I had made the decision to give up my regular dog walking clients. I thoughtfully weighed the pros and cons.
The negative part of giving up the dogs would be:
a) I would miss them
b) It's steady exercise
c) It's a main source of steady income
The reasonings on why I would halt regular dog walking:
a) The weather conditions in general, such as: Snow storms, freezing rain, ice, below zero temps, hurricane winds, rain and summer heat.
b) I never get a sick day. I am out regardless of how I feel.
c) The rising cost of gas.
d) Unpredictable schedule.
e) General burn out.
So I decided on putting together a more aggressive advertising plan for bird boarding and house calls for cats so that my business doesn't collapse. I would still do the occasional dog walking but not on a regular basis.
I had been really grouchy and depressed since last week. I'm guessing it is a mix of shitty weather, exhaustion and F*&^ed up hormones plus a serotonin crash.
I would talk to each of the clients in person as well adding a formal letter of my departure with the name and number of my pet sitter so that their service would not be disrupted.
You know that expression "timing is everything".
Well, talk about shit hitting the fan while holding the bed-pan.
I just informed one of my long time customers.
She burst out in tears.
She had just been laid off.
She would not be needing me anymore regardless but she was visibly saddened.
I felt terrible.
But we talked for a bit and agreed that possibly in the future I could come back.
Another client's son has a terminal illness. I will continue on for awhile. My husband wants me to continue with this customer for some reason, he really likes this dog. She's kind of a brat too.
I thought I would feel better after making such a decisive decision, but I don't.
It's sort of like breaking up with a really nice guy when you go off to boot camp. Sure, you could continue on with the relationship but instead you just want to focus on boot camp.
Seriously, this is a dunkin donut day.
And a Cayman Gold rum day.
Instead I went in my closet and tried on all my shoes.
Oh, V. What a day you had. I almost choked when I read your last line. Good for you! Hugs,
ReplyDeleteQuitting a job is never easy. Even if you hate the job, you don't hate all of the people you leave behind, and that makes it hard. Follow your heart, and stick to your guns, and everything will work out as it should.