Tuesday, June 26, 2012

cooking shows

I can't watch that show "Bizarre Foods" or any of those cable shows that show people eating disgusting shit.
Thank God I don't have cable TV.
My husband likes to watch "Cook's Country". The recipes are normal USA style of home cooking. He's kind of like Dagwood because he has a crush of the two blond lady cooks ,"Julia" and "Bridget", not so much for their healthy Germanic looks but because they cook delicious hearty comfort foods like macaroni and cheeze, baked apples and pop-overs.
Lately, he has been watching Gordon Ramsey's two shows "Hell's Kitchen" and "Master Chef". It's not really a cooking show but more of a "reality TV" type of entertainment.
Both those shows have actually made me nauseous, but for different reasons.
The so called "Chefs' in Hell's kitchen are kind of gross pigs. They are dirty, sweaty and do nasty stuff that the camera catches them doing. The women chefs,( if you call them that), fart, burp and pick their noses. They look and act more like they are prison mates rather than schooled professional chefs. They call each other "m'bitchas!" with a threatening swagger so I can't help but think they are escapees from cell block #9.
Pretty scary.
One of the meals they were serving up in a fancy event was pigeon. 
Yes, pigeon squab.
Pigeon squab is a baby (6 week old) pigeon that has not fledged yet.
How F*&^ing sick is that?!?
And people were eating it like this a normal thing to eat (!)
In the other show, "Master Chef",  there was this one episode  that I thought I was going to puke.
Gag...just thinking about it (and writing about it) I get the stomach twists. ugh...
They were given a bucket of giant bull balls, brains, entrails and a skinned (lamb) head to cook and create something "delicious".
It was sickening.
The sick part was a cook from China had no problem "putting a meal together" from that bin of body parts.
Cool Whip is starting to look a whole lot more appealing to me!   It maybe a concoction of chemicals but at least it doesn't consist of animal parts.


  1. "Pieces is pieces. Parts is parts." Remember that advertising slogan, V? It was trying to convince us that chicken nuggets was not real food because it was made up of pieces of chicken, not chicken parts (like wings, legs, etc.).

  2. Gross!
    I buy all my meat (for my husband) at local farm stores. It cost double (almost triple)to the price at a discount supermarket but the animals are treated humanely (they walk around outside)and not "processed". It's worth it.
