Wednesday, April 21, 2010

confessions of a treasure hunter

There is nothing I like better than to score a treasure.
I think it is something that innate that gives us this pleasure.
Whenever I walk my dogs I let them sniff and explore at the end of the walk as a 'treat". They are in their glory when ever they find a pile of fox scats or an owl bolus (regurgitated clump). It's not so much as actually finding a treasure but the process of seeking brings pleasure.
Whenever I hide a nutriberry under a crumpled newspaper the birds are delighted. They chew and tear at the newspaper for the sought after treat underneath. I've put a tiny thin cardboard box (the size of a ring box) with tiny perforations in it hiding a juicy piece of millet. The birds will work for hours trying to unveil the prize inside. This is mentally stimulating, rewarding and healthy for the birds to engage in. It is what psitticine (parrot) behaviorists call "enrichment stimulus".
I know exactly what this means.
Think about it when you are scuba diving and looking under rocks and in crevices. It is that seeking process that makes it fun . You are hoping to find i.e. an octopus or lobster, but even if you don't, it doesn't really matter.
It is fun.
I enjoy checking out antique stores, second hand stores, vintage shops, thrift shops and yard sales too. It is the" thrill of the hunt" that drives me. 95% of the time I am just exploring and browsing. I am not out to buy anything.
But every once in awhile, I score.
Here is an example of some of my "treasures":
a pair of Manola Blahnik leopard print shoes for $15.00 (thrift shop)
a pair of Bruno Magli shoes for $5.00 (consignment shop)
a Dooney & Bourke handbag for $3.00 (yard sale)
a solid maple cabinet dated from 1894 for $160.00 (vintage shop)
a Princess Beatrice Margaret parakeet teacup dated from 1938 for $13.00 (thrift shop)
My massive (and growing) collection of wishnik (troll) dolls I got from yard sales, ebay, thrift shops and church fairs. (don't ask)
I also like to search for religious artifacts as well.
Yes, I admit, I am a treasure hunter.


  1. Ha ha ha ... a girl after my own heart. I do the same thing. LOVE thrift shops... unfortunately when I find those shoe treasures, they don't fit me. They don't make Manolas for giant, rabbit, feet.

  2. OMG! I have kangaroo feet size 9 (not the cute standard size 7) so I always find shoes!
