Thursday, June 10, 2010

Attleboro poodle story

I enjoy the show "animal cops" where animal abusers are brought to justice. The sad part is that there is enough material (animal abuse crimes) out there to contribute into making a TV show.
Yesterday on the news one story specifically caught my eye regarding a abandoned poodle. "Little Orphan Annie"(as she was named) was found sick, filthy and left to die on the side of route 1A in Attleboro.
This dog was so matted with skanky fur that black mold was growing on it. This overgrowth and filth caused the dogs eyes to be infected and closed. Not only that, the dog was was crippled due to the fur binding her legs together so that she couldn't walk.
The previous "owners" must of had enough of her and chucked her out on the side of the road to die.
A kind person saw the dog while driving by and took her to the poodle rescue of New England to seek badly needed veterinary care.
The good news is the dog was cleaned up through surgical removal of his natty fur, given the needed medication and is on her way to recovery.
You got to wonder what this dogs previous 'owner's were like.
I saw a similar story about a severely matted cocker spaniel on "animal cops". Neighbors reported neglect of this dog to the ASCPA. The owner seemed mentally incapacitated and needed some personal hygiene intervention as well. The apartment was a filthy rotten pig pen filled with trash.The owner was clueless. However, I think in this poodle's case the fact that this dog was deliberately left on the side of the road like yesterday's garbage left to rot that the neglect and abuse was intentional.
On the brighter side, I believe that this dog will find a caring loving new home.

1 comment:

  1. Horrible... humans can be so cruel. Just look what they do to each other. There is no excuse for that.
