Saturday, March 3, 2012

if it has tires or....

Aren't cars a pain?
And yet, you can not live without them.
When something happens to your car it causes such unbelievable stress.
I scheduled a "girl's day' at a local spa. My skin and hair were a disaster so I figured 'a day of beauty' would be what the 'doctor ordered". Unfortunately, I had made this appointment in advance and it fell on the day where we had a major messy snow/ice/sleet/shit storm.
The salon is located only two miles down the street. After I walked Mattie, took care of the birds, gave the pigeon his medicine, and did my other errands, I had the rest of the afternoon slated for pampering.
When I finished my spa treatment, I stepped outside in the freezing messy mix of rain and heavy wet snow, and my car was completely dead.
The engine didn't even crank over. Even the light for the clock radio was dead.
Are you kidding me?
I was glad I had my pet sitting pack with me which included my AAA card and cell phone.
The AAA guy came in an hour and jump started my car.
Something was still wrong with the car because it felt like it was going to stall at any second plus the lights on the dash were flickering. I made it to my driveway and just then, my car just croaked.
I was glad I was home so I could deal with this car issue later when the weather stopped pissing down.
The next day, my husband tried to jump start my car but it was completely dead.
I called the AAA tow company to bring it to the car repair shop to see what was going on.
I got to tell you, I know this sounds weird but I got really sad seeing my car getting hooked up to the tow truck. I've had this car the longest I've ever owned a car ( 11 years and well over a 100,000 miles) I was really hoping this was something fixable.
I like my car.
I still get teary eyed remembering when the motorcycle shop up in Manchester came down to load my bike onto the back of their truck when I could not longer ride it.
I still wicked miss my bike. It was like saying good bye to a smokin' hot boyfriend that you really really liked. Sniff..
OK, back to the car situation, it turned out to be just a crap battery.
I was still a bit nervous this morning praying it would start and that it was indeed, just a crap battery.
It started.
I am hoping to hold onto this car for as long as I can.
If it has tires or testicles...


  1. Cal always says,"It's the valor of the battery that counts." He's checking and double-checking our batteries all winter along. Seems like he should have made a House Call over in Salisbury. If he didn't do this all the time, I'd be out in the cold often.

  2. The odd thing is the car was running A-Ok all morning. No problems. I stopped for two hours at the salon and it was dead as a doornail!
