Saturday, May 15, 2010

naughty dogs

I gotta tell you.
Dogs can be a "challenge".
They are worst than bratty little kids hunting down that precious cookie jar on the top shelf.
"Mattie" got into an entire bag of string cheeze. She ate the packaging plastic wrap as well. Nothing was left except bits of chewed packing wrap.
"KD" ate another whole DVD collection. The 'evidence' of her culinary delight made its way out later that afternoon in shreds of dark blue cardboard and plastic disks bits. She ate the "Godfather" collection who knows what she ate this time.
"Riley" lunged, grabbed and devoured before I had to react: a wad of gum stuck to the street, a squished pickle, a pile of rabbit turds, a used tissue, and a chunk of drywall, all in the matter of 30 minutes.
"Cuddles' shredded the Daily News, chewed up a soy milk container and swallowed a meat wrapper.
When my mother tried to give "Tony" his medicine disguised wrapped in a hotdog that little rascal managed to swallow the hotdog whole but was able to spit the pills out.


  1. Ha ha ha! I found this picture on the internet while doing a search on "naughty dog pictures".
    I feel sorry for those poor people but then again, the WORST photo I saw was the one of Cuddles when she got into the vat of chili. I should have saved that pic!

  2. I had a Neapolitan Mastiff once who ate anything and everything. The vet didn't believe the part about eating rocks until I brought him in and hoisted him on the table. Just after the doctor was finished examining him, and before he jumped down he let one go... all you heard was rocks bouncing off steel. It was kind of funny. He ate a pack of tacks once... the vet said the only way to avoid a costly bowel operation was to follow him around and see if I could "find" them... luckily, I found all 24 several days later.
