Friday, May 14, 2010

The ultimate sin

I've been watching Fox news following the Louisiana gulf oil spill that occurred April 30th. It is quite horrific. You ask your self, "how the F#$%& could this happen"? Here we are trying to shake our dependency off of foreign oil and this unnecessary shit happens. Over 5000 barrels of oil are leaking into the gulf of Mexico. This is one of the worst oil spills in modern history. This is even worst than the Exxon Valdez disaster that happened at Prince William Sound in 1989.
Do you remember that?
Sadly, Representative Bart Stupak of Michigan said it succinctly that "we live in a culture of incompetence".
This should not have happened if safety checks were routinely checked and serviced but instead we have to listen to the' blame game" and "let's play the legal twist of words game so not to take responsibility".
This is a stunted juvenile mentality that is pervasive.
And who gets f$%&*ed?
The wildlife...
I just get so angry and disgusted...
I do not know if you've actually seen an oil spill.
It is just horrific
Hell must be one big nasty oil spill.
In 1973, it was a really hot day in in the summer. My pal "Gina" and I took the "T" to Revere beach. The waves were huge and coming up over the breakers. Despite the huge breaking waves I thought it was odd nobody was at the boardwalk on such a hot steamy day. We stood up on the wall and when a wave reached the breakers we jumped in letting the wave carry us back to the breaker wall. When the wave carried us up to the wall we slipped off the wall.
I thought to myself, "this is weird". After multiple tries of grabbing onto the wall we finally pulled ourselves up. When we did, we noticed we were completely covered with oil. The wall was covered with black goo and the sea was shiny with a rainbow sheen. There had been a small oil spill offshore a week before. There were dead seagulls and fish covered in black sludge amongst clumps of hay used in the clean up. We were completely black with oil tar.
I can still smell that rancid chemical stench today.
An oil spill is the ultimate sin against wildlife.


  1. So much for the great idea of off shore drilling. The latest is... Kevin Costner to the rescue. I hope it works.
