Monday, May 24, 2010

week one of WW

Ok, so far I've stuck with weight watchers for a full week.

Don't laugh. It is a (big) start for me.

It's so easy to 'fall off the wagon" but I didn't, as a result I lost 5 LBS!

I am actually quite surprised. My stomache doesn't feel as bloated. I've avoided items with yeast such as bread and donuts. I feel pretty good too. I'm starting to wonder if yeasty products aggravate migraines. I faintly recall my neurologist telling me that crusty bread triggers migraines for him. Hmmmm.. we shall see....

It would be kind of bummer to put donuts and bread on the 'no fly list" along with eggplant and rum (alcohol in general).

Last night, I was really hungry.

I thought I was going to "fall off the wagon" so we went for chinese food. I had this HUGE plate of steamed broccolli, egg drop soup and 3 steamed veggie dumplings. I was stuffed and managed to stay within my "points".

It is motivating when you do actually lose weight too.

I've tried various times to stay on course before but nothing really motivated me. Yeah, I thought to myself ,"Oh I'll give up.... for lent" "Oh it's bathing suit season" "Oh I'm going to a fancy party" ect... "Oh my pants are getting tight..with pudge squishing over the sides like a playdoe fun factory"

But it was my tight scuba dry suit that screamed, "CUT THE CRAP! STEP AWAY FROM THE DONUTS!"

I feel I can stick with it this time too.

It is funny what will motivate you to take action.

My father smoked cigarettes for years. He smoked about 5 packs a day. He didn't stop for his health or the fact that any of us kids threw up in the car due to his smoking. What stopped him was the price of cigarettes reached $2.50 a pack! I don't care what the reason is so long as he doesn't smoke. He has been "cigarette free" for about 15 years (or more).

Wish me luck!


  1. keep it up! egg drop soup sounds many points in those dumplings though?

  2. Good for you, V. I think you're on a roll. Keep with it. Maybe you can be my role (roll?) model.

  3. Ha ha! Thanks guys!
    Steamed veggie dumplings are only 2 points each.
    I bought a "new' fat free international cookbook. I am trying out all these new healthy recipes to keep things interesting.

  4. Awesome job! I lost 30 pounds on WW from November 5th to February 17. I gained 10 back after my dad died, but I'm jumping right back on that WW horse. I want to spend the next 4 months losing the remaining 30...slowly. The faster I lose, the faster I gain it back. If I lose it doesn't come back on as easily. That's the goal.
