Tuesday, August 17, 2010

week 13 on WW

I seem to be over the donut cravings.

No donuts, cake, pastry, cookies or muffins for 13 weeks.

I'm doing Ok, so far.

I don't get the gnawing hungries any more nor do I have problems with digestive issues either. It's weird!

And I am still losing weight.

I weigh 111.5lbs now.

And I'm not trying either. Maybe this is where I am suppose to be.

No high fat, high sugar processed foods any more. I cut back on using oil substantially. No 'blind" munching-you know, just sitting with a big bag of chips or cookies munching through the entire bag.

At dinner, I give myself one solid portion. I don't go up for 'seconds" unless it is steamed veggies.

When I am hungry I eat a big bowl of fruit with cool whip. Dessert is a skinny cow ice cream sandwhich. Soup also helps fill you up too.

Yes, I have pizza, but just one slice. Yes, I get a high fat 'real" ice cream but I'll split it with my husband. Yes, I go for indian food but I'll just eat half portions. I'll have my morning English scone but just half of it. I have eggs (for protein) every day. I pre-make dinners in advance making sure I have enough left over for lunch the next day. I believe this is the keystone in making sure I don't get hungry and thus chowing through the cabinets like a herd of hungry termites. Preparation is definite KEY!

The ads for popular chain restaurants make me sick with all the gooey sauces they drench on their food. No wonder there are so many fat people. It used to make me hungry now it grosses me out.

I hope I can still stick with this attitude and continue to live this healthier lifestyle.

As like every journey, it is one day at a time.


  1. I'm so proud of you! Look what you have accomplished in 13 short weeks! You are my inspiration. I've been on a plateau for about three weeks now...but I'm not giving up!

  2. good advice on the weight watching!
    I love those skinny cows....mmmm.....I like the WWatchers Fudgesicles too.
