It took me only three days to finish reading the book "Chocolate and Vicodan". I was hoping at the end of the book it would be a fairy tale ending on how one particular drug cured her headaches. But alas, like myself, certain 'drugs" only temporarily take the edge off. Everyday, as Jeannette the author of "Chocolate & Vicodan"describes, the headache waits around the corner to "come out to play".
As I mentioned in the last post, the author tried just about every "headache" drug out there (and then some) hoping it would cure her. The headache, eventually, slowed down.
The drugs that helped her were Celexa (antidepressant-which side effects include headache relief) and indomethacine (anti-inflamatory)
I was prescribed indomethacine at one time. But to my horror and embarrassment it was dispensed as a rectal suppository. There was a little sticker on the bottle of a drawing of a bum with the note "for the rectum". I took that little sticker and stuck it to the bathroom mirror of one of my friends as a prank. I asked the doctor if I could have the "oral" medicine instead. He said that this med was so strong it tended to cause severe gastric ulcers. At that point I wasn't going to stick something up my bum if it acted like battery acid on soft tissue.
I take naproxin instead. Naproxin also calms females "inflamatory' hormones too. It's a better choice.
Imetrix, midrin or other triptans (like zomig) did not work for her.
Zomig is the only thing that works for me.
She also struggled with fighting off the intense urge for sweets.
I had thought it was just me.
Here is a quote from her book, and I swear it is something I would've written:
"Then I'd gone to bed and woken up the next day, which would either be a good day or a bad day. Who knew which? There was only so much I could do to control the headache. I took my pills (except when I forgot). I drove past the donut shop (except when I didn't). I still fought it (except when I quit)"
I was hoping at the end of the book she was cured and had a solution. I guess pain is pain but everyone is still chemically and biologically different. She talked about "auras' and "zig zag flashes".
I don't get those.
I get teary eyed, super sensitive to smells and sound. A burning crushing feeling throughout my body.The pain crawls up my legs and grabs me by the neck crushing my head.
Matter of fact, I need a pill right now (and a donut)
You make the pain sound like a creepy, crawly monster, V. I'm sure that must be the worst kind. Gentle hugs.
ReplyDeleteSorry, V. This headache thing really sucks. Wish I could make it go away for you. :o(