it was hard to hear anything. Sometimes I miss phone calls because of his serenades.
I read the sunday paper. I was checking out the commercials (they were all lame) and awaited the half time show which featured Madonna. 8:00pm was the half time show.
At the stroke of 8:00, the TV got all scrambled and the screen turned black. My husband and I looked at each other and simultaneously screamed ,"F*CK!!!"
We ran downstairs and turned on the TV there to watch the show and the rest of the game.
Madonna looked fab! I looooved her boots! All was well for the time being.
With one minute left of the game with the Patriots leading the same thing happened to the downstairs TV as the upstairs TV. I was nodding off to sleep to be loudly awoken by the sounds of, "Oh SHIT! SHIT!SHIT! SHIIIIIIT!"
The screen scrambled and turned black. Any kind of transmission interference causes us to lose TV reception. He raced to find a radio to at least listen to the end results.
Just in case you didn't watch or listen to the game : the Giants won 21-17

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Midnight in Paris

The other day I saw a pretty decent movie,"Midnight in Paris".
It was one of those movies with a "transported back in time" theme.
Think of "Back to the Future", "Hot tub time Machine" and Elvira's movie macabre (1984) "Blood Bath"- except for this was classier.
The main character, Owen Wilson, as a writer, longed to be back in"the golden age"( the 1920's) in Paris. At the stroke of midnight he was having cocktails with FScott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway and Salvador Dali. There was something that was so rich and appealing about this movie. Maybe it was the costumes, the scenery or just the state of mind that was created.
I could almost taste a hot melted chocolate drink and the feel of stiffly starched blouse along with soft custom leather boots. You could almost smell the crisp cedar from the fireplace along with a soft lingering sweet scent of a pipe.
Would I want to be back in time?
No, but it was fun to fantasize about it, at least for a little while.
I kind of want to go to Paris now.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

weird dream

* WARNING! Some of the contents of this posting may be juvenile and vulgar to readers!

Every once in awhile I will have very vivid and odd dreams that seem to come out of nowhere. Maybe because I was watching the news that spurred on this particular dream.

I had a dream that I was presidential front runner Mitt Romney's, PR agent.
Mitt Romney had a terrible gas problem.
My job was to cover it up so that the press wouldn't find out about it and embarrass him.
(I've had numerous 'shit jobs"in real life so this wasn't really a stretch)
I brought along a big ugly bull-dog on the campaign so he could "blame the dog".
I know ...I know...this is bad!
I thought to myself, why is God's name would I even dream about something like this?!?!?
And then it occurred to me.
I had often said that I thought Mitt was a decent Governor. He did every thing right except for implementing a "mandatory health care insurance" mandate.
This is such a flawed and hurried stupid law!
If you are self employed, unemployed or can't get health care insurance from a company you work for you are then screwed big time financially! It is almost impossible to qualify for the insurance plan the state so call provides. For example, a close friend of mine who collects unemployment does not qualify for the state insurance because the amount of money she receives in unemployment exceeds the maximum amount to qualify! What a scam!
So most of her money she collects in unemployment goes to paying for private health insurance which is now a mandated requirement in the state of Massachusetts. The choice of not having insurance for a period of time, which could mean a year or so in hopes she didn't need it until she found a job that offered insurance, was not really an option. You are fined for opting out of having insurance.(I think it is a $2,000.00 fine)
I do not think Romney clearly thought this proposal out. I think he wanted to make his mark in Massachusetts as the first governor to propose a health insurance plan but instead he left Massachusetts with a mess.
I would joke to my friend about his sudden departure saying, "it was like he farted and left the room".
Maybe that is why I had this silly dream.