Saturday, March 31, 2012


I couldn't help watch in fascination all the people running to the convenient marts in order to buy the mega million lottery tickets in hopes of scoring the $460 million dollar jackpot.
From the headlines on today's paper somebody from Maryland won.
I hope for that person's sake she/he is safe and the money will enhance that person's life all for the better.
I did not buy a lottery ticket.
Just the thought of it makes me cringe.
I would rather work in dunkin donuts for the rest of my life than to fall into a win-fall like that.
You are probably thinking to yourself,'what!?! Are you crazy?"
I am a private and paranoid person.
I am happy and I like things simple.
If I can get out of bed without having to take a zomig or throwing up, I am grateful.
Sure , it is fun to fantasize what you would do with all the money but the risks (and dangers) involved in having that amount is sooooo NOT worth it.
I like my life just the way it is.
Simple and uncomplicated.
I like my house.
I like my beat up ol' car.
I certainly have enough shoes.HA! Plus, the hunt for the "bargains" makes it fun.
I travel enough but I mostly prefer to just stay home with my birds.
I have a happy marriage, which in itself, is worth more than a billion dollars. It is nice to have someone you can trust and is on the the 'same page of life" as you. The same goes for good friends and companions.
I am grateful for all of that.
Ok just for FUN what WOULD you do if you had that kind of money ?
(*without having to worry about all the scary vultures and potential criminals waiting to pounce on you)

First things first, I would probably have a new house built for my parents that is wheelchair accessible for my father. I would also include a private nurse for him. (I am sure he would prefer a "French" nurse. wink wink)
A huge bird room extension built as well as a giant shoe closet.
One pair of Christian Louboutin shoes (or two)
A purple BMW (or corvette) for weekend cruises.
Plastic surgery to make me look just like Angelina Jolie.
A private nonstop jet charter (serving dunkin donuts fresh brewed coffee) to Papau New Guinea for a bird watching and a diving adventure.
College tuition to Tufts university to get my degree in veterinary science.
And, of course, a HUGE donation towards animal shelters and their care.

What would YOU do? :-)

1 comment:

  1. Well, I wouldn't even buy a ticket so I'll never know what I would do. I found a penny on the bench at the airport restaurant last night though...face up which is supposed to be good luck! And it gave me good luck alright, since our plane landed safely, the one that took off 15 hours after the flight that was cancelled, ho ho!
