Today is groundhog day.
We just got hit with one of the worst f*&^%ing snow/ice/sleet/shit storms since 1978. We now have 15 foot mountain ridges of snow on both sides of the driveway.
I had a customer this morning and I am telling you, just me and f*&%ing plows were out in whiteout conditions. It was horrendous.
The only way to get to Newburyport is either over the rte 95 Whittier "death" bridge or the rte 1 "skating rink" bridge. The chain bridge is closed. I am scared shitless going over those bridges in bad conditions.
The roads and driveways are not plowed. I kid you not when I say the snow is up to my chest. I keep a shovel, sand, scrapers and an extra pair of windshield wipers in my car for emergencies.
I needed to use all four items today.
I am not in a good mood.
I've already shoveled twice today and it was as if I never shoveled at all. I had to shovel the back deck off (again) because I was afraid the weight of the snow and ice would collapse it.
I also wanted to make sure the bird feeders were free of ice and full of seed. A family of goldfinches rely on me. There is also one blind goldfinch that regularly visits the feeder.
As I was trudging through the snow to check to make sure the vents were not covered with snow and ice I got stuck. The snow in the backyard was almost up to my neck. I had to dig like a woodchuck or better yet, a groundhog to make my way out of the "quick sand" snow piles.
I must be insane, or something.
I actually put on the Fox25 news to see if the groundhog saw his shadow.
These are desperate times.
I follow these silly old wives tales traditions in hopes that the weather will miraculously turn to spring.
Punxatawny Phil didn't see his shadow and it was announced spring will be here early.
I'm still in a pissy mood.
And my boots AND my underwear are filled with snow.
I know exactly how you are feeling, V. I shoveled three times today. This last session was actually shoveling soupy slush up a mountain of frozen, icy plow leavings. The wipers on the truck aren't able to cut the ice on the windshield, so I liberally bathe the area with washer fluid. I hope the da*n stuff will melt. It doesn't.
ReplyDeleteI got so overheated shoveling that I was dripping inside my boots and coat. My head was feverish.
This is not good stuff.
The bridges now scare me. I am feeling super depressed and anxious-especially about my career choice right now having to drive in this weather and with no accommodations for me to at least park my car safely.
ReplyDeleteI can understand people "leaving dodge" to not even have to think about snow & ice. However if you expect people to take care of your pets when you are away you HAVE to think & plan the worst case scenerio. It doesn't help that this is migraine season either. Seriously, I am not a happy camper right now....
I feel sorry for you guys. I know how much the snow and ice can suck. If it's any consolation, it's kind of cold here today. It got all the way down to 27 degrees last night...course, it didn't snow.