Sunday, June 17, 2012

the wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 76

This morning I noticed "the Rock"'s foot has now swelled up due to the string wrapped around his foot. Not only is it swollen and disfigured but it is turning black from infection.I can't help but feel sorry for him.
A new pigeon joined the group this morning. He looks like a homer ( a popular breed of homing pigeons) His beak looked  like it was pointing down characteristically  like a homer and his cere looked different too.. As I looked closer I saw that he had a yellow leg band.
 He is indeed a homer!My question is: where did he come from? Is he lost or just stopping by for a meal?
 I tried inching closer to him to check his band for identification but just as I got close some stupid lady beeped her car horn for me to move.  At she she didn't try to run me or the pigeons over.I'll have to check again tomorrow if he is still there.
"Craow Dum" is still the same. I cleaned him very nicely this morning. I even got some debris out of his throat.Sometimes I call him "nugget" because he is always dropping nuggets.
I do think "he" is most likely a "she"."She" have been exhibiting nesting behavior. Sadly, the poor thing will never have a mate. If she ever did have a mate she would not be able to feed her babies with that missing infected beak.However, she never seems to fret or worry about what she doesn't have. She is happy to plunk herself behind the pillows on the couch. She also likes to go under the trampoline when I am on it. I get her away from it but she go right back under it.
I was really ill last thursday and in terrible pain. She climbed up the stairs and jumped into bed with me.
It was if she knew I was sick and tried to comfort me. She climbed right on top my stomach/rib area and fell asleep.She is really the sweetest pet.


  1. If it is really a she, maybe her name should be Black Beauty instead of Blackbeard. Just sayin'

  2. Hmmmm..that is a thought ;-)
    Most of the time I call her "you little nugget!"
