Wednesday, June 13, 2012

You just never know when....

I routinely get my hair done up every 5 weeks. Like the high maintenance corvette that I am, a wash and a primer  is in order to keep up that "shine". (wink wink)
As I am thumbing through the assortment of magazines  while the stylist is preparing up my colour, I grab "Hello" magazine. "Hello" magazine is basically Britain's "glossy version of the USA's National Enquirer". When my sister lived in London she used to save all of her "Hello" magazines for me and I would in return save all my "National Enquirer" mags for her.
I found this photo (above) in "Hello"'s under "the World in Pictures' page.
This is a photo of Captain Slate from Key Largo participating in a fundraising UW Easter egg hunt!
Yes, all the way from London England I find this photo!
 This is the same man who married my husband and I UW in Key Largo in 2000.
I showed my hair stylist this photo telling her the story. She cracked up.
Never a dull moment.

1 comment:

  1. Remember the occasion vividly. We have a picture taken that day on our wall. Good fun.
