Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's raining dogs and...

It is absolutely pouring out today.
I really do not mind the rain especially when the temps are above 40F but it is the wind that is a killer. I worry about fallen electrical lines on the street that may be laying in a puddle so I have to be extra vigilant in being aware of my surroundings of such dangers.
I dress in full fisherman's gear with rubber wellies when I have to take my dog clients out for their daily walks.
I know that Mattie will be hiding under the couch especially when she sees me walk in the house with my yellow rain gear.
She hates the rain.
It's going to be a struggle to get her out today.
And I know she has probably left a big turd on the rug as if to say, "see? I already "went" so I don't have to go out."
Riley doesn't mind the rain. Matter of fact, she likes the rain and mud a little too much. She has this habit of rubbing her face and chest in the mud. I bring towels with me so I can wipe the dogs down after wards so that their owners don't have a heart attack when their dogs come thundering into the house soaking wet.. Riley will grab the towel out of my hand and proceed to dry herself on me instead
KD isn't too keen on the rain. She hates cold water on her little feet. As soon as she finishes "her business" she will look at me as if to tell me , "OK, let's go back. I'm done".
Ruby doesn't mind the rain too much. She actually enjoys the towel rub-down after wards.
Jackie hates it. The humidity gives him the 'frizzys".
My birds are more vocal when it rains. They seem to rejoice when they hear the puttering of rain splashing down. I guess rainy season in Australia (where their great-great grandparents are from) means mating season and an abundance of food.
OK, I have to go now...

1 comment:

  1. I live in the land of dust and tumbleweeds. I covet the rain...
