Friday, June 22, 2012


Again, it was horrendously hot.
Walking dogs in this weather is just awful.
I leave a pan of water on the dining room table for the birds to bathe and cool off in.
Again I drove down to the beach on my bike to avoid the traffic back-ups.The water was fairly warm with a strong undertow. And yes, a few assorted bathing suits floated on by.
I made the mistake of buying my father his favorite chocolate sugar-free candies stupidly thinking it would be OK to bring home in my bike basket by wrapping it in a towel. When I finally made it home, the chocolate amalgamated into one big melted turd..
My husband did his best to splice and connect damaged wires to fix the central air unit. Unfortunately, there were other things that were chewed and destroyed. We called a NBPT AC repairman and he came right over. We told him about the mouse caper. He made some adjustments and checked things. We thought we were A-OK after he turned the unit on and the air kicked on. As soon as his truck pulled out of the driveway, the lights dimmed and the entire unit fried and died..
My husband scrambled down stairs to shut off the circuit breaker because it didn't automatically shut-down like it was suppose to.
The entire F*&ing central air unit fried!
And all because of little shit mice.(!)
I couldn't sleep in the bedroom again like last night. The temp in the bedroom was a balmy 92F.
I do not do well in the heat. My "biological" thermostat  is on the fritz.
My head overheats big time and I, unceremoniously, threw up first thing in the morning.
So my husband and I, being  the "Mac & Myer for hire" team decided we will at least put one of our old window box AC's in the bedroom for the time being until we can get a "new" (and bloody expensive) central air unit replacement.
We did get the small box AC in the window after the both of us, in the true Boston style, serenaded the neighborhood with round of expletives from our second story window. Hey, at least the AC box didn't fall out of the window (this time)
So now, we are on the mission to replace the big ass central air unit.
We also have to figure a way to keep those damn mice from setting up shop in it as well.

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