Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Having pets definitely has it's joys but it also has it's sad parts too.

"Smitty" one of my green male budgies, which I believe, has a kidney or reproductive tumor.

The reason I say this is because I've been through this same situation over and over again from confirmed vet diagnosis from other budgies I've had in the past..

They look perfectly healthy. Then one day they look like they perhaps pulled muscle on one of their legs because they are limping. It goes away and then it comes back. They are eating, playing , pooping normally and carrying on. Then the leg gets worse and they are breathing heavy. The next day they are fine with a little leg dragging and this cycle goes on again. Then one day, they fall off the perch and they pass away.

From years and years of interbreeding budgies, tumors have become a prevalent mix in the genetics game of making budgies the pretty varied colors you see in pet shops.

I really thought Smitty would be safe. The green ones (the original dominate basic budgie color) are usually less suspectable to tumors. He must not be a pure "green".

He started limping a few months ago. I thought he must have stubbed his foot on one of the cage bars because Whook is always chasing him. Again, it went away and then it came back. His little foot was completely curled up. He would eat, poop, chase "Whook", groom "Twillinger", and have fun flying. This week, he was hunched over breathing hard with his foot completely useless.

I put him in his own cage with soft perches and his favorite treat, millet.

Sadly, I know it just a matter of time and there is nothing any vet can do.

I've lost four budgies due to tumors so I know the signs now.

For now, I keep him comfortable with his friends around.

It's sad to watch but at least I know I've done my best and I've given him a nice home.

He is resting now after enjoying a nice juicy piece of millet.

*photo above is Smitty & his pal, Twillinger.


  1. Chris, I guess you are right. :-)
    My dear husband almost adopted another budgie who he thought had a tumor . He thought we could provide a nice comfortable place for him since he knew no one would want a budgie that had a very short life.(However it turned out that particular budgie was ready to lay an egg instead)

  2. I'm so sorry, V. Losing a pet is very sad. At least he'll be comfortable and well cared for.
