I've been sick all week. I've had a migraine that has lasted for seven days, plus it has been unbearably hot for weeks.
Last weekend, I forced myself to go running even though I should have just stayed in bed.
The pigeons were waiting for me.
Brownie was back, along with another whole group of pigeons that I haven't seen before. And yes, I feed the pigeons just about everyday. I know a lot of people disregard pigeons but I find them fascinating.
At the same time, I see the same early morning people out as well. The grey bearded fisherman out fishing for stripers. The dog walking guy with his basenji dog. A couple of walkers. A guy with his metal detector looking for lost treasures.
There was this black honda parked half way on the side walk taking up two parking spots including the one I usually park. I noticed that there was this couple sitting on a blanket sitting at the public beach entrance at about 6:30am. I believe it was their car.
We did a slow run since my head was killing me. On the way back you could see the couple a half mile down the beach.
They were not wearing any clothes.
And they were not just sitting on the beach.
They were engaging in some heavy duty sexual activity right smack on the middle of the beach near the main entrance.
You could see the guy's white bum pumping away like a jack hammer a half a mile away.
There were people walking right by these two pigs on the beach who obvious got their jollies off by exposing themselves without any regard.
I walked straight up to police station that was around the corner to report this obscene behavior.
Sadly, the dispatcher told me "they didn't have time for this" and that "the two cruisers were out investigating (more pressing) domestic disputes".
Needless to say, I was taken aback.
I gave the dispatcher info on the car, license plate number and where the culprits could be found (or at least to report this incident).
What would you do?
Strangely, I just happened to watch an evening TV program last night titled "What would you do?" It posed these social/ moral dilemmas to see how people react.
It showed frat boys hazing these two kids by doing humilating and possibly dangerous things to them. Some passerby-ers ignored what was going on. Some folks stopped and stared. Few people intervened and called the cops. The producers of the program set up the same incident but had girls instead of guys. The results were shocking. No one stopped to break up the humilation and bullying. Guys actually stopped to leer at the poor girl getting "hazed"rather than to intervene.
This show also posed other dilemmas such as having a well dressed lady pass out on a crowded street. Many people did stop to help her. They had the same scene but this time it was a scrotty looking guy that passes out. No one helps him except a homeless lady.
I have to be honest, I would be leery of helping a scrotty looking guy. I can't help it but I would be afraid I could be grabbed and pulled down by somebody who could possibly be a psycho. (Remember in that horrifying movie ,"Silence of the lambs", where there was this nut case who would pretend his arm was in cast. He would then ask unsuspecting females for help lifting something onto his van only using it as a ploy to then chuck them into his van for horrifying results.)
I thought the concept of this show "What would you do?" was a very thought provoking show regardless. It takes a lot of guts to intervene and to do something.
I dunno, in certain circumstances, what would you do?