Monday, June 7, 2010

week 3 on WW

Ok it has been three weeks since I've been on 'the program".
This morning I jumped on the scale and lost another two pounds. It's odd because I eat more often and obsess about my daily 'menu".
But it is working and that is what I have to do.
The bottom line is I haven't eaten any donuts or drank any chai for three weeks, reduced the amount of oil in my cooking and carefully planned dinners and lunches according to low fat specifications. I have eaten so many strawberries that I am beginning to sprout green leaves on the top of my head.
Last week was the big test for me.
June 4th was 'free donut' day at dunkin donuts.
I didn't even stop in to just look.
Last weekend, I took a class at the Ipswich sportsmen's club and they had free coffee and donuts. I did have a cup of coffee but I turned my back on the donuts.
The donuts were singing their little tantalizing song to me but I ignored them and ate my apple instead.
So far so good, I have 5 more pounds to go.
"Helpful healthy foods' keeping me on the straight and narrow are: seltzer water, strawberries, spinache, fat free cool whip, skinny cow ice cream sandwiches, "happy chicken' eggs, low sodium soup and tea.

*And yes, that is the Madonna and child munching on donuts in the above picture.

1 comment:

  1. You are a paragon of dieting success, V. I'm so glad it's working for you. That picture is great. Now I know why the stuff is so tantalizing. It's virtous, pious, and sin-free. Just like the folk in the picture.
