Saturday, August 11, 2012

the wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 79

Different ones come and go. For the most part, they are healthy and fat due to all the discarded french fries and pizza. I haven't seen "Homer" nor any of the other recognizable regulars.
 I did notice up on the Christie's pizza sign ledge two youngsters sitting there patiently. They are of a snow-flake coloring. I know they are youngsters, not for their size because "squab' are the same size as adults, but for their beaks. The young pigeons beaks are bulkier. They are most likely fledglings still occasionally eating from their parents but at the same time learning to eat on their own. I saw them both today gingerly picking at the seeds with the adults.I would guess that they about 7-8 weeks old.
I had taken a break from reading my pigeon chat-line because there were just too many sad stories. However, just recently there was a happy story about a successful hatchling story. This couple from the UK rescued a couple of pigeons a while back. They set up a "pigeon hotel" for them. (It was a carpeted kitty castle) The pigeons became a mated pair and had babies.Horray!
Craow Dum is now officially a year old.He eats good and poops perfectly. He had his first feather "molt". Since he can not properly groom and break the newly emerging  feather sheaths, I do it for him. I still clean his nose and mouth daily. So far, he is still hanging in there without any noticeable discomfort or emerging problems.
He is a funny bird .Tonight, he will watch a movie with us and I will make him some pop-corn to enjoy.
How spoiled is that!

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