Friday, August 20, 2010

anger management

There seems to be so much anger all around. You hear about it or, witness it first hand; from road rage, domestic violence, substance abuse, temper tantrums, misunderstandings, selfishness, etc...

Is it the sign of the times? People seemed so stressed, over worked, disrespectful, and self absorbed.

I find myself pulled into this nasty abyss as well. The purpose of this blog is not to bitch and moan about my grievances. I try to keep things upbeat, funny and insightful. I am on the ever ending journey of self improvement.

So, I try to remove myself from the never ending drama that sometimes I get unwillingly trapped into. All it does it poison your soul dragging you into destructive anger, self loathing and finally, self pity.

As I write all this down it gives me a some good insight into my own behavior. Writing can be very therapeutic.

What I do now to calm myself down whenever I am confronted with or situated in toxic environment is to take a couple of soothing deep breaths and recite the "Serenity prayer'" over and over.

It has a calming grounding effect.

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference"

I get peace by holding and cuddling my many birds. Walking dogs has also a very calming effect. I also try to distract myself by window shopping.

Yes, window shopping!.

I guess that is what 21st century American female saints do!

I just so happen to walk by that la de da consignment shop to see if they still had that gorgeous french suit.

And it was still there.

For kicks, I tried it on again.

It fit.

I simply could not believe it.

That totally made my day.

The store has a policy like Filene's basement that if an item doesn't sell by a certain date the price on the item is reduced.

I asked the salesgirl when the price on this suit will drop and she said in 10 days.

Little things like losing weight, finding bargains, and of course, and spending time with my animals make me happy.

Life is too short to waste on getting pissed because in the long run it won't matter in the end.

"Don't happy!"

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