Wednesday, August 29, 2012

the wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 80

* I couldn't resist posting a photo of a pouter pigeon that I found on the internet.

As soon as I step out my car in the morning  at least 50 pigeons fly off the roof tops and follow me.
It kind of freaks out a few of the morning tourists when they see this huge flock of pigeons swooping down. I've seen people run.
 I haven't seen "Homer". God knows where he is.
This year's hatchlings-the "Snowflake twins"-I recognize in the bunch.
When I go to the beach in the afternoon I'll watch the pigeons and their interaction with the human crowd. Little kids are the ones that notice and are delighted by the pigeons. They are the ones who will throw a french fries or pizza crust to the birds. The pigeons, I swear, put a show on for them similar to the street performers you see at bus stops. They will toss a crust about like Harlem globe trotter basketball star with such purpose by flipping it on their back and over to another bird.
Two of the fire-house pigeons routinely visit my back deck.
"Craow Dum" is still hanging in there. No real change in his health except for the frontal sinus lobe is getting larger. There is nothing I can do to prevent this. I just keep his nose, eyes and mouth clean of booger and debris. After his morning debridement, he seems to smile at me afterwards.
I was sick for a few days and he jumped on the couch to join me. He gives me a "hip check" in order for me to move over for him. He snuggles close to me, falls asleep and snores. Meanwhile, "Patches" will serenade me with his whistling rendition of "Winchester Cathedral". The visiting jardine parrot will try to follow suit but is a bit off tune. "Linus" doesn't give a shit and sings his own made up off-key  song. Sadly, he would be booted off the American Idol auditions. I will then hear "Whook" muttering, "Jesus STINK....f*&^ing pain......ha ha ha ha...bruuup...JeSUS!"
Never a dull moment.


  1. They are your cheering squad, V. They want you to feel better when you're under the weather.
