Thursday, August 19, 2010

the wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 16

I made my usual morning pilgrimage greeting and feeding the pigeons.

There are a lot of new faces in the crowd.

Yesterday, it was extremely foggy , humid and dense by the beach. The pigeons spotted me but were cautious approaching the food. I couldn't see them but I am sure hawks were perched and positioned high above ready to take advantage of any opportunity for quick meal.

I hadn't seen "Brownie" in a couple of weeks and I began to get worried. I noticed a 'new' pigeon who, at first, I thought it was Brownie. She was a very light brown colored pigeon looking almost as if she had gone to the stylist for a 'frosting".

I spotted Brownie foraging across the street in front of Tripoli pizza. He must hang out with a different crowd of pigeons. Maybe the food is better up north, who knows."Busta Move" was there as well doing his never ending dance.

My husband and I went to the Franklin Park zoo to see their new "budgie aviary exhibit". It was indeed wonderful. Little kids, especially, enjoyed it because you could buy a millet stick and hand feed free flying parakeets. Of course, our minds were plotting and planning how we could have a a nice seasonal outdoor aviary for our birds. You would think we would be sick of budgies since we have quite a few of them. But their never ending comical antics always seem to amuse us.

The Franklin Park zoo is a rather nice zoo. I find their bird collection quite interesting. They have a rare palm cockatoo and new Zealand mountain keas. The zoo keepers are involved in "enrichment programs" to keep the birds happy and their minds active with various toys.

I am glad they do not have primates there.

Quite frankly, I am scared shitless of monkeys- especially after that horrendous incident in the news last year involving a pet chimp viciously attacking a neighbor without provocation. Regardless of that incident, I find them kind of disgusting.

One time, at Miami's Parrot jungle zoo, a bunch of monkeys in a outdoor cage leaned over simultaneously and shot diarrehea straight at my husband!

Primates are one animal species that really should wear underwear, if you know what I mean.

One thing I did notice that probably nobody else noticed at the Franklin Park zoo was the pigeons. The pigeons obviously took advantage of left over seed and feed in various bird enclosures. The pigeons were HUGE!

Yup, we travelled all the way to Boston to observe the pigeons!

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