It is snowing.
Last night, the TV weathermen didn't make a fuss over this predicted snowfall stating that we would be "only getting 1-3 inches worth of snow".
So far, we have at least 8 inches and it is still falling.
If I didn't have to go out I wouldn't mind.
But I have customers to tend to that are away on vacation.
I hate driving in this shit.
I have one customer who's house sits literally on a cliff.
To get to this house you have to drive this narrow bumpy pitted incline and then, down a wicked straight drop to where the house is perched overlooking this spectacular vista. It is absolutely beautiful in the spring, summer and fall.
It reminds me of Telegraph Hill in San Francisco except for- San Francisco doesn't get snow and ice.
You could literally slide down this hill and keep on going all the way down into the Merrimack River. I mean it.
Yesterday, I parked on a side road leading up to the hill. The road was sanded but it was still covered with huge patches of ice with frost heaves. I wasn't going to take my chances.
I, however, have to get over there today, somehow.
Needless to say, I have a knot in my stomach.
Yesterday, I made sure this kitty had two full bowls of food and two water bowls so if I can't get over there at least I know the kitty has plenty of food and water.
How many days til spring?
I feel for you. You must be so sick of snow by now. I hate that you have to drive in it, especially to places like the one you described above.((shudder)) Oh, it snowed in San Francisco yesterday if that makes you fell any better.