Friday, April 1, 2011

update on "Patches"

I just wanted to update you on "Patches Kennedy".

He has been such a delight!

He's such a funny little thing with particular likes and dislikes, and he let's you know it!

First of all, he doesn't like to go in the TV room to watch TV-especially with the other birds. Once in awhile I can get him to watch "Judge Judy" with me if I take him in alone.

He likes to be out of his cage and "help" me read the newspaper. He will come over and flip the pages while wolf whistling as if to tell me 'there you go!"

He says, "whattcha doing?" and "what a "pretty boy!"

I am trying to teach him to say "I'm a naughty boy". He will walk over to me and stick his head right under my chin. He tries to flirt with "Fresh Baby" but she will snub him like the spoiled little Paris Hilton look-a-like that she is.

He let's the other bird know that he is the big man on campus by struttling around the table with with wings spread and beak clacking. Yes, he is expressing his male dominance. Maybe that will explain why he bites the TV clicker.

He also hates a dirty cage.

When "play time' is over he will refuse to go in his cage if there is poop or scattered food on the paper-lining. I have to make sure the paper is changed continually.

He really liked "Princess" when she stayed with us. They both have that "pearl feathering coloration". Princess pretended she didn't like him but would sit next to him in his cage when his cage was open.

I just saw in the news that Patches (Patrick) Kennedy of Rhode Island (son of the late Ted Kennedy)just announced his engagement at age 43 years old. He will no longer be a bachelor. Perhaps my "Patches" has found a lady love as well with "Princess".

Only time will tell.

He is such a cutie pie!


  1. Is the picture really of him? If so, he certainly is pretty.

  2. Yup, that is a photo of Patches. I finally got my electronically knowledgeable husband to down-load pics that I had of the birds. I still can't figure out how to do it.
