Monday, August 2, 2010

week 11 on WW

I was hoping to go diving on the weekend but I was so exhausted by the end of the week that the mere thought of driving 50 minutes each way, carrying gear, etc.. was overwhelming, to say the least.

I was hoping I would have saturday "off" so I could rest and recover so I could go diving on sunday.

But that didn't happen.

I had a mid-day dog walking customer. Even though this dog is (thankfully) a well-behaved dog I still had a committment to take this dog out for his 30 minute mid-day jaunt.

I needed a day to do nothing.

Sunday morning, I had a craving for waffles. The thought of driving to a breakfast restaurant, waiting to be served, etc.. was even too tiring for me.

Plus, I wanted to spend the day with my birds. So I opted to make a low fat blueberry pancake with blueberry syrup and shared it with the "gang".

Believe me, I was thinking of caving in for a nice big chocolate butter-crunch donut and a vanilla chai.

When I am tired I am weak.

But I didn't.

I went to the beach in the morning. The air was cool and breezy, not oppressive like it had been all week. I just read the sunday paper, people watched, and then took a nice leisurely walk to the public beach for a slice of that delicious beach pizza.

There are three pizza stands located on the Broadway boulevard: Tripoli, Christies, and Sal's.

I personally like Tripoli's the best. It's a bakery style pizza. It is called a 'shingle". The sauce is sweet with a scant amount of cheeze on it. Christie's is similar but with more oregano. Sal's pizza is triangle shape loaded with cheeze boosting as being "the largest slice on the beach".

I've never tried Sal's. I'm sure it is good, but I don't really like cheeze. I allowed myself to have a slice of Tripoli's pizza since I walked a mile on the beach from the state beach to get there.

I spent the rest of the afternoon on the couch with the birds, resting, alternating between each cockatiel vying to have their head scratched. They would line up on my leg pushing the bird in front of them out of the way to get their head scratched. They loved the attention and I needed this time to veg out. My husband was away for the weekend visiting his family so it was just me and the birds.

The time of reckoning was standing in front of me.

The dreaded scale.

I hopped on it hoping that I had maintained what I had lost. I think this is the hardest part of a weight lost program is keeping the weight off.

I think something is wrong with the scale.

It looks like I had lost another two pounds.

How can that be?

I'm not what you would say "dieting" anymore.

I'm just not eatting any donuts.

Here is the strange part, I am actually eatting more often. I generally have a lunch of beans, rice and brocolli with a large bowl of fruit.

I was eatting two donuts and a chai for lunch, but I was constainly hungry (!?!?!)

Another thing I don't do anymore is mindlessly eat. You know, eatting a huge bag of chips even though you are not really hungry but just because it is there. I eat only when I am hungry and I still write down what I eat in a diet log book.

Just like any kind of addiction, it is just one day at a time.
*p.s. That picture of the troll above is just wrong. That troll really needs a bra!


  1. I'm glad you're feeling batter, V. Although we went to the cemetery off Lanesville Shores, we didn't see any dogfish. They must have known you weren't with us and stayed away.

    Gentle hugs,

  2. I saw in the NBPT "fish report" that the dog fish were out off at the "break water" in Gloucester.

  3. Nice! Good for you V. I am very excited about your accomplishment! I can't wait to get to the maintaining! Hope you feel better!

  4. Thanks Fox but I have to tell you honestly is that everyday I feel I'm going to nose-dive off the wagon. I have to say to myself, "bad dog!" (when I leer at a dunkin donuts)
