Tuesday, August 10, 2010

week 12 on WW

Nothing aggravates me more than all these obnoxious "pop up' advertisements you get while trying to read your email. Not only do they slow your computer down to a snail's pace but I find the ads offensive, especially the weight loss ads.


You know yourself when you need to do something about your weight.

By being bombarded by some gross ad showing molten fat hanging over skin tight pants announcing some quick fix "dietary supplement" isn't going to do it.

It's offensive, really.

Today was my weigh in and I am holding steady at 113.

I think I am suppose to be at this weight or at least somewhere between 113 -118lbs. I had been at this weight for years until I discovered you could buy a 10 pack of kit kat candy bars, the family pack of pop tarts and that you can save on buying a dunkin donuts 'combo meal". (The 'combo meal" is two donuts and a coffee).

Yup, I had to recognize that was a problem for me and had to stop it.

I have still been working out 5 days a week down in cell block #9. The improvements are slow but my arms are almost back to being toned like before. I was getting those wobbly 'school teacher arms" that my sister and I used to make fun of when we were brats. My arms are looking OK but they still need work.

I can almost wear a bikini now but at "a certain age" no matter how tone and thin you are it is just wrong.

I think of the scene in the movie "Kingpin" where the gross ol' landlady tries to seduce the two doofus tenants in exchange of rent money by lifting her nasty pasty veiny legs in nylon stockings imitiating the seduction scene in The Graduate", exclaiming, "oh come on! It ain't that bad!"

A Classic Gross out scene.

I don't want to be pictured like that !

My sister and I still crack up over that scene.

Seriously, the "weight watcher' cook book and the" fat free international" cookbook has been a life saver as far as my weight loss program. I try to eat pure foods not processed foods. As healthy lifestyle chef Jamie Oliver said, 'if the ingredients look like a chemistry lab then don't eat it". Sadly, alot of the "weigh-loss-program'-already-prepared meals are big time chemistry labs.

And they are just gross.

Sugar free items are just poison.

If you can't have sugar then don't eat it at all.

Some fat free items are OK.

But, I have to laugh at people when they try to pawn off fat free frozen yogert on me telling me it taste 'just like ice cream".



Give me a f*&^ing break.

And fat free muffins.


Those really taste like shit.

A shit muffin.

That is what they are.

I know I can not have muffins because I can not control myself so I'm not going to waste calories on eatting a shit one.

OK OK. Enough of my rants.

The bottom line is strive to be the best you can be and live life as pure as you can achieve.

This includes monitoring the food and drink you put in your body.

This, my friends, is just a small part of my goal in achieving 'sainthood".

It's starts with the basics.


  1. I find myself drinking nothing but water, and soy milk these days. My weight loss has slowed a great deal. I lose about 1/2 a pound every week or two. I'm exercising and walking every day, but the old, gray, hormones just ain't what they used to be. I am, however, toning like you read about. P90X (happily and surprisingly) is all that it's cracked up to be!

  2. That p9ox is serious torture! If you can do that, then ..wow....
