The pigeons come and go.
I still see "Galok" and "Craow Dum", "Blum Craow Dum" and "Bust-a-Move". There are a couple of new ones that survived the winter. "JLo", who is new, has a distinct white "J" as well as new comer "Hung Cow". I still haven't seen "Whitey", "Snowflake" or "Brownie" yet.
The little sparrows wait patiently for us to feed them in the morning.
I like seeing them.
I don't care if they are "only pigeons". I still enjoy seeing them.
I read the weekly birding report of what species of birds the local bird watchers see. One gentleman who has a birding shop writes a peice every week in the daily news. He was a bit upset because an area that is protected by brush and trees was completely strip-mined of birding habitat. The area where you can usually spot nesting owls is now decimated.
The twisted joke about the whole thing is that the area was clear cut for "environmentally friendly" solar panels.
All for the sake for " the environment."
OMG is this a joke?
This was a rich habitat for a variety of different creatures used for nesting and protection is now gonzo all for the sake of being 'green".
What a F*&&ing joke.
Do people really give a shit about the environment or do they carry those stupid shopping bags and buy those curly bulbs (that release mercury when broken) to make themselves feel better as if they are abjudicating themselves of their "environmental sins"?
It's kind of like clear cutting the Brazilian rainforest to grow corn. Corn is used to make ethanol fuel which is "more environmentally friendly".
How dumb is that.
I have to laugh at those hippy "barneys" that go out and buy so called environmentally friendly hemp clothing. (Those "clothes" are F*&^%ing ugly. They must wear it to match those hideous birkinstocks and wool socks)
Ah...seriously, the most environmentally friendly clothing is recycled clothes. If you need clothes go to a resale shop.
Another thing that is a joke is 'environmentally friendly' dryers. Ah... how about just hanging your clothes on a line? No energy used there plus your clothes don't end up smelling like socks or some kind of artifical scent.
Congress is trying to pass a law to outlaw incandescent bulbs.
I had a bunch of those curly bulbs. When they burnt out they burst releasing, I beleive, toxic fumes. I went out and bought lower wattage incandescent bulbs instead. It's the same wattage but less brighter than those curly bulbs . I don't understand? Why would these low watt bulbs get outlawed?
Dumb. Dumb. DUMB!
The BIGGEST thing people can do to be really environmentally friendly is to leave habitats for critters alone.
I worry what will happen to the pigeons when the beach front becomes developed and hotels are built. Sadly, no one cares about the pigeons.
But me.
I definitely care about the environment but I don't follow what the crowds and latest fad dictates.
Wake up.
We are not the only ones that live on this planet.
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