Wednesday, July 21, 2010

blind date

Any time I get a call from a potential new customer I do an initial "meet and greet" to see if when they meet me they want to want hire me or, I decide weather or not I will take on this new client.

I get the same feeling in my stomache like when you are going on a "blind date".

It's really not any different.

You do the "meet and greet" thing to see if you are "compatible".

Dogs, especially, are like guys on a first date.

My biggest criteria (when dealing with both dogs and guys) is good behavior.

Think about it.

If a dog rushes you at the door, jumps on you barking and knocks you down.

Not good.

If a dog rushes you and shoves his nose at ramming speed into your crotch.

Not good.

If a dog absolutely has no boundaries and will not listen.

Not good.


Never good

If the dog is so fearful to the point they pee on the floor whenever they see you or craps on the floor everytime to make a point.

Not good

If the owner makes excuses for the dogs bad behavior or even encourages it.

Never good.

Does this sound like past 'blind dates ?' Am I talking about dogs or am I using euphemisms of past (bad) dates?


It's all the same to me.

Yesterday, I had a "new client".

A golden retriever.

He was A-OK. They are friendly dogs. A bit big but "easy going" types.

If were to compare my husband to a dog I would say he is more like a grey hound.

He's sweet, mellow, well behaved and likes to go running.

Hmmmmm...I wonder what dog he would say I am like?


(*God, I hope not a basset hound or a pug)


  1. Oh, no. You'd never be a pug. They're mouth-breathers, aren't they? You're an organizer and a doer. How about a Border Collie?

  2. Wow! A border collie! those are smart and pretty dogs! thanks Chris!
    It's funny now that I think about it certain people and dog personalities.
    My "ex" would definitely be a bull dog. Sloppy, lazy, stubborn and extremely flatulent.

  3. I agree... Border Collie. You can never go wrong with a Border Collie. My sister has one... she rings a dinner bell at the back door when she wants to go out, and she puts herself to bed. She even makes the rounds to say good night before heading up.
