Today is Ash Wednesday.
It is the beginning of Lent.
Thank God it is not snowy or dark today so I have a better perspective (and mood).
After reading my most recent posts I am starting to feel that one foot is hanging "off the wagon". I've worked so hard and yet, the winter has been so harsh. I think all in all despite of everything I've stuck to my running routine, my daily cell block #9 workouts, yoga stretches and staying away from my beloved donuts.
I think, however, after being totally honest with myself, I've eaten way more than the allowable weigh watchers guidelines.
Yes, I've been hungry.
It's been cold.
I've been depressed (migraine cloud).
And some days I could barely function.
I'm catching myself now before I fall completely off the weigh watchers wagon.
I've had all these plans and projects for the winter but I've done none of them.
I've been lucky enough to make sure dinner was on the table and the bird cages cleaned and maintained. After trudging in the snow, cold and f*&^ing freezing wind and rain all day I launch myself on the couch with a hot cup of tea and four cockatiels to cuddle with.
It's Lent now which means spring, and a rebirth of attitude.
Today, I pulled out my food diary to make myself conscience of my daily intake.
I went through my scuba log book to check when the last time my regulators have been overhauled.
I am starting to think about a new art project. I started sketching ideas.
I made myself an appointment for a facial treatment.
I finally wrote letters to my state congressmen about laws that I find unfair to the elderly and disabled.
Today, for the first time in a long time, I saw some of my pigeon friends on the beach. They are slowly coming out of hiding.
I'll still have those dark days but hopefully, they will be less frequent once the sun comes out.
Happy Lent! :-)
So glad you are refreshing, and renewing. Don't beat yourself up to badly about the diet thing...You're doing what you can, and if you're 75% to the good...then there's nothing to feel guilty about.