Jeeze, I woke up blindsided by a nasty migraine. People will say to me, 'oh did you eat something you shouldn't have?" "Oh it is probably the weather"or "what did you do to cause it?"
People seem to think I must have done something for one to occur.
Give me a F*&^%ing break.
They just happen.
I try to take it easy but it is difficult when you have responsibilities like a job to attend to. Luckily my schedule lately has been OK, not too crazy, plus it was cool and drizzly yesterday.
That's a good thing.
At least for me.
My birds are a big comfort for me.
Yes, they are brats and can do irritating things like poop all over me, chew the cabinets, nip my neck and bicker amongst themselves. But they also love to snuggle up to me when I'm resting with an ice pack on my head.
Linus will find this an opportunity when I'm not monitoring him to sneak in a bonk or two with Lucille. He is getting sneakier and sneakier by not making too much noise now. Usually you'll hear this raucous, "EEEH EEEH EHEEH!" I will rush in to break them up (because I don't want any baby cockatiels!) Now it's more of a whispering , "eehp eehp!"
Yesterday, I heard Linus who was very vocal, "YAAAP YAAAP YAAAP!" which meant he just announced that Lucille laid an egg. He is very proud with his wings spread letting everyone know about the blessed event. Louie joined in with the happy chorus while Eddie sulked making a snotty "blaahk " noise. Whook ran over and monitored the event standing guard outside Linus and Lucille cage.
I took the egg out and replaced it with four fakes eggs. I can usually fool Linus with this trick but this time the jig was up. He just looked at me with that look as if to say, "are you kidding me? Where's my egg?" He kicked those eggs aside and barked at me. The next day Lucille laid another egg. I left them alone. I try my best to prevent Lucille from laying eggs because her body is getting old and fragile but it seems that biological nature due to daylight and temperature overrules.
Eddie and Button preferred my company resting in a cool dark room with me. When they got bored they flew out to the bird room to see if they were missing anything exciting.
Smitty and Twillinger (I call them the "buzzards") were squawking alarm calls causing all the birds to scatter and fly around. They can be big trouble makers. They do this just for the"fun"of it. Sometimes I have to lock them in their cages because they send the other birds in a panic.
I just want to lay down and rest.
Is that too much to ask? HA!
I'm so sorry that you suffer from such a debilitating condition. I wish there was something that would make it go away permanently. Hope you are feeling better.