Friday, March 23, 2012

the wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 61

I try to feed the pigeons early a.m. before that obnoxious "40-something-guy-who-still-lives with-his-mother" comes by to aggravate me.
Since spring came early there is a lot of male pigeons 'bustin'-a-move" to try to entice the females into their groovy bachelor pads. There is one male in particular who must be an alpha male. He stands straight up and presents himself with his chest puffed out as the big macho male. We call him "the Rock' after super hunk Dwayne Johnson (see photo above) He is colorful with speckles like stone granite so calling him 'the Rock' seems appropriate on all accounts. All the other males seem like wieners compared to this one pigeon.
The beach has been bustling with people because of the amazingly warm early beach weather. As a result, there is pizza crust and french fries everywhere for the taking. The bad news is the beach is a mess with pizza boxes, cups, used pampers (diapers) and other kinds of trash.
People can be such pigs, really.
I've been opening the french doors on the back deck so Craow Dum can see outside to watch the birds and to get some sunshine through the screens. Unfortunately, he likes it so much he has been pooping on the door frame which is a pain to clean. He has a few more days (approximately six) of the medicine. I seriously do not know if it is curing his problem. His cere (fleshy part on beak) is still stained black. I clean him at least three times a day of debris peeling off black gunk and boogers off of his beak and cere. I fear the vet may want to take a live tissue sample from his beak and cere. Just the thought of this gives me the shivers.
I hope not.
The medicine is giving him diarrhea so after it is completed I will give him some probiotics to help his stomach to get back the 'good bacteria". Baytril is a very strong broad spectrum antibotic which kills both the bad bacteria and the good bacteria. He has an appointment with the vet next week for a follow up check up.
Oh oh..I hear a cooing. He has followed me upstairs to see what I am doing. I gotta go and put him back downstairs before he poops on the rug. Sheesh...!

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