Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th

It's friday the 13th.

I finally got my car back, thank God.

$555.00 later.

It needed a tune up and needed some electronics regarding the exhaust system. I'm just glad to have my car back. Everything seems to be OK now.

Who knows.

I went home afterwards and gave my car a good cleaning.

Believe it or not, when I went to the beach to do my morning run a black cat ran in front of me.

I chased it away so that it would not bother the pigeons.

Pesky cat.

On my way over to a clients house, I passed by a yard sale. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a large troll doll with it's pink hair waving in the wind. I had to stop and check it out.

For a mere $1.00, another troll has been added to "the museum".

OK, so far so good. No bad luck. Yet...

As I proceeded to the client's house on a busy main road I slowed down for a red light. There were three car in front of me stopped. In my rear view mirror, out of nowhere, a middle aged fat woman came tearing up behind me. She slammed on her brakes, beeping her horn and as I could tell seeing her in the rear view mirror, she was swearing profusely.


I hung my hand out the window in a waving gesture to "slow down..relax".

She then pulled up on the embankment next to me swearing, "get off the road... you f*&^%ing bitch!" She then tore up on the embankment passing the three cars in front of me speeding up down the road.

What the ...? What was that all about?

Her face was bright red.

I am guessing maybe her laxative was starting to work.


  1. You were lucky, V. You almost got rear-ended. Imagine how much fun you would have had exchanging papers with a demented, fire-breathing, fatso.

  2. That sounds like a pretty good guess to me! One thing I've noticed about AZ... the driving is no where near as adventurous as it was in New England. I think my blood pressure has gone down quite a bit out here.
