Sunday, June 6, 2010

pet psychic

I am now reading the book "What the Animals tell me" by animal planet's renown pet "psychic" Sonya Fitzpatrick. I would watch her show on animal planet when I was vacationing down in Bonaire. I found it fun, interesting and entertaining.
Whenever I hear the words "psychic", 'telepathy", or any other new age hippy dippy terminology, I kind of roll my eyes and chuckle.
When you use words like this it makes things sound "mystical", "magical" and" out of reach" for normal people. I've witness this sort of bull $h&% regarding so called martial arts "masters".They want to make it "mysterious' that only a few superior elites can master and understand the art. The truth in the matter is if you study, practice and focus yourself on something you feel you have a talent for you can achieve mastering any goal.
I've been reading all kinds of books and watching tapes on people who have a talent dealing and understanding animal behavior. They call themselves all kinds of things such as : animal rehabilitator, animal trainer, behaviorists, pet communicator, pet psychic, pet psychologists and dog/horse/parrot whisperers.
In Sonya's book as well as other books I've read I am finding one thing that it seems all animal ethologists seem to say is: pay attention to the animals body language.
It takes discipline to step out of your own sense of self and focus on the animals needs, wants and fears.
Some dogs are easy to read.
Last week, it was getting really hot. I really have to pay attention to the dog's body language to make sure they don't get over-heated. I can't be single minded and think only that I gotta walk them no matter what. Some dogs mind the heat more than others some dogs hate walking on certain streets that maybe some animal lives on that street that they fear or maybe that particular street's pavement is hotter on their feet. I watch closely, observe and listen to what they tell me through nonverbal communication.
It doesn't take a genius to see when a dog is panting that he is hot.
I am having a better time walking my head strong little jack russell "Mattie" by being more open to her nonverbal clues of what she wants if I take her out for her walks. I give her a choice: we can walk in the cool woods or pick a street to explore. She hates "A" street because of big scary dogs that live on that street but she likes "B" street because there are lots of fun things to sniff.
Little KD has very expressive eyes and will let me know she doesn't want to go out because she doesn't feel well (she is getting pretty old) or that she just needs a "cuddle".
My birds let me know when they are tired, bored and hungry. I have to be careful where I position their cages.They are scared of dogs walking by the window as well as big crows landing in the yard. They all have favorite places where they like to perch. Button loves to sit on my husband's stocking feet. She doesn't care for mine but Eddie loves to nuzzle my neck. They almost purr with contentment.
You don't need to be a "pet psychic' to be able to communicate with your pets. You just need to pay attention to your pet's needs other than your own.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Tink... I had no idea you were an animal psychic! That's amazing. Seriously... All you had to do was pay attention! :o)
