Friday, April 8, 2011

Welcome to the Troll Cathedral part 3

OK you are probably wondering, OK what is up with the troll dolls?!? Is this retarded or what? Well, there are a lot of stories involved. Seriously, when my father was in the hospital after a nasty fall he was really out-of-it. He couldn't remember nor recognize anyone. I brought in a troll doll and he immediately related the troll doll to ME. Yes, it is true, my father could identify me by the troll doll. The troll with the pokey horse (as depicted below)was from my brother. He bought a whole pile of them from building 19 (a salvage discount store) He booby trapped my Christmas gifts with them. Whenever I opened a gift say, a nice towel ensemble, a troll would fall out. I loved it!

A Red sox fan. I found this one at a yard sale. It is actually a bank so you can put coins in it to save up to buy more trolls!

This one my cousin found buried half way in the sand next to a dilapidated house on Plum Island. A sure sign that I was destined to live by the sea.

This one I found buried in the sand when I first moved to the beach. I hurt my foot on it because I had stepped on the "gun".This troll's face was filthy and marked up with magic marker. He actually looked like Saddam Hussein when he was pulled from the spider hole. I cleaned him up to make him look like a proper citizen.

I found this show-case at a thrift shop. I cleaned it up and replaced the glass door. I specifically bought for my troll collection.

Tea anyone? Yes, this is a troll tea set.

My husband bought me this one off of the internet as a Christmas gift.. This one was from the 1960's. I call this one "Auntie Tillie". She reminds me of one of my Aunts with her big hat and pearl necklace. My Aunt Tillie's daughter when she was a teenager had a gigantic troll doll. I was afraid if it fell off the shelf on top of me it would've easily crushed me.

Can you see the difference between the 1980's circa troll compaired to the pointy earred 1960's circa troll?

This is an original Dam troll. I found this one in a resale shop in the "witch town" of Salem.

I recently renamed this one as "Mickey". Does'nt this one look just like Mickey Rourke from the movie "the Wrestler"?

So there you have it. Welcome to the Troll Cathedral!

1 comment:

  1. OK, then. I'm just going to back slowly out of the room... :o)
