Sunday, May 9, 2010

sex and the city

This is a tough time of the year for the birds.
They are extremely hormonal at this time of the year. They are fighting, bonking, doing "teenage boy" things to their perches and laying eggs. They are grouchy and territorial.
I have to line the bottom of their cages with old pillow cases rather than newspaper. Newspaper acts like nesting materials which makes them even more territorial. However, the hormones have taken over due to the brighter daylight and warmer sunnier weather so I cant seem to stop their insane behavior.
I've noticed the goldfinches outside have changed into their bright yellow summer plumage. Even though they nest later than other native birds they have been at the feeders eating like mad. I clean the feeders periodically as well so they don't get sick from mold (when the feeders get wet). I notice the males have gotten more aggressive with each other lately.
When I came home from my vacation I noticed that the cages (and perches) had an distinct stinky odor. I won't go into to what I think it was but I decided to give all the cages and perches the big clean. I took each cage out one by one, removed toys, perches, swings , food cups etc..I scrubbed everything down including perches with a nontoxic cleaning product called "poop off". This process took me two days to complete. I replaced and repaired their toys and replaced their perches with new ones so the other ones I could disinfect thoroughly. I was hoping by jumbling everyone up and switching things around in cages that it would distract the birds from their driving mating obsession. It did but for one day only and then it was back to trouble once again.
You may be saying to yourself, "so what? let them mate and have fun". That may be OK for a little while but then they become obsessed with it.
I do worry about Lucille. Linus pesters her constantly for sex and she has been laying eggs which is not good for her tired older body.
I found a place online that sells fake cockatiel eggs made of resin. This makes Linus think that Lucille has laid eggs. These particular brand of fake eggs keep warm like a real egg when he sits on them so it keeps him occupied.
Another problem is that Whook will do "teenage boy" things to his perch all day long.
And I do mean, all day long.

At first it was kind of funny watching him but he gets himself in such a gyrating frenzy that he will fall off the perch. Not only that, health wise, he could develop a prolapsed cloaca. I really do not know how to stop him from this. At first, I thought it was because of his mirror but Smitty will" join in" (without a mirror) on top of his cloth swing.
This have a been a major topic on pet parrot chat groups on what to do to stop it.
Most suggest is to find 'triggers' and remove it. This is somethings I've attempted but still it goes on. I've also been putting them to bed at an earlier time so they get a good rest rather than than occupying their time with pursuing their urges. Beleive it or not they are better 'behaved" when they have had extra sleep.
Eddie thinks I am her mate. She will hiss and bite any other bird that come over to me. She will nuzzle her head under my chin, making "happy"little peeping noses and then try to burrow under the blankets on the couch. "Fresh Baby" will do the same to my husband. She has claimed him as hers. When Eddie starts this behavior I put her on my foot away from my neck. I do not want to encourage this behavior. I will also place the birds on the table top playgym and face them to look outside hopefully to keep them busy and distracted.
I have to be careful with Whook and Smitty. Even though Whook isn't interested in Smitty's porcine love interest, Twillinger. Whook likes to flex his macho muscles by challenging Smitty in pretty violent duels. Whook had killed his pal Wilson in one of these duels.
Is this what parents have to deal with having teenagers? Yikes!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like high school all over I'm very thankful that my pal Ritzy doesn't exhibit similar behavior...he weighs in at over 900lbs. That could be an issue for the fence.
