Wednesday, June 2, 2010

the Wild pigeons of Salisbury Beach part 10

I am finally crawling out of the zomig haze. I feel a little better but then it boomerangs right back. I am trying to manage it the best I can. It is slowly lifting.
Regardless, I haven't fallen off the WW wagon. It's been two weeks now and I managed to lose another pound. Even though my body was screaming for a coffee cake muffin and DD chai I refused to give in. I must have eaten at least 10 pounds of strawberries lately as compensation.
I finally got out to do a little jogging this morning. I've missed jogging and even scuba diving on the weekend because I felt so shitty. The pigeons, however, were all waiting for me at the beach. Even Brownie was there! Brownie's coloring looked more vibrant. Brownie appeared to be more of an auburn color as if he or she had been to the pigeon beauty parlor. I think a healthy dose of sunshine enhances their coloring like it does us.
There was tons of half eaten pizza crusts, fried doe and french fries all over the place but it seems the pigeons prefer seeds. Although Craow Dum was unsuccessful in his nest making endeavor I saw a pigeon fly over and under the "Sea Glass" restaurant pilings with a beak full of straw building a cozy nest. I got a little nervous for that pigeon because at super high tides that nest could be under water. I noticed there were at least two nests built under there.
The bird watcher report in the Newburyport paper reported that the house finches seemed to have disappeared. Well, I think they all migrated to my house. I have quite few house finches posted at my feeders. The full sized fledglings squawk at their parents for food even though they perch themselves on the feeders. I have to fill the feeders twice a day because of the amount of finch and nuthatch traffic that passes by. I clean the feeders out often too so that fungus doesn't grow. The birds can get really sick from fungal growth and can pass it along .
Today's paper reported two successful bald eagle hatch -lings are thriving. The chicks are doing well so far.
It is nice to hear a bit of good news for a change.


  1. Is that a picture of Brownie? If so, he/she's bee-yoo-tee-full.

  2. Glad you're feeling better. Keep up the good work on WW. I'm back on track now that I'm home. I have become great friends with mini-shredded wheat and soy milk. The strawberries here are out of this world. Enough so, that they keep me from dreaming about chocolate cake!
