I've been finding the little blue pills around the house from "Felix" spitting up his anti-anxiety meds.
Well, at least I think those little blue pills are "Felix's" pills (wink)
I've been finding ,"Vadl", the drooling "special needs' cat downstairs as well despite my repeated and valiant efforts of locking him in his room as instructed by the owner. Seriously, I do not know how he gets out. I slam the door shut and there he is drooling over the water fountain the next morning.(!?)
Either Vadl or Felix has been using the kitchen counter as a toilet on a daily basis.
Today, I found I bunch of turds in a neat little pile next to the tea kettle.
I had to call the owner, which I am reluctant to do, as not to make them worry, but I had to in regards to Felix's expulsion of his daily needed meds.
I suggested grinding the pills up, putting them in peanut butter and smearing it on his paws so he would be forced to eat it off. I had to run this by the owner first just in case peanut butter was a no no. She was fine with this suggestion (thank God!)
The peanut butter trick worked but Felix was not happy having this sticky goo on his paws. He twitched a little and let out an angry gutteral meow.
One more day, my friend, just one more day.
I also inquired about if there were any extra litter as the litterboxes were getting well used and needed to be at least topped off.
There was none.
The cat food was dwindling as well. There is just enough for one more day.
The elderly cat that was confined to bedroom had successfully peed on every bit of bedding and towels in the room. I notified the owner of this situation and she told me, "oh, that's Ok. She does that".
I managed to get everyone fed, all five litterboxes as clean as possible, the floor swept up and I gave everyone a "happy good kitty head scratch" to reduce the anxiety of their "mommy" not being home for them. I did a head count and everyone was accounted for.
Last night, we had hurricane winds. Thankfully there was no damage.
This morning, we had snow.
Again, thankfully, we only got an inch or two of snow which was not a problem.
Thank God for small favors.
See? I told you cat people were crazy. Who lets their animals pee all over everything? That house must smell like a zoo.
ReplyDeleteWell, you will have to admit my "adventures" make great foder for my blog stories!
ReplyDeleteHmmm... I wonder what my pet sitter thinks everytime I call her to take care of my ELEVEN birds! :-P