Tuesday, August 24, 2010

comic strip in the making

As by request and suggestion from my dear husband he has encouraged me to include in my blog postings a comic strip that I have been working on.
Nearly 20 years ago (oh my God has it been that long ago?!?) I produced, illustrated and self published a graphic novel called "Fishkar". It was a bit of a dark eco-terror novel geared for a PG-13 audience.
I am putting together a cast of critter characters which will be very different from everything else I've done in the past.
It will be humorous and definitely, a bit twisted.
Stay tuned.
I hope you will enjoy it.


  1. I remember Fishkar from the paper version. Can't wait to see a blog entry that reflects it.

  2. I have three pages completed. I am just waiting for my husband to show me how to "scan" the drawings and how to post them.
