Sunday, April 18, 2010

stegosaurus in the city

Blackberry. Bluetooth. Blueray.Hi-Def. Digital. IPhone. Ipod. Ipad. Kindle. High speed.Fios. TVo.Texting. Sexting. Twitter.MP3 player. PS3. Xbox. Wii system. Gameboy.Facebook.Notebook. Call waiting.
99.9% of these things I have no idea of what they are or what they do but everyone else on the planet seem to be captivated and engrossed.
I just get overwhelmed just from names alone.
I must be technologically retarded.
There are days I feel like the main character in Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World". Everyone is doped up and happy and, I am allergic to the wonderdrug "soma".
I wander around just not getting 'it'.
Last January, when I was flying down to Houston to a parrot conference. I looked around the plane and observed the general audience aboard. Most of the people on board had laptops working on projects. Some had laptops with DVD players. I saw a few kindle readers, gameboys, ipods and iphones with games.
It was amazing.
Am I missing out in something?
I had my book, magazine and writing stationary (yes, I still write letters to out of state friends) to keep me entertained and busy on the flight.
I am certainly not opposed to technology or else I would not be sitting here typing this blog on my computer. And I do find ebay a fun way to shop too.
I guess part of me is just one big dinosaur that just finds too many technological toys a bit suffocating.
It's going to be interesting the next time I need to buy a new car. All the cars have key less ignitions, automatic locks, ipod stations and a ton of other useless and confusing add ons.
I like things that are simple and comforting.
To be honest, I'd rather just stay home and play with my birds than to have all this expensive crap.


  1. Computers are great... as far as all that other stuff goes? Honey? You ain't missing a thing.

    I tried to use a Kindle... I can't do it. I can't read books on my computer either. It bugs my eyes. I need the actual book in my hands. I do love my GPS though. It's the only reason I able to make it home from Trader Joe's.

  2. I'm with you, V. I don't text message from my cell phone and neither does The Captain. We drew the line at that point in the technology explosion.
