Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Wild Pigeons of Salisbury beach part 8

I look forward to some of my daily"routines".
One of those routines is going for my morning run and feeding the pigeons at the beach. My first day back only a few of the "regulars" gathered in their "spot". I got nervous that I didn't see Craow Dum. He is usually the first one present. I didn't see Brownie either but that isn't unusual for Brownie. Word must have gotten out because the next day I was mobbed by pigeons.
Craow Dum was there but he was more preoccupied with the current activity at his roost.
I spotted a black headed pigeon poking her head up. It appears Craow Dum may be a father. This black headed pigeon appeared to be sitting on eggs. I found an egg shell on the sidewalk blowing around in a tumble.
last year, Craow Dum had a clutch of eggs (3). I do not think any of those babies made it to maturity. Maybe he will have better luck this year.
As I just finished feeding them I noticed that guy who doesn't pick up after his dog make a bee-line straight for where the pigeons were feeding. Some people are just sour pusses. I'm sure his dog left a big steaming package in the sand where some unfortunate little kid will step on with bare feet.
Brownie was there which I was surprised. I usually do not see him on Monday since he is usually full of pizza and french fries from a busy weekend. Galok, Patches and Busta Move were there too plus a couple of additional friends.
The beach is starting to get that familiar "summer smell" now that the weather is getting hot. The smell of coconut sunscreen, the sweet waft of pizza, fried dough and a tinge of salty breeze. Maybe this week I will drive my bike down to the beach in the afternoon.
Who doesn't love the summer?

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