Thursday, July 8, 2010

along came a spider...

In the summer, I hang my clothes outside to dry. Not only is it "environmentally friendly" but I like the way the clothes smell line-dried.

Fresh and clean.

Anything that comes out of the electric dryer ends up smelling like socks.

The only bad thing that happens when I leave my clothes out to dry on the line is occasionally I get a "hitchhiker" that comes in the house with the clothes.

Sometimes if I leave the clothes overnight outside I'll get an earwig or two, maybe even a sleeping yellowjacket. One time, my husband discovered he had a large moth stuck in a sleeve.

Since this has been a problem I give the clothes a good shake before bringing them in.

It is has been so bloody hot this week that I just grab the clothes off the line fast without shaking them out first.

Today I brought in two daddy long leg spiders.

I shook the shirt out over the toilet so the spiders would fall in. At the time, I didn't think much about it until I glanced back to see these poor spiders struggling to get out.

I felt terrible that I chucked them in the toilet so I did what any saint would do.

I took a piece of paper and got those spiders out of the toilet.

They sat on the paper for a bit to dry off and then I gently opened the screen door to let them out.

I felt better afterwards that I had rescued them rather than let them drown.
But I will confess, I am not that kind to yellowjackets or hornets.

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