Monday, April 5, 2010

The Wild Pigeons of Salisbury beach part 7

Easter day was like a summer day. I was still a bit under the weather due to a lingering virus and fighting off the migraine monsters who like to attack especially when my system is weakened. We made no plans for the day.
We ventured out to the beach first thing in the morning after week's absences to get some fresh air. All the pigeons were there front and center except for "Brownie". There actually seemed like there was more pigeons out on this fine morning than the usual small gang of characters. I noticed more pigeons were hunkered down up in broken rafters starting early in their nest making endeavors as well. "Brownie", perhaps, got lucky with one of the "ladies" thus explaining his morning absence.
My husband and I just hung around for the day. We took a ride up north to check on my parents in the morning. They had been both sick and I get nervous when I do not hear from them. They were both sound asleep in bed so I did not want to disturb them and left promptly.
We then took a ride up to Strawberry bank in Portsmouth. It is nice waterfront park. The UNH horticultural department does all the flowers there. Unfortunately, it was still too early in the season to view their handiwork.
We sat there on the bench in the shade. As we sat there like an old married couple watching families having picnics, young couples playing frisbee, and of course, watching the pigeons.
The pigeons in Portsmouth seemed smaller than the ones in Salisbury. It was funny to observe some of the males with their lack luster "busta move" moves on the females. Maybe that is what it is like in cities. Maybe the males don't have to try as hard to score a female since there are more of them. They were completely lame in their dance moves. I almost felt like getting up and twirling around bobbing my head and to say, "hey guys! this is how you are suppose to do it!"
There was an elderly gentleman there who was trying to feed the pigeons and sparrows but was getting mauled by the seagulls. I thought for sure one of the herring gulls was going to rip the bag right out of his hands. He ended up chucking the bag of bread to get away from the aggressive gulls. These gulls are pretty bold and obnoxious. No doubt they have learned how to get food from the tourists that dine on the outdoor veranda overlooking inlet.
Regardless, it was a relaxing way to spend the morning.

1 comment:

  1. I can picture you doing the "macho pigeon"... I can also picture the looks on the faces of passing pedestrians...Now THAT would have been funny. Imagine the conversations when they got home... "Hey, you should have seen this crazy lady at the beach today..."... he he he.
