Wednesday, April 21, 2010

missing a bullet

I had a pretty easy schedule today so I decided I would take Mattie (the naughty little jack russell) on a nice long badly needed walk. As I was turning the corner of her street, I spotted a grey pit bull running down the street running straight at us with his chain dangling. He broke off his lead and was heading straight for us.
Oh my God....
attie started to panic and yelp.
I stood there frozen to the pavement. The pit bull immediately went after Mattie.
I was screaming. Of course, this was the day I left my cell phone on it's charger and I had lost my can of mace. In retrospect, I don't think it would've done me any good in this situation. The pit bull's owner ran down the street and grabbed the dog before he started to do any damage but the dog pulled away and again, went for Mattie. He finally got the dog under control. I checked Mattie for any wounds (thankfully she was OK)
The pit bull owner apologized but excused his dog 'for only being a puppy and wanted to play".
Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
I hear lame excuses like this over and over again regarding pit bulls how 'it's not really their fault".
I took Mattie over by the woods so she could sniff around and calm down. Both she and I were pretty shaken up. I honestly don't know why people get these kinds of dogs. Oh yeah, I've heard a million times "oh they are really sweet dogs".
Until they turn on you and rip your scrotum off.
When I got home I made myself a cup of tea and watched "Judge Judy. Ironically, the case was about a pit bull mauling a chihuahua. The pit bull ran out of the house and grabbed this little dog while out for a walk. Judge Judy ruled in favor of the mauled dog plaintiff. It was a pretty straight forward case.The pit bull owner had every excuse in the world of why "it's wasn't their dog's fault".
I missed a bullet today.


  1. Wow, V. What a story! It just goes to show you that Fred's right. The fact that you write about your adventures makes a great read for us Saint followers.

  2. Holy crap! Yes you did! And what did you learn from it? How about... always carry your mace, AND DON'T EVER LEAVE YOUR PHONE AT HOME!!!

  3. Hopefully poor Mattie didn't have any puncture wounds...they can go undetected easily but I'm sure you checked her well. No wonder the poor thing doesn't want to walk down that street!! She knows! Maybe you could drive her to another neighborhood so she can relax?!

  4. mister, being a dog owner, its pretty ignorant for you to say "i dont know why people get these kinds of dogs". yes, there are the bad pit bulls that will still attack other dogs on sight; they are in the wrong hands and need to be correctively trained. but people are starting to realize what great dogs pits can be if raised and trained correctly. also, there are numerous other breeds of dogs that just as well could have gone after your little terrier. i am sorry that you and your dog went through that unfortunate ordeal.

  5. "I don't know why people get these kinds of dogs"

    Seriously? That's like saying you don't know why people have children because one kid beats up another kid. Yes, there are pit bulls that are aggressive and violent. There are more chihuahuas that are aggressive and violent. Just because they're smaller, it's okay to act that way?

    Here's an idea: own a pit bull. I currently own a pit bull/jack russell mix and a pit bull/beagle mix. Both are very friendly and love both people and other animals (though they have learned to kill bugs quite efficiently). They are strong, and some people (like my mother) are afraid of them just based on sight. That is a sadly pervasive and narrow-minded viewpoint, and I was hoping that, on a website that seems to appreciate the beauty of all animal life, I wouldn't find such intentional ignorance.
