Thursday, June 24, 2010

More BP BS

OK, let me get this straight. The BP oil rig exploded on April 20th and oil is STILL pouring into the ocean by the millions of gallons per day. Our current president came down to assess the damage in the gulf a month later after it occurred.
Countries have offered to help with skimmers but have been turned away. I can not for the life of me why every engineer and scientist isn't assigned to go out there to fix this mess. For God's sake, there is an MIT graduate who has invented a process of taking biodegradable dog poop bags filled with waste and converting it into energy.
I bet former President George W Bush is on his hands and knees thanking God this did not happen under his presidency.
Did I read the paper correctly that lame cap was knocked off the pipe and now the oil is flowing just as it was on day one?
What the F*&^%!!!
Tony Hayward was pictured enjoying a day out on his yacht. The whole world was pissed off at him for going out and enjoying himself while the disaster continues. That guy can't sit on the toilet now without any criticism until that oil pipe is capped and the mess cleaned up.
I not happy with Obama either. Talking tough and throwing a bone to the people in the gulf in regards to monetary compensation for damages is a joke.
Give me a break.
To me, that's an insult.
This whole thing is making me insane.


  1. The poor construction WAS done under Bush's presidency. BP lined Bush and his cronies' pockets so they could be on the fast track to profits, maximum profits, without a thought as to how the equipment would be repaired if it were damaged. We are lucky there is only ONE of these spilling oil off our shores. BP will be paying the people of the Gulf, not Obama/US government with our taxes.

  2. Obama's reaction was waaay too slow in response to this crisis.
    And still...nothing is being done.
