Friday, June 29, 2012

the Wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 77

I haven't seen "Kim", the beautiful white pigeon in a long time now.
The "Rock" managed to separate the string that had entangled his feet but the damage has been done because one foot is completely gangrenous. "Homer", the homing pigoen, is still there. He is very distinct with his long beak and yellow leg band. I am guessing he is from Brockton. There is a guy who is selling homers on craigslist from Brockton, but this is just a wild guess.
As I was walking up past Jilly's pizza to feed the pigeons I noticed this crazy little sparrow furiously banging into the Jilly's closed plexiglass counter window. He had made at least 5-6 attempts to get through the window even though it was closed.
I picked him up and realized he was a youngster, a young fledgling.
Perhaps during the day when Jilly's is open he finds a way to the inside of the stand to indulge on the corn meal pizza crust bits.
Who knows.
He kept picking himself up again and crashing into the window. I picked him up and carried him away from the window because he was eventually going to kill himself. I've seen dead birds by this window before.
I talked to him and he calmed down.
He eventually  flew off.

1 comment:

  1. Is that picture of the fledgling sparrow one that you took with your phone? If so, he's very cute with his yellow lips. You did great to capture that feature of his profile.
