It has been almost two years since I've had a donut, cookie, pop tart or muffin.
I found out that a dunkin donut coffee cake muffin is 620 calories! (25 grams of fat and 54 grams of sugar) No wonder they taste so F*&^ing good! As you recall, I would (on a daily basis) have a cup of dunkin donuts chai (God knows how much sugar and fat is in one of those!) a coffee cake muffin OR two donuts for lunch on my way to a day of dog walking!
Now, my lunch is usually a bowl of stir fried broccoli and a piece of naan bread. My snack is a bowl of fruit with cool whip (yeah, I know, cool whip is just shit and chemicals), raisins and an apple.
Another snack I used to enjoy was a pop tart. Brown sugar cinnamon pop tarts are 420 calories (16 grams of fat and 26 grams of sugar) I used to eat this stuff all the time as a kid. I am wondering if more fat and sugar has been added to these things over the years.
I swear the more sugar you eat the hungrier it makes you.
I still believe that it isn't the amount of food people are eating that is making them fat but it's the easy processed crap out there that is EVERYWHERE!
My cousin bought me the new weight watcher's cookbook, "Power foods Cookbook". All the recipes (the veggie ones) are something I would definitely eat. Weight watchers is putting more of a focus on not just calorie cutting but pushing healthy whole foods. Before they would say it was OK to eat a donut so long as you didn't eat anything else all day. It was all about just the calorie counting now they are promoting healthy whole grains and veggies with low added additives (low sugar, low fat, low salt)
It's all about eating...healthy..NOT starving yourself!
I just made two new stir fry recipes for tonight's dinner along with brown rice pilaf. Yum!
I was in the grocery store the other day buying up my usual stock of broccoli, veggies, fruit and a special treat of chocolate covered bananas. There was this nosy lady in front of me who turned around to see what I had on the conveyor. (Yes, I'll admit I glance at what people place on the conveyor too but I don't touch their stuff or say anything to them)
This lady started to touch and pick up MY items commenting on them (!?!?!)
"Oooh this looks good!" "Oh you must be a health nut with ALL THIS BROCCOLI that you are buying!" "OooH What is THAT?"
I was mortified.
How friggin' nervy!!!!!!!
Thank God I wasn't purchasing any personal potentially embarrassing items for Miss Nosy-pants to wave around.
I was just waiting for her to open up the box of chocolate bananas and munch on one.
Thank God she didn't.
I'm doing the same thing, V. Struggling a little, but I just started a few weeks ago. I'm still in the "get the sugar out of my system" phase. I've lost 7lbs so far, and I'm definitely not starving...just bored with it. The trampoline helps.
ReplyDeleteGood for you, V. You're my hero. I still count points daily, but slip up on the sugar in stuff.
ReplyDeleteCool whip is my "poison" right now. Sugar is in EVERYTHING so you gotta be kind of obsessive in trying to eliminating it. No one said it was easy....
ReplyDeleteGood for you Fox. I know what you mean about getting bored. I think that is why I have so many different cookbooks in order to change things around with various variations.